Life goes on - Winter 2023

You beat me to it Joep. I was just about to suggest something like that :smile:


Yeah. Some time to order new parts. There is a good importer overhere.

Atmos is burning, the rest is still a sleep. Lets see if I got this one working today :grinning:


Slept in and spent the rest of the morning catching up on DOW sipping a cup of coffe after breakfast. Then the internet news - the earthquake in Japan, more Russian bombing in Ukraine and the weather forcast. After that a few Youtubes until I went downstairs to make fire.
In the boiler room I have the radio plugged in so that it cranks up when I turn the lights on. When loading the boiler I listened to a professor in theoretical philosophy talking about this and that. The fact that younger generations seem to forget about the importance of democracy. An increasing number of people world wide claim they would prefer a more authoritharian regime. That with internet information over load, there has never been more diverse opinions - even about facts. It seems the more we learn the less we know for sure :smile: Is it ok to feel happy and content, even with all the disasters happening all over the world.
I remained in my boiler room armchair watching the flames for quite a while listening to the professor. When I finally got back upstairs wife had prepared lunch. It’s 3 pm now, and already getting dark. I had plans for today. One of them being taking a look at the Volvo gasifier, which is sitting dismanteled on a pallet in the garage. I’m still not properly dressed and it’s -9C outside - maybe tomorrow.
TomC once mentioned too much time to think is no good. I replied I didn’t know what he was talking about. Maybe he was right after all.


Most Americans think they live in a Democracy JO. They do not. We are a Republic. In simple terms this means that we have a constitution which establishes a framework of governance. We democratically elect representatives who must operate within the checks and balances of that framework. When the rules of law become so complex, compromised and muddled as they now are then people tend to look for an individual to grab the reins of power and give them a structure they can somehow understand. That person is never working in their best interests.


We are a monarky Tom, but the royal family’s only purpose nowdays is PR. We pay tax money to feed them and have them attend cocktail partys all over the world. According to our contitution they are not even allowed to take a political stand.
Our king has a pretty nice collection of cars though (which I helped paying for).


Hi JO, I liked your comments especially about the time, your news day is about half over and it is 06:00 am here starting our new years day. Happy New Year to you all.


One thing you will fine common in all Countries / States with some kind of leadership and governments. You will pay TAXES to them and the amount you pay them is never enough. The love of Monies is the root of all evil, in this world. It is the big down fall for all. Monies can not bring us True Joy, Peace and happiness. Only God can do that.
It is going to be a interesting year that is one thing for sure with many changes. I hope and pray for many good changes.


And don’t forget the technique of using a photograph to get geometry and dimensions for a Freecad sketch.
We used that to print new feet for our Harbor Freight table saw.


Right on the spot😀. Money is very convenient to lubricate the economy and no more then that. The more you have the unhappier you get.

Our monarchy works the same JO, and I dont mind paying for it. It good for international business. Doors open when a king or queen arrives. It is just the way how people act. And for democracy, I dont know. My wife came here and heard Tito was a dictator and therefor a bad person. Anf if I look at Brussel and the bureaucracy
.Don’t want to talk politics to much, bah. In short, life has never ever been so good as now. As long as there is food and we can do what we want we leave the guillotine in the garage. But tax has to get paided. Well, it gets back to you in the form of a good life. :grinning:
News? Stopped listening a long time ago. People just want to hear misery.
Anyways, got the chipper working.

Never throw something away :frowning:. It took me longer then the chipper.

Brought an empty ibc to the land and took a new one.

And running😀 a good start of the new year

Maybe not so bright to test before cleaning😀


I really like that tractor Joep. I think I’ve seen those tractors described as orchard tractors. I had a compact 4 wheel drive Ford 1620 in the States, but it has a high center of gravity and would kill me on the hillside I live on now. Do you ever traverse slopes with your tractor and how stable do you feel it is?


:grinning::grinning::grinning: the only slopes we have in the Netherlands are the hills filled with garbage. On a clear day we can seen England from here ( joke of course)
But yes, they are used a lot in orchards and have a low gravity point. 25 hp, real strong for his size.


Anyone know anything about this?


After a night of stalking and killing giant jungle snakes:

the black panther rests; up high, hidden in the foliage:

On top of the kitchen refrigerator.

Ha! Two days of solid socked in cold wet clinging, ground cloud-fog. Drizzle raining today. Now up to 10 days without sun. Another predicted expected 10 days without sun. Winter here.
One must create bright spots in days such as these.


Natrix natrix? I tried to catch them in Croatia last year, it drives my wife crazy. Succeeded in Bosnia a few times. And trying to give them some shelter on our landplot.

Steppped on a few Esculeap ? Last summer. Luckily never had an encounter with Poskok viper.


Stupidity has no limits. French turists in Sweden to experience the cold weather :cold_face::exploding_head: -48.8C (-56F) last night up north. This news interview turned out quite funny though.


Sounds odd to say “up North” in Sweden. Do you Say “down south” as well? I have never experienced that kind of cold. I think the minus teens would be the coldest I’ve seen and that only happens rarely here.


Me neither. I think close to -40C is the coldest I’ve ever experienced in the late 70s.
If you live in the middle of the country like we do, “up north” and “down south” don’t sound odd to us. After all Sweden is a tall but skinny country. I think about the same distance from north to south as from Minnesota to Florida. No oranges or crocs in the south though :smile:

Edit: I had to check. Sweden is actually 16% shorter.


I was just about to go out and feed cows when I read the above numbers and now I will need to wait and see if the temps will warm up a little more.

It is nearing 40F outside and near 80 inside


Watch out I hear you Southerns can get frost bite real easy in colder weather. It is 60°f here in the North West.


It’s 80F here in the deep, deep south. :grinning: