Life goes on - Winter 2023

Hey Tom . Thanks much for the comments but I don’t claim to have a world record woodgas speed simply because I haven’t raced everyone in the world .

I will make the claim that I very easily beat the guy that was making that claim :slightly_smiling_face:

Chip Beam Beaver Energy Mercury XR7 with supercharger


Below is a video that makes me think of something an ole friend once told me.

He says there are 3 groups of people
The first group is very smart and intelligent .
The second group is dumb as a pine knot and don’t know anything.
And then there are a few in the third group that don’t even suspect anything :slightly_smiling_face:


I wonder if that car is even running any more or if he even drives on wood. I do know Wayne does and has built many more gasifier trucks since then.


On our Sabbath walk today we saw a couple of Bald Eagles down at the Columbia River wenting for a wounded duck. Duck hunters about a 1/4 mile upstream hunting. We found a Teal male duck a mile up stream from the duck hunters blind, it landed on the river bank with one pellet shot in it. It flew and bled out and landed on the shore. If I had a hunting license and duck stamp I could have taken it home to eat. It was a fresh kill, still warm to touch.
Maybe the Eagles will find it.
It was a beautiful walk out in God’s Creation, this is our kind of church. When two or three are gathered in my name I The YEHOVAH am in your midst.


Hi huys, anyone making Jerky at home? Care to share your methods?

First time l did this about a month ago, real simple. Venison strips, salt pepper over night then dryed over the wood stove on mesh drying rack. Turned out OK, lm just curious how you guys do it :wink:


I experimented with making biltong some years back, that’s the south african version of jerky and the online recipes I followed contained a lot of spices and vinegar for marinating and drying and it also turned out ok but it was not really what I wanted, on the right track yes but not exactly what I wanted so I hope someone on the forum is a home jerkymaker and likes to share.


Yes, im interested too!
I tried once, of deer (red deer?), very tasty, i made it from a recipe in a hunting magazine, see if i can find it.
But my favourite is the reindeer jerky that the guy’s way up north Sweden makes, no spices, just some salt, super delicious


Tonto= the Lone Rangers Native American=indian companion for you all across the pond.

A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his:
Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out. “Business trip or pleasure?”
She turned, smiled and said. “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston.”
He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs!
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked. “What’s your Business at this convention?"
“Lecturer." She responded. “I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.”
“Really?” He said. “And what kind of myths are there?”
“Well.” She explained. “One popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck."
Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed… “I’m Sorry.” She said, “I shouldn’t really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t even know your name."
“Tonto.” The man said. "Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba.


I used this with salt back in the jerky making days. Just soak the strips in brine/ liquid smoke.
I would put the strips over my wood stove. It was a little messy as the brine droplets fell on the hot stove.


Yeah. Well. That’s our Tom alright.
He’s a real turkey!

Sorry. Had to say something. It’s a mandatory law here.
(Youth in the middle is a girl - see the fingernail polish - all get to hunt wild turkeys here. We are equal opportunity killers here.)


Most people I know, start with a kit, and go from there. Something like this. Then start modifying the taste or just to cut the cost of the packets, they start adding their own spices.


Good super-early (here) Morning to All

Rather than waste my time presenting the best results approaches to making applied working power with woodgas. From the engine stand-point of enclosed combustion IC piston engines versus All other open combustion engine types . . .
For electrical generation systems flexible for RPM and input power variations versus Natzi-like locked-stepped types . . .
Let’s consider instead the basis of the woody fuel input types variations for woodgasing.
The key for woodgasing in this video is when he multiple times refers to growths cells types:

Cell types are important in woodgasing as 1st and foremost: they are what determine the range rates of gasses exchanging. Fast versus slower.
The cells types secondarily determine the ending ashing residues. Types. And percentages. Even thier melting points for clinkering. You have to design and operate to keep ash residues marching down through so as not to gases exchange clog and block.

A good woodgaser will grow in operators experiences to be able to “Master”-use all woods. And mutter foul at the system designer who limits him/her in this with cutesy, better-ideal system limitations.
Steve unruh


Hello all .

Anyone that will stop by I will give them a ride in a wood burner and send them back with a sitting of chicken eggs.

The chickens have been good to us . We will feed them just a little corn and they give us plenty of eggs.


Around here i think they get like 3.50-4 dollars a dozen for free range eggs from roadside stands, and you can probably get 5 dollars if you had a stand in town since those a lot of people that drive the 10-15 miles to buy them.


Last week we had paths carved through a solid two foot layer of snow. Today mostly bare ground. So much better. Sifted out my wood stove ash and char. It’s been a while. Quite a bit of wood ash and after I ground the char I had 22 gallons of fuel and about 6 gallons of bio-char. Haven’t put many hours on a gasifier since fall because it’s no fun working outside but I’ve been socking away fuel on a steady basis. Must be close to three hundred gallons stored. About 30 gallons of fines for bio-char. Between my wood splitter and chainsaws I’ve used 10 gallons of petrol to make 8 full cords of firewood. I should wood gas that splitter, but that’s the total of my heating bill for the year. At around three dollars a gallon for petrol my char stash would be worth about 900 bucks and it won’t go bad like the E-10 and if we compared it to non-ethanol it would be well over 13 hundred since the only pure gas locally is premium and $4,80 a gallon. I realize that a gallon of petrol has more energy than a gallon of char but still, not a bad deal for a little labor.


Thats a first… and in a worst possible moment. I got a bunch of trees fallen on cemeterys parking lot… and both chainsaws out broken. One has a fuel leak probably and the other one is literaly hammered.

It apears that the pin that prevents the piston ring from rotating somehow broke off and started to do its magic on the piston face…

In this situation l wish l was Goran…


Thanks! Best laugh I’ve had in weeks!

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Ha! Ha! No need to go that squirrel-ie extreme.
Does show the reasoning behind my insistence to work towards having three ways to do any one thing.
ONE is just one step away from None capability.
Only having Two is just one step failure step away from being down to scary only having One.
Now having Three; and any one goes down (as will always happen) you will still have the primary and one back up. Buys you time to decide to repair the one down; or replace it.

KristijanL. I figure you do have hand saws too.
The arm-strong sweating time now will give you time to think about the next time getting caught short of capabilities.
Hint. Hint:

This 9 inch blade is good to 8"/~200mm
An 11 inch blade makes it 10" capable.
Sure slower than a chainsaw. But better than arm-strong sweating it out.
Needs no oil.


Nooo mr Steve plese dont do this to me. Im stubborn. Still l despise batery powerd tools. Its either hand, petrol or cord powered tools for me. I know batery powered tools came along way lately but still…
But eventualy l will have to give up l guess…

Found the culprit, this litle son… messed up the tool that feeds a family of 5. Quite amazing if you think about it. Smaller thain a grain of rice. Reflects to things happening today in the world.


Being stubborn is probably one of your redeeming qualities.

I despise attracting the attention the noise from a chainsaw makes and the battery saw is pretty much good to go at a moments notice. That being said, I don’t cut nearly as much wood, and I still have gas powered saws. However, I need to channel the Powers of Goran to fix them or get some time allocated to be stubborn.