Life goes on - Winter 2023

Im planning on setting up the S-10 some have seen at the anual events. I was going to do it with the 68 K20 as that was going to be the Dooms Day Chevy lol. But I decided not to do that with that truck once the body work started to turn out. So instead the S-10 will be the doomsday Chevy. But I have to first get the K20 done first and it will become my daily driver. The S-10 is 2wd and I plan to convert it to 4WD with a complete Toyota drive trane I have from a 94 I scrapped out. I bought a solid front axle from craigs list to make it a complete drive trane with solid front axle. The 283 small block that is currently sitting in the frame of the K-20 is going in the S-10. I have a 5.3 with 4L60 trans and 208 transfer case that will go into the K-20. Going to get the bellhousing from Advanced Adapters to adapt the Toyota 5 speed to SBC. Frame is good and solid, the cab is in good shape as far as the floor boards go but it will need rockers and cab corners done. Box is shot so probably going to build a flat bed and integrate a gasifier system into it. Not sure yet; just brain storming for now but gasifying the S-10 is the plan for that truck.


In Michigan there was also Terry Gryzb, Henry Austin and Doug Drost that I can think of. maybe more?


Hey Steve U

You mentioned a trip when I visited Mike LaRosa .

It was a round trip of 1987 miles in 2007 all on wood . I can remember the miles well because it is the same as the year model of the dakota . When I left Mikes I went on to Milwaukee to speak at an event ( see pic below )


gasifier meeting in the barn
 the tiller had to work today for 6 hours


Well the State of Michigan has more than Washington State that’s for sure on producing DOW drivers.


I don’t know about you, but I like random clips about everyday life. Most of us focus on and remember to use our camera only when there’s something out of the ordinary, but forget to document everyday life.
Even local news clips like these I find pleasent.


Opps. I’d thought I’d switched over to a linked PM.
My bad.
Delate out, erase?
Yes. Too political.

Yes I was sure there are many more that want to be silent and stealthy about what they are doing in this state because of all the sold out to big money groups that are not for the hard working blue collar people that pay the governments taxes. Rich people do not pay their fair share in this government system we are living in. Looking for to a government that makes the rich pay more than there share because they are rich lol.
Yes I am sure there are a lot of wood gas generator systems working in this state under a stealth mode of operation. It looks like it runs off LP or gas/diesel fuel but it can run off of woodgas too. These people will never be on this site for the reason like you mentioned.


Actually thay cant say anything. The generator has a EPA cert and wood gas system are not regulated. There is nothing any organization can do our say about anyone wood fueling a generator in the USA

Now a truck that is different it is actually illegal to replace any part that is not OEM and that includes the fuel system. However that is very rarely ever enforced on the consumer side. But on the manufacturer side they will hunt you down. That is why all the online car parts performance stores always have that fine writing for some aftermarket parts. That would also apply to anyone attempting to produce a system for vehical installs. You would have to market it the same way as the LP conversions.


Sad sight seen yesterday at the junkyard. I went looking for an extra wheel for my 1998 Dakota. I still have a 1995 I am rebuilding the great lakes salt region rusted frame. There were a couple of rows of early and mid 1990’s Dakotas lined up for the crusher. Too old to be taking up space so the management said.


Move to the mountain, and holy crap i get a real winter!?!?!

Total of 14” the last 3 days and still some coming down, snowed in at home 2 days this week with main roads closed. Temperature dropping fast hard freeze last night today I can walk on top of the snow. Hiked up behind the house Wednesday and got into 2, of fresh stuff at 1400, elevation


Naw Marcus, that’s just decorating powder :grin:


I dont understand how the volvo doesnt have mattracks yet for your winter conditions :rofl:


Wait. You have 2ft of fresh powder on the hill right behind your house and you are online yammering about it instead of building a tow rope to get up that to go skiing and snowboarding? :rofl:


Im actually getting ready for a road trip to oregon with some friends to go hiking in their snow, theres is nice powder, mine is a ice sheet on bottom and hard crust on top, suuuucks to move through. Here is a short video i took up top the other day


We have the wrong sport for you!! You need a bobsled! You will be able to qualify for the olympics in no time especially after you learn to steer with a bunch of wood in it to fuel the gasified tow rope system. :slight_smile:

Powder is for those wimpy skiiers and snowboarders. It is twice as nice on the ice. :slight_smile:


Winter finally came here as well. Waiting on the full force of the storm. The whole state is getting hit as far as I can tell. We are supposed to get another 16 inches with up to 50 mph wind gusts. Going to single digits and teens for high for the rest of the month. No forecast beyond that. I know that’s nothing compared to the sub-zeros a lot of your have but I’m in no mood for a trade. Anyway I have wood and I don’t have to go anywhere. Actually I could not go anywhere for months if I wanted. It’s the story of the grasshopper and the ant.


We are supposed to get ‘heavy snow’ followed by ‘rain’ followed by light snow and it is supposed to be over sometime around tomorrow at this time.

Wait. I didn’t think you went anywhere for months -anyway-. :slight_smile:


We’ve been getting a lot of rain just this week.

In McAdenville on my way to work, the tributary going to the Catawba river is full. Touching the underside of the bridge right now. That was from one day of heavy rain, and it started raining again today.

I wonder if they’ll declare the drought over.


probably not, but it will show up on on thursday. :slight_smile:

The larger problem is it isn’t soaking into the soil, it is just running off.