The truth about Ukraine

I only know a little about eastern bloc weapons. More small arms than anything else because of my firearms obsession. I had a lot of friends volunteer to fight for Ukraine during the civil war against the rebels, attached with Azov. One of them was imprisoned and then released under heavy surveillance after coming back because he was former US Army and they considered it treasonous to go fight for another country. Maybe they were afraid he would become an insurgent.


What rebels are you talking about?:angry: There are no rebels here, no revolutions about which they are yelling from Russian propaganda channels. In Ukraine, everything is simple - for eight years there has been a war between two states, one weak and the other strong. This, as an example, the US army would attack Cuba and declare that this is not a war, but a police or any other “anti-one” operation. We Ukrainians have the right to a free existence and we will fight the aggressor, who has been dreaming for more than eight years to bring us to our knees so that Russians from their TV channels do not speak there …


I am sorry Joni I don’t mean to use the wrong words. My friends volunteered to join Azov to fight in eastern Ukraine back in 2014-2016. After seeing the Russian assault on the airport in Donetsk.

The events going on in Ukraine since 2014 were not covered by major USA media outlets. Only small independent journalists, so not many knew about what really went on in Ukraine.


I agree and understand the struggle peoples in many countries have had to fight to escape the influence of Russian Imperialism.
So when they speak “rebels - revolution” Americans really see it from their side as all struggles for self determination are revolutions and all the good guys that fight for democracy and freedom are rebels… ( going back to their own revolutionary war ).

They have fought a few proxy wars against smaller countries, and Cuba is one that has been directly invaded by the USA.
But they did not make a real effort to Americanize it.

Their history is one of expansion and growth from mostly within the continent.
Everyone is rebelling against something or rejecting something imposed on them.
They drink coffee in America and throw tea in the harbour because thats what the British oppressors and tax collectors. drank…

Your country is big enough that you don’t have to look outside your own boarders much.
How to put it?
You can spend your whole life trying to understand and see all parts of the USA and spend a lot of time at it without ever seeing it all.
But if you lived in smaller country with less going on inside you might have your attention grabbed by whats going on outside more than you do.
Its not a fault…

America is just far enough away from the rest of the world and big enough you don’t notice a lot of things…


Wallace, when I wrote “rebels” I was not referring to the government and people of Ukraine. I was referring to the insurgents backed by Russia that have tried to undermine the legitimacy of the Ukrainians since 2014 in the eastern regions.

But yes typically the term Rebel and Revolutionary has a positive connotation in the USA. Being descended from Southern Confederate veterans of the American Civil War I understand it. But there’s always context and nuance to be considered.


I didn’t quite read it that way myself…
But I understand now.

[quote=“ForbiddenTuna, post:227, topic:6401”]
But yes typically the term Rebel and Revolutionary has a positive connotation in the USA. Being descended from Southern Confederate veterans of the American Civil War I understand it. But there’s always context and nuance to be considered.

Rebels and loyalists is what I was referring too.
But I forget there was Rebels and Yanks

I lived in Lindsay you know…
When I was kid we threw rocks at the Orange men…
Fought with the protestant kids from the other school because that just what you did.
Long before I even understood why…

( Secretly I still want to throw rocks at them… )
You guys have your culture wars and we have our own HA HA…


I feel very strongly for Ukraine. It’s been that way for me since high school when I learned about the Holodomor. The shocking thing about that was my History teachers never told us about it, it was my Literature teacher.

I have a good few friends from Ukraine, I’d like to consider the fellows here on the forum among them. Most of my Non-Drive on Wood Ukrainian friends live in Odessa.


Russian imperialism and oppression goes back even further…
Poles don’t like Russian imperialism for good reasons as do Fins, Swedes, Estonians Belorussians… long list of peoples that did not want anything more to do with Russia after the fall of the USSR
( little Russia is not something want to be called in your own land, new Russia is not a place you want to be considered… )

I have relatives that worked up in Siberia in a place called Norilsk.
25% of the folks who live there are not Russian because of policies designed to assimilate and destroy the cultures of non Russian citizens of the USSR.

