Life goes on - Winter 2023

-12°c (10,4F) in my part of Sweden, going to be colder this weekend.

Door lock at work, inside!


I hope Wayne hasn’t rubbed off on you too much. I heard southerners were susceptible to frost bite under 60F. :slight_smile:


I have been frost bitten a few tumes in my life. One time out hunting I could not hardy hold my keys to unlock the door to my car. My thumbs stop operating holding the key, put the key between my fingers and tried to squeeze with the other hand it worked. We were glad to get home that day out of the cold.


Someone once told be (probably JO) that the only reason life is possible in Scandinavia is because of the Gulf stream oceanic current pumping warmth up there. Kinda sobering thod…


I got this notification today.

8 years… thod l shuld show my apreciation for the privilege of being a member here. All this time, this site gave me so much and truely, l wuldnt be this far in life if it werent for it. Its my news, my entertainment, library, and so much more. But most of all, friendship. Truely, when l met some of you guys in person, it was like meeting a old friend, not a stranger.

So thank you Chris and Wayne for establishing and maintaining this gem in the sea of trolling, hate filled sites and forums out there. And to other friends on the site, l tip my hat.


Hey Kristijan

Lots of good memories .

I have a couple of rooms that I still refer to as JO and Kristijans :smiley:


Ugh, today was pretty cold.


Hi Jan, ouf, that is pretty cold, we have -22°c here.
But i have to admit something: when i saw your pic of the thermometer it hit me: your thermometer is the exactly the same as we have, and the window and bench looks the same, so, i did a print screen, cut the pic some, and send it to some friends that always discuss temperature, and ALWAYS has one degree colder than me, they have some kind of competition about this. Guess if i got them to shut up?
I hope you don’t mind me doing this?
“Using” your temperature as mine to “sätta mina vänner på plats, en gång för alla”?


Hi All,
It is settling into mid-winter routines here.
Two short Grid power outages here so far. And one underground phone line outage - takes out the Internet.
23 years at the old place, on municipal water from two reservoir tanks up on the side of Yacolt Mountain and I got spoiled having gravity water in power outages.
Here . . . how to flush the toilet my wife asked:

A bucket of captured rain water at a time out of your gardening wheel barrel, says I.

I do have four house rain gutters and the 42 gallon plastic barrels I could set up.
I do now have the IC engine powered tracked toter I could barrel bring water up from the lower year around fish bearing creek.

Only other mildly interesting thing here was the first construction screw flat on her car yesterday.
Down at the edge of Yacolt town once they added the slow-down traffic bumps it had been a screw/tack-nail flat on one or the other of the family vehicles nearly monthly for years now.
Bump shaken off the back of contractors flatbeds and trailers bouncing over the traffic bumps.
All of those what finally convinced me to just goo-rope plugs from the outside versus de-mount inside flat patches. I learned to use the tubed rubber cement as a push in, lubricant sealer. 100% successful then.

Has anyone heard anything from the Alabama North family guys lately??
I am getting concerned.
Steve Unruh


Hello Mr. Steve .

I talked with Jacob a couple days back. He is busy building himself a house and he was asking me sawmill questions .

I did ask about his family and they were all well .


Yes, years ago I had a leak I had to fix without the correct materials. I did have some silicone sealant though. I figured I would do a temporary fix and have it properly addressed later. Later never came because it never leaked again. :slightly_smiling_face:


Might just be picking nits here but this annoys me so I thought I’d mention. Give credit where credit is due. Sorely lacking on most youtube builds. If you build a WK then Wayne Keith should be acknowledged. A BP then Ben Peterson should be acknowledged as the originator. Same with many others even on the forum. Tone in particular. These guys spent a great deal of time and effort developing these tools and offered their designs to the public without compensation other than perhaps a few book sales which in the number of volumes they could sell is barely mentionable. Well winter is long and boring. I’m sure I’ll find a lot of other things to bitch about.


Yes, those are the masters I was referring to. And thanks to them normal people are able to build a gasifier too.

Taking a walk on the dyke behind the house we saw these guy. During summer there was a moment we were playing with a couple of them while jetski-ing. Haha, they took a dive and I almost got a full wetsuit :grinning: Not something to mess with if SHTF.
Floodplains are filled and the freezing has started.


I couldn’t agree more Tom. After all the trouble I went through to get my WK going, I can’t imagine how much time and effort Wayne went through to get it developed. If I had built it exactly like the plans, I probably wouldn’t have had any trouble, but I changed a few things and that is what caused my problems.



Thats freeking COLD-i had to look around to see ware my parka winter coat was after seeing though’s temps. We been strangly warm this winter so far,our 3" predicted snow turned to rain, though 4 more days and it is headed for more normal january-20’s in day and 8-12 f at night. hopefully we get an early warmer spring than last spring it dident warm up much until dam near june.


Absolutely gary, the only things
That i had redo or fix were things that i changed from the way Wayne did them. Alls well that ends well.


Sometimes doing it the Alabama way is the best way. More wood gas drivers in the State of Alabama than any other State in the USA.


Is that a fact Bob? I’ve wondered about that. Seems like you only hear from Wayne and the North’s. Be interesting to get a count of wood gas drivers by state. I’m going to try and add myself to the list when the weather gets better.


The North family has 4 wood gas drivers. Wayne has 3 his son and wife Lisa have driven his truck. In Washington state we have 3 maybe 4 one up in Bellingham he kinda gone incognito or stealthy mode now.
But @mggibb Mike, @Norman89 Marcus, and myself, here in this State, there might be others not sure. Sounds like @SteveUnruh might be the next one.
How about where you live can you think of other wood gas drivers in your State?
It would be interesting to know how many people are doing this in the USA.


Kevin and Don Mannes are the only ones I know for sure. Not sure about Matt R or Bruce or if they are just generator guys like me. I can only go by ones I’ve seen talk about it on the site.