Life goes on - Winter 2023

As part of the commune culture in the late sixties and early seventies slapped together domes were the cheapest, easiest way to build livable dwellings. Once you had a radial arm saw and table saw set up you could make an almost endless stream of struts and once you sorted and color coded them a crew could assemble the frame of a 24 foot diameter dome in a day. Of course that didn’t include the floor deck or what ever sheathing was used. It was even possible to do it pretty well baked and back then everybody pretty much was. It was a lot of fun working together like that. Sort of like playing with grown up tinker toys. None of them were expected to stay up for years and of course there were no building codes to worry about in rural areas.


Tom, as you may have noticed I’m a bit slow. I don’t remember which thread or when, but resently you reacted to when I refered to the northern parts of my country as up north.
For no reason at all it suddenly occured to me that maybe you were refering to UP, as in Upper Peninsula? Is that up north to you locally?


Untill l try lion, pig is the king of animals for me…


Looks delicious, pig is the only meat that I can never get tired of eating :yum:
In the first pic, what is the red/orange stuff on an angle?
Is it fatback with paprika?


Yes, salt cured fat in paprika/chili powder. Lightly smoked.


My father used to do some paprika coated and some herb coated (black pepper, thyme, juniper, baylef) but l forgot to buy pepper :smile: so made just paprika ones


I am exactly on the 45th degree of Latitude JO. There is a plaque on the side of the road that says so. Everything higher than that is up North for me. Same State but I think Bruce Jackson is about 300 miles north of me. That’s the Upper Peninsula. Until they built the Bridge in the late fifties you had to load your car on a ferry to get there. It really should have been part of Wisconsin but to settle a dispute with Ohio the Feds gave it to Michigan if we would give up claims to Toledo. Ohio, not Spain. They didn’t think if had any value until someone discovered large quantities of copper up in Bruce’s area. To get to the same Latitude as Stockholm in North America you have to be around the border of the Yukon in Canada. That’s why I think you are doing some photography tricks when you show pictures of your family swimming.


Hey BruceJ. I saw in the electric chainsaw thread you mention of the Lincoln SA 200 welder. You have a lot of impressive equipment Bruce but I mostly envy that welder. I have welded thousands of hours with one of those for decades… They were just about the only field welders most of the companies I worked for, used. None of the electronic enhancement of newer types but just constant steady smooth current. I can still remember the sound of that Continental engine revving up when you struck an arc. I was a comforting sound to me.


Thank you Tom,
I drove a 1968 Chevy pickup (283 w/3 on the tree) down to South Boardman, and traded it for a 1983 one ton Dodge, with that SA200 on the back. Neither ran, but I used the battery I brought and stole some parts off another Dodge, to finally get the one ton moving. I drove that back to Calumet. The Continental engine was stuck, but didn’t take much to get it spinning again.
I only ever bought a one wire alternator for it. It needs the fine tune rheostat, but I just use a water heater element for that resistance.
I cleaned the main brushes once, they are like 2" long.
Up until the SA200, I used a buzz box and a Lincoln generator/welder…but since I got the SA200, I sort of lost track of where the other welders are.


Discussions about electric vs IC on different threads. Don’t want to interject my foolishness but I’m going to do everything possible to avoid sitting on top of a giant battery pac and also Electric is boring. Maybe road racing where it’s mostly about the skill of the drivers but drag racing where it’s mostly the skill of the engine builders? When a race lasts seconds you really need sound rattle you fillings out sound. Example one. Yawn. Wake me when the time slip comes back.

The real deal.

No point to this. I just like speed and noise.


Thanks for the video Tom.

I can’t get my wood to burn that quick :disappointed:

I am afraid if I did I would scatter cows or hay that I’m hauling all over the road :smiley:


You will need a HOod Uurrr I mean a ROOF scoup to force air induction into the gasifeir. :smiley:


I talked to these guys when we were out on the salt flat and compared trucks .

No smoke could be seen from my old truck but one could see theirs coming from 10 miles away ( no Joke as Biden would say )


LOL Yeah the astronauts in the space staion were looking down and going " What the hell is that?? “”


For those who are not aware. Mr Wayne was the world record holder. Not sure what the record is now because I think I’ve seen video of him driving faster around the pasture. :joy: These MEN articles were what got me going on wood gas builds. You’ve done some amazing things Wayne.


Members have thought about challenging Wayne’s record but that is about all they have done. You have to go and make it official on the salt flats. Just the heat down there in the day time changes very thing in driving on wood.


I think that’s why Wayne has gotten speeding tickets higher than his official record.


Shush!! You aren’t supposed to say -anything-!! He is training for the Baja 1000. :slight_smile:


Personaly, l think compareing how fast one can drive on wood is just like compareing the lengh of certain male orgains… many see Mr Waynes record and think “l can do way better thain that!”. And its true. I have driven faster thain that in my wood powered vehicle. I have driven faster thain that with Mr Wayne himself, as a matter of fact. In the end its “the technic that matters, not the size”. Mr Wayne did this on a road worthy machine, universaly usefull on the road. And under less thain ideal circumstances, as he reports. I have no dubt if he wuld be realy eager to make the thing go fast, he wuld build sistem that wuld let petrol trucks in the dust :wink:

Waynes record represents something more thain just a numerical value… to me it has a much deeper meaning.

But this sayd, l realy do hope in the future someone does start a “woodgas dragrace”, just for the fun of it! Nothing to do with undermining Waynes records, but just for the fun of it! Afterall, those dragsters probably wuldnt even make to the track on ots own…


I agree, for me that speed record was a message to the world that just because it burns wood doesn’t mean it’s slow like an old locomotive. It can go highway speeds and not look too much like a science experiment.

Also as far a racing is concerned, my dad used to take his Corvette to car shows, and go race them the day after on the track. He didn’t see the point in showing a car if he couldn’t enjoy it. If it got a chip in the paint or damage in the body he could repair the fiberglass or redo the paint.

Those racecars that have to be carried in a trailer are a huge money pit and you can only enjoy them on the track. Not fun in my opinion.