Whats scares me today is to thinks there are people in 2022 being sent to far flung places in Russia today just like past experiments in Rusification…


When they burn people in their houses - this is Nazism! And in Odessa, this is exactly what happened, as shown above in the RT video in German: my relatives from there told me how terrible it was when young people made Molotov cocktails, when people were burned alive, when those who tried to jump out were shot … who tried to help people from the House of Trade Unions were threatened with reprisals. :frowning: Now there is an updated version on YouTube, according to which it turns out that people set themselves on fire in the House of Trade Unions.

When Petro Poroshenko declared: “We will have a job, but they won’t. We will have pensions, but they won’t. We will have payments for children, but they won’t. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and their children will sit in basements. That’s how, and that’s how we will win this war" - this is Nazism!

When Yulia Tymoshenko declared in 2004 that “the entire Donbass should be surrounded by barbed wire,” this is Nazism! The video where she said this to the whole of Ukraine is no longer available on YouTube.

If someone tells you that Johnny’s relatives, or any other person on earth, can be burned on fire, if someone tells you that Katya Kolyvan will be sitting in the basement when other children go to school, if someone tells you that you and your family should live behind barbed wire, then try to explain to this person that this is NAZISM, and that it is IMPOSSIBLE to behave like this among people! Just make sure before that that you are not standing in front of an armed Nazi …

After all, the freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another person begins.

The governments of the United States and Europe do not need the freedom of the Ukrainian people (they are well aware of Nazism in Ukraine). They need a war. To do this, Ukraine is being pumped up with weapons, knowing full well that as a result, propulsion systems from Russian missiles will lie near US and European cities. Only there will be no one to observe them, because they will be nuclear missiles, which are dangerous even if they are shot down by air defense forces.

But ordinary people will always be told stories about democracy, about freedom, and so on. And then it will be too late to stage protests and demonstrations against the supply of weapons.

Когда жгут людей в домах — это нацизм! А в Одессе именно так и было, как показано выше в ролике RT на немецком языке: мне оттуда родные рассказали, насколько это было ужасно, когда молодёжь делала коктейли Молотова, когда люди горели заживо, когда тех, кто пытался выпрыгнуть расстреливали… Тем, кто пытался помочь людям из Дома Профсоюзов угрожали расправой. :frowning: Теперь на Ютубе обновлённая версия, по которой выходит, что люди сами себя подожгли в Доме Профсоюзов.

Когда Петр Порошенко заявлял: “У нас работа будет, а у них нет. У нас пенсии будут, а у них нет. У нас выплаты на детей будут, а у них нет. Наши дети пойдут в школы и детские сады, а их дети будут сидеть в подвалах. Вот так, и именно так мы и выиграем эту войну” — это нацизм!

Когда Юлия Тимошенко в 2004г заявляла, что *“*весь Донбасс надо обнести колючей проволокой" — это нацизм! Видео, где она это сказала на всю Украину уже недоступно на Ютубе.

Если кто-то скажет Вам, что родных Джони, или любого другого человека на земле можно жечь в огне, если кто-то скажет Вам, что Катя Колыван будет сидеть в подвале, когда другие дети пойдут в школу, если кто-то скажет Вам, что Вы и Ваши родные должны жить за колючей проволокой, то постарайтесь объяснить этому человеку, что это НАЦИЗМ, и что так себя вести среди людей НЕЛЬЗЯ! Только убедитесь перед этим, что перед Вами стоит не вооружённый нацист…

Ведь свобода одного человека заканчивается там, где начинается свобода другого человека.

Правительствам США и Европы нужна не свобода украинского народа (о нацизме в Украине они прекрасно осведомлены). Им нужна война. Для этого Украину накачивают оружием, прекрасно понимая, что в результате двигательные установки от российских ракет будут лежать вблизи городов США и Европы. Только наблюдать их будет некому, потому, что это будут ядерные ракеты, которые опасны даже если будут сбиты силами ПВО.

