New Project

Do you have a “secrete design” for sealing your hopper lids so tight?. I just built another one this week and I have no confidence that is will seal. I’ve got so many lids laying around and most of them have gone through several modification, and still not good.TomC


Pretty sure I’ve posted an answer to a similar question … fiber glass 3/4 inch rope and black rtv… make it smooth then rest it on its mating surface with saran wrap between them


Thank you Arvid. How did you apply the rtv to the rope. I have just smeared it on with my fingers and last time I pulled the rope through the entire tube ilk Pepi suggested. I just returned home from a trial run and I had so much smoke coming out at the stop light I’m surprised no one called the fire department. On this one I put the rope in and smeared a layer of silicon over the top. It is kind of two flat surfaces coming together and if they aren’t both perfectly flat it leaks. One more try with the rope with just a coating and saran between the two. Thanks again. TomC


I put in a good bead… to the lid or the gasser body depending where I want the smoke to go when it puffs… then lay down the ripe. … then rtv on top a squeegee it square with the thumb and pointer finger… I can get it pretty flat, square and smooth like that. I let it harden for about a half hour then put down the saran wrap…


Thank you. My project for tomorrow. TomC

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