Pre-heating the Charcoal/feedstock with exhaust gasses

Charcoal is the past and for obtain that you sent in atmosphere kilos of CO2 and other type of killer gas like the benzopirene… The future is eliminate the charcoal and use CO2 gas ONLY using an closed loop device for obtain fuel and oxygen again and again to infinite… Many scientists say that it is impossible perpetual motion I say instead that it is possible for an chemical reaction if temperature and pressure are availables. An piston engine is the good device for make an cloded loop device very similar to the pantone geet principle. CO2 dissociation can appear to high temperature but also in presence of special conditions… The important thing is that you obtain and CO2 free device using CO2 as medium.

HHO is incredible catalyst gas … 70% of efficency is corret because you lost the other 30% in heat during electrolisys…
The main poroblem of charcoal gasification is the air used as oxygen source… inside some nitrogen that abosrb heat from reaction… you heat the charcoal with oxygen energy and nitrogen sucks this heat produced … to the end very poor syngas is produced… The same if you add water steam … because we are talking of reduction reaction … endothermic reactions you need SOME HEAT!!!
Cut nitrogen to air is vey difficult, you can use an membrane but you need compressed air and for make that you need to spent energy… in all cases the ENERGY IN IS MORE THAN THE ENERGY OUT… And at this point no solutions??


is an incredible thought and I fully agree with you !! Is the first time I find someone with my same thought. I’m working to the same device with some succesfull tests, Soon an video…

Good luck with the finding the either type energy,its all ways fun trying in spare time,if there is any left too spend.Mean time it petro or alternitive biomass carbon fuel working reserve system, stay warm ,its near zero hear in MI.tonight.

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So Marco, I am curious; why do you go out of your way time after time to post on a site dedicated so completely to using wood and wood derived carbon for gasification if it is so anathema to all your work? Do you dedicate your life to email bombing all carbon fuel sites or just this one? Koen seems to oddly tolerate this endless loop of yours I find it clutters up the discussion. Start a thread and if it is relevant and credible the group will respond to it positively, if not it will sit unresponded to. It is a meritocracy kind of forum that respects and responds to results. I am overstepping my bounds typing this but I feel it worth it.
David Baillie


Koen has repeatedly stated that Marco’s baiting and trolling behaviour was not welcome or tolerated on his threads.

I feel that any of the rest of us speaking up is just the community as a whole saying “No, seriously. Stop being an asshat to those trying to make a positive influence here. Knock it off.”


This is an free forum ?? If yes I can write without anyone tell me what. If you’ve read the threads surely you have understood that the closed loop and the HHO are MY IDEAS not of Koen !!! If Koen not want reply must open an CLOSED FORUM for peoples like you but don’t have to copy others.

:slight_smile: Seem that Koen is the world GURU of gassification and need the paladins for protect him. I repeat again … all new informations that Koen is using now are borned from me!! First was a friend and after I’m a competitor?? This behavior is not very rational … I asked a simple question … and I wish I had a simple answer

Marco, this is childish behavior. We are not concerned with who was first. We are not concerned with who’s smarter, or thought of the ideas before someone else.

You’ve been told repeatedly to let this go. Further negative posts will be moderated.

If you want to discuss this further with Koen, please do so via PM or email.

Thread closed.