Но обычным людям всегда будут рассказываться истории о демократии, о свободе и тп. А потом стане слишком поздно устраивать протесты и демонстрации против поставок оружия.


here a interview from tucker carlson , fox news with a british jornalist, sorry german undertitles but speech in english…hope tucker carlson is political correct ??

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Hello Ukranian friends,

We continually feel limited in our ability to help. But, here is a thing we can do!

I have awarded Premium memberships to @Vitaliy and @Joni and @Marat_Lysenko to include them in all discussions at Drive On Wood, and open access to all of our resources. When you three have safe mailing addresses, please send me a private message and I will send you a copy of Wayne’s book.

It isn’t much I know but at least this they can’t take away from you!

Please enjoy the complimentary memberships.


This is a good constructive action. The rest of the these discussions are not and I thought that politics had been removed from the discussion. Americans and Canadians have more than enough dirt of their own to work on.


Removing baggage from post as Tom suggests.

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Any bothered. Read away. Ignore. Exert your choice. You, control you.
I have three active on DOW topics I am currently doing this with. Reading bothers me too much.
Steve Unruh


Thanks Chris! That’s a decent thing to do.


Chris the new Premium WK library has come on line in prefect timing. Just for people in this kind of positions in other countries. Thanks you for this new update to our DOW Site.


Ха! Заробив грошенят на кацапській пропагандонії? Бачу фсбешники тобі слюнявлять добре! Ти аж преміум купив. Молодець, про нацистів добре загнув, тільки треба ще було про те згадати, що в Одесі кричали уйобки такі як ти , про “путін спасі”. Так що зрі в корєнь і не витрачай кацапських грошей на дрібнички, наприклад на преміум членство! Бо коли фсбешники придуть до тебе сліди підчищать в “загнившу демокрітію, якій мішає стадо орків” вйобувать тобі буде нізахуй.
Аналізуючи твої думки , я лише зрозумів одне; всім українцям узрівши кацапів-орків-русів чи як там їх ще треба негайно ставати в позу , як доречі, зробило в свій час населення лугандонії, і виконувати любі забашанки конченого стада, яке себе позиціонує, як зверхдержава, що в очах цивілізованого світу виглядає як терорист.?
Ти думаєш, ставши раком перед кацапом виконається твоя головна умовляцька мета - щоб не стріляли і діти ходили в школу? А ти питав себе, чи можуть твої діти запитати тебе; чому вони не можуть вільно обирати представників влади, президента (а не модитися на колишнього двірника чи сантехніка, призначеного царем, як на ідола; іздить за кордон; мати авто ; достойну зарплатню, навчатись в універах, не тому що мають “папу” а тому що мають розум, і тд,…?
Подивись, що сталося на моїй землі з орками, вони прийшли без причини (вірніше причину вони придумали собі самі і потім її міняють майже щодня), отримали по зубах (бо вкусили шмат народного гніву і повний ноль підтримки) і з ганьбою втекли до твоїх земель та районів де колаборанти, зрадники, людішки з нікчемною самооцінкою та інтелектом готові на будь що заради гроша. І в тому що населення готове стоять раком перед кацапнею ти звинувачуєш Порошенка,Тимошенко, і всіх впідряд окрім себе і своїх сусідів! Що ти зробив для України за останні 9 років?! Подумай про це.

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Хлопці, ви продовжуєте робити і займатися тим , про що я Вас зовсім не просив!!! Навіщо для мене було відкрито преміум членство? Я цього не бажав і вас про це не просив! Я не бажаю брати участь в витоках будь-якої інформації , яка недоступна звичайним учасникам.

Тож негайно закликаю Видалити мене з преміум членства і лишити все так , ніби я звичайний користувач.

I appeal to the editors of DOW, immediately disable the premium membership for me !!!


Joni it is not leaks of information, it’s just to cover everything in Wayne’s book but in better detail. Your posts that are not on the Premium side will still be seen on the Public side. It is a choice to participate on Premium side, you do not have to if you don’t want to.