The truth about Ukraine

Весь цинізм світу, який закрив очі на злочини путіна




Well said Joni.
We are keeping you all in our prayers. The YEHOVAH Almighty God is the final judge


Russians are currently shelling one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe !!!
this is the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, tomorrow Ukraine may not be, and Europe will become a nuclear landfill for thousands of years to come.


prayers will not help us, Ukrainians! :ukraine::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’ve heard news of this. Has the fire not been put out yet? I watched the CCTV and saw the fire was gone.

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Trust me Joni if I could do anything to stop Russia I would. I have a friend from Odessa fighting right now and another that fled to Kiev. The United States has betrayed the trust of Ukraine, we had promised to protect you from Russia. I’ve heard that Latvia has authorized their citizens to go volunteer to fight for Ukraine.


Please keep us posted from time to time to let us know you are ok. I hope you are at least safe, have food, water etc. Following this situation very closely.

Yeah the US needs to step up!!


I stayed in the occupied territories, we have been living in cellars for seven days now, all settlements have been cut off from electricity and food supplies, there is a humanitarian catastrophe, people are already starving. As for the big cities, which are still resisting Putin’s invaders, the situation is even more complicated - electrical systems have been destroyed by shelling and bombing, products are not supplied due to the encirclement and lack of green corridors. The people of Ukraine are simply starving as in the medieval wars. This is just genocide of the nation at the hands of Putin! The states of Europe and the United States turned away from Ukraine and did not even deign to close the skies of Ukraine to prevent the bombing of 16 nuclear reactors. Well, I think it is so easy to get out of the hands of your governments. We did not ask for much, give weapons and close the sky, but your leaders were afraid to step on Putin’s tail and this is wrong for democracy and world security …

я остался на окупированых (захваченных) териториях, ми уже семь дней живем в погребах , все населенные пункты, отключены от электроснабжения и поставок продуктов, здесь гуманитарная катастрофа, люди уже голодают. Что касается больших городов , которые ещё сопротивляются путинским захватчикам, там ситуация ещё сложнее - эллектрические системы разрушены в результате обстрелов и бомбежки, продукты не поставляються из-за окружений и отсутствия зеленых коридоров. Народ Украины просто морят голодом как в средневековых войнах. Это просто геноцид нации от рук Путина! государства Европы и США отвернулись от Украины и даже не соизволили закрыть небо Украины чтоб предотвратить бомбардировки 16 атомных реакторов, Что ж я думаю это так просто с рук ваших правительств не сойдёт. Мы много не просили, дайте вооружение и закройте небо, но ваши руководители побоялись наступить на хвост Путину а это неправильно для демократии и мировой безопасности…


I am going to share your words so people can see. Yeah our leadership here are a bunch of cowards. This needs to stop!! People really need to soul search and really try to put themselves into your shoes. That is really impossible but if they were they would understand your despair. Ive seen the videos that are not so much in public domain and I am very sorry you and the people of Ukraine are in this situation. I know got to be freezing are you staying warm?


В мене є прохання , може хто з вас має можливість допомогти моїй дочці , за умови якщо вона зможе покинути територію України. Може є хтось небайдужий з Польщі, Румунії, Словаччини чи Угорщини? Я не прошу про фінансову допомогу, допоможіть юридично.

Дочку звуть Катерина їй 19 років, вона навчається в університеті, непогано говорить англійською.


Last post translated:

I have a request, can any of you have the opportunity to help my daughter, provided that she can leave the territory of Ukraine. Maybe someone is indifferent from Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Hungary? I’m not asking for financial help, help legally.

Her daughter’s name is Catherine, she is 19 years old, she is studying at university, speaks good English.


[email protected]

Це адреса електронної пошти моєї дочки.
В мене скоро може зникнути доступ до мережі Інтернет тож пишіть прямо їй, вона на даний момент в місті Чернігів.


Last post translation:

[email protected]

This is my daughter’s email address.
I may soon lose access to the Internet, so write directly to her, she is currently in Chernihiv.


Всі, хто бажає знати правду про події в Україні, шукайте телеканал “Україна 24” або в ютюб або на супутниковому телебаченні.
Не вірте тому що показують на “RT” та інших каналах Росії. Україна не є придатком Росії, ми українці а не колонія!:ukraine::v:
Слава Україні!:ukraine:


Last post Translated.

Anyone who wants to know the truth about the events in Ukraine, look for Ukraine 24 TV channel either on YouTube or on satellite TV.
Do not believe it because it is shown on “RT” and other Russian channels. Ukraine is not an appendage of Russia, we are Ukrainians and not a colony!: Ukraine :: v:
Glory to Ukraine!: Ukraine:


There are quite a few live streams that are here in the US and doing an amazing job of keeping up with events and enlightening the world of whats really going on.

This guy here has done an amazing job.


First, I wish you the best. It is a terrible situation. I keep rooting for you guys to stay alive and hopefully win.

The EU has issues because they are economically tied to Russia. I was kind of hoping this whole thing was going to end up to be a coup to oust putin.

Second, I will email Katya, I know of a lawyer that is willing to do pro-bono work, but I don’t know if she has to get to the US first or not. She is a LONG way away from getting out, she needs to get across the Dnieper river and go west as fast as possible and just get to a border that isn’t Belarus. She needs to go NOW. Deal with the problems when it arises, she isn’t going to be the only one.