Life goes on - Winter 2023

I have not seen the videos yet, I saw one was the real martian. I followed him when he was just starting out and got a little bored back then since not much happened, perhaps time to revisit and check some videos out :slightly_smiling_face:

What kind of bugs me a bit is that it is a commercial greenhouse and not something I whipped up in an afternoon but I guess it is made for more southern climates, can’t really complain since I got it for free. New owners of that grower company and they did not know if it was complete, as I put it up it was just the ventilation stuff that was missing.
Well, just have to make it better so it works. Don’t want to rely on me shoveling snow off because sooner or later I won’t and then it happens again.
Thanks for the videos, they have to wait a couple of hours before they get watched :blush:


Half arch built onto the side of your barn is an excellent way to do it JohanM.
Just so long as the barn allows for a southern exposure.
How my now deceased brother-in-law did his make greens for his smoothies year around growing.

One of the best Charlies Green house kits does this with an insulated tall north wall. Very short north peaked roof. This making a high pocket chimney out venting for too-much sun overheating times. All other south sloping glazing. Upright east and west walls. Made for cold heavy snows country.

Now is the time of years I mark out shadow/shade lines. A four foot hight car will shadow/shade out nearly 2X-3X its height. That shade gets cold. Stays cold. Even on sun warmed winter days.

Having a whole ~40% of your cover structure bleeding out heat through plastic/fiberglass/true glass just seems not-thinking to me.
The game is growing foods. Not enclosing cubic feet volume as cheaply and easily as possible.

Ha! Ha! TomH. I “call” your domes and hoops; and raise-you a true north side banked-up built.
I am called a nasty games player. Playing not to win but never to lose too quickly. And never “lose” easy. Outlast. Wear the other player down to boredom; then making mistakes. Disgusted with themselves. Wailing. Crying. Quitting.
Last man standing gets to write the histories.

Steve Unruh


Yes, the barn side is facing southeast so not ideal but good enough, the barn gable is facing southwest which is better so I am considering making two half-arches, one in each spot.


Still no snow, took a walk down to the pond. Flat tailed friends are helping me clear land for a forest garden. They have cut down about 30 trees along the south facing shore line near their lodge.


Here’s hoping you have better luck in a your forest garden than I have in my swamp garden Bruce. Critters allow me about 50 per cent of what I grow and that’s a good year. Fencing it off was an exercise in futility. Still, I plant in it every year. No fool like an old fool.


Thanks, Tom. Our main garden has survived by using an electric fence with wire at three levels to deter a variety of hungry beasties. My plan is to use a solar powered fence charger on this more remote patch. 50% of something is better than 50% of nothing.


My feeling exactly Bruce. Admittedly the critter problem has only become real bad the past few years and I am transforming into much more hydroponic type growing as well.


Happy New Year to all.


I wish Happy New Year to all DOWers and their loved ones. May the new year be the lucky one for you all.


I hope everyone reading this will have a great and blessed new year .

Here in the south US one custom is to have a meal on new years day of black eyed peas , collard greens , corn bread and hog jaw.

We have no hog jaw on hand so will be substituting with fresh deer loin :smiley:


Happy New Year to everyone :partying_face:
No hog jaws. Caviar and champagne will have to do :innocent:


Happy New Year! Sauerkraut and pork. :pig:


A Happy New Year to all my friends!
And may 2024 be a year of luck, joy, happiness and woodgasification to everyone!


Happy New Year everyone and all the best wishes and health.

Here no eating for the next three days. Christamas and tonight was to much :grinning:


Happy New Year Everyone!!

Cheapest most ecological chainsaws around!! Not only can they clear a forest, you can recycle them into hats, gloves and mittens. :slight_smile:


Micro-gasifier with alcohol drip? Maybe just the pyrolysis stage :slightly_smiling_face:


Hehe, actually it’s elderflower apple cider, non-alcoholic, looks right and tastes good, the cigar is leftovers from last new years eve, tasted pretty good actually, but little dry. Talk about recycling… :partying_face: :smiley:


Happy New Year 2024 to you all. I am still waiting for 3 more hours to pass here for it to be officially 2024 in the Western part of the USA. I will be in bed asleep by that time.


Bad start of the New Year. The Atmos decided to quit. What does that mean? Finish the Lister? It did a good job anyway and two backup systems so the family wont get


It will have do it this way for a few days :grinning: