Some school in Thailand

plat syngas

In europe, great energy difficulties await us, cogexyl has developed an autonomous system for the individual, a charcoal distiller with hot water heat recovery, for sanitary water, heating water, washing machine water with a copper circuit in its cover, is with the gas device, either we make electricity or charcoal gas for the gas stove, so without wasting raw materials, you are completely autonomous with ease…


nice designs…you use also water dripping for your cooking gasifier?
ciao giorgio


Not yet installed the steam, here attached the lid of the distiller with the copper coil for heat recovery in hot water.


Sorry for interfering, but my opinion about dripping water into the nozzle is not positive, as evaporating water absorbs a lot of heat energy needed for gasification, I think that fresh air cools the nozzle enough and preheats well. I think it is better to evaporate the water with hot gas leaving the gasifier and thus gasified and overheated mix with fresh air and blow into the center of the process.


Hi Tone…
Many things have been done in the past and the present…
Maybe your idea is feasable, experience will tell…

For me, i like it hot at the tip of my nozzle…
The cooling effect of the waterdrip in the nozzle is a benefit for that…

Normally i use the outer mantle of the gasifier to generate pre steam which then enters the nozzle…

Somehow i believe in cold air to enter the nozzle, different volume that enters the gasifier…

So many variables… most important are the different , shared experiences, achievements, with all our different approaches…

On the funny side… i think nobody can do better than me… my opinion… however, i see every build by others, being better than mine…(fact)
Facts outweigh opinions my guess…

Sidenote: i learn everyday, if not from my mistakes then from the achievements from others…


Tone. I did something similar to what you are showing in my large updraft charcoal unit.

If you look at the pictures around posts around 10 you will see a design I adapted from Don Mannes. Water is fed into a reservoir around and beneath the grate. Turns to steam and is drawn up into the reaction. It works. I also drip water into the nozzle of my simple fires. That also improves performance.


Good anniversaire Koen.


Thanks Francois, looking good! Looking back at my charcoal attempts, it was the temperature loss in the TLUD or Hookway. There are no shortcuts in woodgasification. You did an excellent job. And the gasifier is a Koen-type? Thanks, enjoyed it.


Ok Koen.


Oef, that is a lot of French. It will take me all sunday :grinning: