Life goes on - Winter 2023

Looks like as of the 11th, my area is in the clear. Maybe the volunteer FD’s are slow to change out the fire danger signs.

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if the rain came hard and fast, and the ground and everything else was super dry. There is a chance that not much of it actually soaked in and there is still a fire risk.

I think the township here usually waits until the next regular business meeting before lifting bans. So it could be a week or two after a good slow soaking rain…

Just got in from beginning to clear my road with the snowblower. We got system snow yesterday and then got hooked into a Lake Effect band. About 18 inches with 3 foot drifts. It’s windy. I have 1400 foot to clear before the neighbor takes over and I only got about 500 feet done so far. Just wide enough to get a truck through. I hope he’s not sick because it’s a half mile to the county road. I’ve cleared the whole thing before, but not with this much drifting snow. Going to be a long cold day. Luckily we didn’t get the real cold. 17f right now. Just about right for that kind of work. Better than that 100f Alabama humid. Different strokes.


Hey TomH
Somehow this little gal-hummer did not get the word to fly south for the winter.

That inaccurate thermometer says ~15F.
Third day of this.
Two days more expected of 24 hours around sub-freezing.
We are on the far western edge of the Arctic high effecting you I expect.
Last 24 hours there has been at least 500,000 without Grid power from intercontinental wind flows out through mountains gaps to the ocean.
Mostly trees uprooted taken down onto power line and houses.

I’d guess at least 100,000 proud Tesla owner/drivers out here now teeth gnashing and fingers freezing stuck at home. Power-spent, stuck out and about somewhere.
Ha! So far there has been no effort for a $$$'s making portable come-charge-you services.
Many, many paid services will bring you a gallon to two of gasoline.

Urban areas you can drive thru and hear the portable gasoline generators screaming along.

I’m fine. We are fine. Staying home. Feeding the woodsove. Watching the wildlife.
Steve unruh


This was yesterday, I didn’t realize the phone was going to go totally bright white and blind me, taking this picture. I was just back from getting the Puma out of it’s summer storage.
The snow is actually too deep for the Puma. I had to stand on the back grab handle and hold the bars up. The snow still came over the wind screen.
Today, I am going to see if the road is plowed yet. I just bought a Bearcat utility sled. It has float skis, long track, and reverse. I think it was built for this snow.
I want to go cut some ski trails with the Bearcat and the electric chainsaw.


Life begins :slightly_smiling_face:


I was going to call and check on you guys today, and here is the update i was looking for :rofl:

Yesterday i drive to estacada oregon in the dodge just ahead of the storm, arrived at 7:50 am
Group met up at 8:30 and the wind started howling, then freezing rain non stop
To our hiking spot about 2,000’ elevation the freezing rain continued, we hiked to 3,000 ish and it turned to deep deep snow 4-5’ and 6’ drifts on the trail
Topped the hill at -4° and headed back down
All our rigs were frozen to the ground encased in shells of ice, took some time for me to yank everyone loose with the dodge and had to shovel dig out one car froze to the ground
Coming down the hill if the wipers were not moving constant they would freeze to the windshield
Took 2 hours 45 minutes to head there in the morning, took 4 hours to get back. No power, trees down everywhere, freeway was a nightmare. This is so outside of normal weather for his area

Did i mention for the first 110 miles there the dodge had no heat? Ya, heater core was frozen. Im very lucky it didnt result in extreme expensive damage
On the way home wiper motor gave out completely
Stopped multiple times to break sheets of ice off the headlights to maximise the maybe 40 or 50 feet of visibility, navigating the freeway by the relfectors on the shoulder and the median
Arrived home in a blizzard last night at 5°, we hit -6° last night. Left the truck and cars running, ill eat the fuel cost vs blowing a freeze plug for my own stupidity in not checking condition of antifreeze being up to snuff for the coming weather


Dog looked out the door to go outside today and turned around and right back on the couch. She is either poopin inside today or going to hold it til spring.


Lol! Yep, chickens said the same thing…“nope, not us! We’re jungle fowl!”


Hi Marcus many might criticize you for going out so far in harms way.
Knowing where you live now versus work and your long urban then rural commute I’d say just practice. Practice getting back home to the Wife and kids come-what-may.
In case of the Big-One earthquake.
Or any other event. Nature; or Man.

Realistic Practice-proofing we all have a hole in our system rear-it’s-head.
Me? I still have not gotten around to setting up the wiring and switching over to generator operate the submersible deep well pump. Recently said we had days and days of gravity toilet flushing in rain water set out wheel barrels. Sheee. Now all frozen blocks of Ice. So . . . two things immediately: half filled up the one bathrooms tub with pumped well water. Dug around and surfaced an actual Ice pick. For chunking those blocks for melting.

Found of the family all set up with generators now then one sister had to slog out two towns away to buy a can of generator gasoline to see her though her 5-7 day expected without Grid.
Oregon coastal mountains freezing rain. She is over 200 miles away.
The other sister with an excellent Yamaha generator; once had I set her up with a Skil battery electric lawn mower gave away her gas can!! Just having the 4-10 hours of gasoline in the generator. That now nearly 7 months old since I last exercised it. And I’m now 70 miles away.
Me able to lines detach and pump relay bypass for most any vehicle. NOT something I can explain to them. Arc-spark, then Woosh; fire.

In your case I will expect some of those work rigs need routine coolant drains and refills. You taking the best of the drain outs home. Ha! How I did and still top up for my timing cover leaking Ford 5.0L for many, many years now.

Keep your home fires burning man.
Steve Unruh


The stove stays hot, burning steady for 2 weeks now


It’s cold here, but not cooold. I think everybody should have a nice big body of water to their west. Makes all the different. Didn’t get cleared all the way today but I did beat myself half to death with what I did accomplish. I kick some ass tomorrow. Even your dog is smarter than me Matt. Of course, what dog isn’t?


Sunny COLDday morning to All.

My Wife loves me; and if I complain too much she figures how to quiet me.
Here Wet-Westside of the Cascades Crest we do not use ear flapped hats or fur-rimmed hoods. They will just cold wet get sopped, and hang heavy and cold. Then wetting drip chill the neck.
So these last few days of COLD dry I’ve been complaining of frosted ears outside doing chore.
So out of a Melinda box-drawer of too many things (her just-in-cases) she gifted me these:

Ha. “Wife these are for kids.” Smile. Just try them husband and stop complaining.

They rotate fold down. Then nested spring steel expand out.
They work well and are pocketable.

I guess you-easterners (all east of the Cascades Crest) in the dry cold do know a thing or two too.
Steve unruh


I just saw a post from Auto a basura Grupo. Eddie’s page that Facebook is closing down his page due to infringement on trademark and intellectual rights.


Its a scammer they sent a message via chat, saying the same thing. Facebook dont work that way.

I hope he didnt click the link. I sent him a very nasty message back and then reported and blocked him / her.


Yup sound like his page got hacked.


If you can’t get it running you still got a ride home :grinning:


I’ll wait for Tom H to make some wise remark about people who work on cars and WG trucks.


I just make smart ass remarks Don. No wisdom involved. Mainly I’m guessing that is a 56 Ford.


Appearenty you have tried to move away from this state too. Its like a magnet it wont let you go. I just want ot be warm I hate this place. lol