Red bear, long grass mower on charcoal gas

I’m not smart enough to do this kind of work but I would think Plasti-dip would be a good coating for a project like this.


Too soft, needs to keep the windings in place some.


Getting shellac flakes is probably the easiest. Not sure how much is required to get a good coverage and some penetration between the windings.
And if a real low budget is needed it is probably possible to harvest shellac from a broken motor or transformer too at the cost of some elbow grease.

Edit: I think paint that prevents knots in wood to bleed through other paint is also shellac based if it can be of help
Only the ethanol based, not the water based.


I don’t want to drag on or mislead with my thinking, so I will only list a few characteristics of induction devices:

  • a three-phase induction generator with a capacitor is a very simple and undemanding device, but it needs a stable rotation frequency when it is loaded with one phase, the other two maintain a strong magnetic field in the rotor, but be careful, with a lightly loaded phase, a high short-term voltage may occur in the event of a sudden switching off the load on the loaded phase. For example, if we are welding with one phase and a light bulb is connected to the other, it may burn out when we stop welding,…
    • the welding transformer must be compactly wound and the iron core must also be well fastened, so that there is no hum when connected to alternating current, the winding can be strengthened with varnish for boats or parquet

Here in Slovenia, there are many offers of used welding transformers at the price of scrap metal approx. 50 Euros, and even electric motors are not much more expensive, so this is very affordable equipment for professional use in the event of a crisis without a network.


Used to be able to get a red enamel called “Glyptal”. Has gotten very expensive.
Good for sealing, anti-arcing, good heat resitstance. Current Eastwood offer:


got some sheepwool from a good friend…have tried in the mower today instead of horse hair for filtering…i expected maybee a bit more choking - restricting of the gas flow with the sheep wool …but nothing, works excellent, no power loss.
last picture: condensing effect in the gas channel



today we mowed a half hectar grass in 3 hours with the bcs mower in first gear…the grass was high and thight, the mower really powerfull also with low rpm…
i think my coal must be good…?


Yes these engines seem to realy do good on char gas low rpm. How open is the throtle plate on the carbourator? On myne its at 45° when mowing in first gear now that Tone shaved the engine head. Before it was wide open.


while making bread and lasagne, i make always some charcoal…
the coal stands in the heat only short time, till it breaks, than i rake it out always during baking…
i think therefore i have not much loss of hydrgen…
when i give the coal in the milk can, there is always smoke as our woodgas friends have in their hoppers…the lid shows the tar what is in the smoke yet…
this method i make since more than two years, so with weekly baking i get around thousand volume liters of charcoal in a year…, and no energy waste…


hopper after 3 hours
the bigger pieces are coal from bark

sheep wool filter…


gas command wire approx open how in the foto…
i think on my both mowers is not so much difference to gasoline power…
best air -gas mix is important…i have it on the blue ball valve before the hair filter…
the red ball valve is only for starting, so i have immediately mix near the throttle
only problem today was that my son not gives more the mower out of his hand…
are you actually in hay involved?
we have actually 1 haystack ready finished, another 1 m high…
nice to see also videos from your mower…when you are cutting


I am curious if you are growing and grinding your own wheat for the bread and pasta? If so how much space do you need to plant for a years worth of flour? You made me hungry with your pan of lasagna. Make a pizza and show that as well. :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I agree with Tom h, that lasagne made me hungry, next to drooling, i love lasagne :yum:


Goirgio, the cable operates the governor ant it in term opens the throtle on the carbourator. I was asking about the position of this buterfly throtle.


I too would order first for a walk with a BCS lawnmower, and then for lasagna, I smelled it all the way to Slovenia, but I would bring red wine with me… :smiley:
Giorgio, for people who mow, it is necessary to cook well in order to mow the grass and not sit in the shade…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
At home, I have a belt turner for a BCS lawnmower, which was given to me by a friend, I am happy to pass it on…


tom, we have approx the sixth part of a hectar for wheat , only for bread for 3 persons…
yield about 270 kg on a very poor ground.
from this yield goes away 35 kg for the next seed…some picture on my thread -mower for harvesting grains…


tone , too much eating in mowing season is contraproductive, but…we are in italy, (eat all y)
i think slovenia is the same…who can resist??
interesting the band turner…have you a foto?
i have never seen for bcs…


i think it is about the same as yours, so half open throttle, next time mowing i will look better.
how your haystack has overwintered?


…so, for mowing after big breakfast or more bigger lunch they invented “sitting mowing”, or not more walkbehind, but sit behind…
interesting the new type of harvester without the big bulky wheel what bends the stems back