The microwaves I’ve taken apart the magnets are 2 different sizes. So you will need 2 microwave with the same magnetron to get a set of magnets of the same size. Just my experience
I know I started getting carried away with efficiency, and that isn’t fun. You could still do airfoils with like polyurethane foam, then wrap it in like copper foil. Then use some paint to get it some accent so it looks more like the old dutch style windmills. But they really only work well at high wind speeds, and in your garden probably won’t be high enough and you are probably better with what you have. You can always modify it later if you want.
As far as the motor I haven’t ever looked at them. spin it and put a multimeter on it and see if it works. some of the hobby rc motors are 3 phase pulsed dc but I don’t know if that is what they are using or not.
Just got a ton of stuff from Dad today, including a Bolens Briggs push mower and a Shopvac. The Shopvac is weird, the motor/fan pulls out from the top and just sits on the body from tension. Might take a look and see if I can make a superblower from it.
The push mower I’m thinking of making into a Demo piece to show off gasification. It’s only been used 3 times and the carburetor got messed up somehow, Dad got it for free and already had a riding mower so he let it sit.
I’ll edit in pictures in the morning.
The Shop Vac is one of these styles
It’s had a hard life of constant use in the Detail department and is pretty loud now.
I’ve been thinking about buying one of these and using it as a start up blower and filter all in one.
Problem is I saw one at a Farm and Fleet last fall for $34 dollars and failed to pull the trigger and now the extra 20 has become a mental block.
I don’t really like the idea of having a shop vac for a filter housing. I’d anticipate too many seal issues.
You are probably right Cody, but I use this seal and peel caulk on some things in the winter. I figured that a bead around the rim of the tub would solve that issue.
To many projects in my way before woodgas is getting serious attention. This is a gift. I tried to sell it via market place but the guy didnt show up, moron. It is going to the scraps unless someone here is interested. It is a 6 cyl 120 hp diesel from a boat. Headgasket blown. It hurts to scrap a good motor, but I need the room and will never start/ finish this one. I might consider contribute the transport cost if someone is really interested.
Ford I6 Diesel!!! I want it so bad, but ridiculous to send it across the ocean. I would convert it to spark ignition, just because I can.
Sorry Rindert, Bedford, not Ford. Still interested?
I think Netherlands to East coast would already be bad, not to mention Netherlands to Colorado where Rindert is located.
Man that would make a nice Dynamo…
Dont know anything about costs. But if anyone is really going to use it? Would be nice to keep it in the family
Had me fooled too.
I think that’s a 330 non turbo
You never see them on this continent but that engine went into this truck
I think it was called a T range
Single axel
A lot like a chev c50 to from the same era
They built a lot of good trucks lost to the past like so many others
A marine version
Trying to place it but I cant
Got that wrong
T range was a later cab over mostly military
The one in photo as a J range
Brian has a J series Bedford we are just in the process of replacing the gas tank and gas line so he can drive it around the yard on wood gas , it has a straight 6 in it .
Some Herbert stole the last 2 letters off the bonnet so if anyone has a spare R & D we can stick them back on as it looks better than just being a BEDFO and i will keep a look out for B&E for that truck the DFORD
If you can’t find the r and d, i would probably shift the e and d over towards the b and put the b where the d was then turn them all 90 degrees to the right. Then it would kind of look like mo FO then depending on the b, it could look like a few things or just opt for the dash
HAHAHA , there is a Bedford users club on facebook i guess we should be able to get enough letters from them to have a good full size game of scrabble .
If memory serves the big In lline 6 gas and diesels were all built around a common block or maybe the diesel were derived from the gas block 300.
Thats no small feat!
You have to make a gas block real tough strong to take abuse of a diesel conversion.
The M on that funny casting mark is where I believe the gas version has the fuel pump.
Still trying to get my head around the marine origins of this particular engine.
I can;t think of anyone who used it, it may have been something cooked up by the owner because you need all kinds of things like water cooled exhaust for a marine engine ( manifold missing in this photo so its all the more mudled
Foden was a another aesthetically pleasing truck brand.
Not actual dead and gone though.
I am told the cabs on many Mack trucks are actually a foden cab made in the UK shipped to France???
Sounds crazy but thats what I was told
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
My Ex mother in law drive a Vauxhall Viva ( Canadian version ) and I thought it was a nifty little car.
What amazes me the most about these things is how many cars trucks GM made, and then screwed up.
Also Chrysler and Commer…
You should see the engine in that.
it could have been something special is developed.
Volvo White GMC.
Franken trucks!!!
Are you sure the head is blown?
“Hi, I have a Bedford 330 in my boat whish which seems to have excessive pleasure in the block it is blowing what I believe to be atomised oil from the breather pipe and the rocker cover.
Can anybody give me any clues as to the cause of this any help it would be extremely appreciated.
The most common cause is diesel fuel getting into the oil.This causes diluted oil and a high oil leval.The crankshaft spinning then wips it out anyplace it can.Causes are fuel pump diaphram,injestor pump seal leak,injector leaking or a cylinder not fireing.”
from so yeah they were used in marine applications.