The "What followed me home" thread

When i said we are just replacing the gas tank and fuel pipe i meant the Propane tank under the body as the pipe from it had totally rotted away from being sat in the yard unmoved for 20 years till a few weeks ago we hope to get it running on gas again this week and then on charcoal gas soon after


The patina on it looks awesome. I would just clear coat it. :slight_smile:


Now you make it hard to scrap it! Less is more. I will stumble acros the Bedford for the next ten years and then throw it away……


Yes but in 10 years time the scrap value of that BEDFORD may well multiply over and over orrrr maybeeee with global warming and the shifting of the earths plates all land mass might just come together and be one big continent , imagine how much you would get for it then , you would be fighting them off all crossing land borders trying to get there hands on such a valuable item :grinning:


There is almost nothing I ever got rid of that I didn’t come to regret. I love my wife to death but in almost every case she gets the blame.


I want to jog some memories here for a moment…
We currently live in a world of shortages and supply chain issues.
Causes are pretty obvious, we did not make a whole lot of anything in the past two years and the pent up demand from everyone clearing the shelves when they got out of the house has created shortages.

Capitalism is built on the pursuit of supply chasing a demand so this will change…

The previous decade was one of over abundance.
Think about it.
Zero inflation, with the threat of deflation, just a handful of commodities were hard to get and most price increases we saw were more to do with the unwillingness of some industries to increase production for fear of damaging profits by fueling deflation.

The decade previous to that saw the rise outsourcing and work moving to cheap labour.
This completely killed inflation for anything except commodities during the mid 00 super cycle

If history teaches us anything about how things work we should expect a return to the normal.
Muted wage gains, painfully low inflation, frothy stock markets full of money searching for something to do and Slow or zero growth.

This is because in my opinion we have found ourselves able to produce more crap than we know what to do with ( cash for clunkers in the USA… let pay people to crush their old cars so it drives up the cost of cars and forces people to buy new ones )
The only real limits on us now are water food and energy.
These are the things that will decide the cost of living…

The Arabs are threatening to cut oil production because they see the threat of demand destruction coming back.
They would not do that unless they were afraid of something…

No real changes to the business model of the last 20 years have happened.
Once the supply kinks are gone I expect we won;t be complaining about inflation anymore it will be stagnation again.
the warning signs are there time to empty the warehouses before deflation returns and saps the value in all that stuff.

My wife calls me a hoarder.

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Over the years I have used a seemingly incredible amount of obtainium gathered from working many years in the building trades and then as a home builder. I no longer go out into the world and my supplies are stretched to the max. i could never duplicate the build Marcus is doing now just for materials let alone talent. I should have gotten more when I had the chance. My wife would have learned to live with it being as I’m so damned loveable.


:joy: Tom just so you know when I get a piece of land I aspire to hoard materials such as you have, every time I move I get rid of things I then immediately regret. Last time a 13hp electric start Briggs that would be awesome for a chunker motor. This time a cherry picker I could have mounted on the flatbed like Mike Gibbs Ford has for hauling wood and heavy parts. This whole build has been scrounge what I can wherever I can and make due, and it’s taking a LOT longer then it should for that reason! And this is supposed to be the pretty build, still made completely from scrap


Fingers crossed, might be getting a small MIG welder from a coworker. :crossed_fingers: I’m in between bills so it won’t hurt me to buy it. Already has a cart and all the consumables he’s bought for it, and most importantly a tank.


Other businesses are changing their business models. Walmart is committed to zeroEmissions vehicles by 2040. The big hang up right now is lack of product to switch too.

IF they start to eliminate the cost of oil which is widely variable, as a driving factor for an overall recession, then we may have tackled one problem. It does not mean other ones won’t exist, but only that one issue isn’t going to tank the economy. which pulls the plug on OPECs control and it isn’t quite all OPEC because Russia and a few others are involved in this as well.

DoW! It has the better economic affect then electrification because it has a lower initial cost among other things. :slight_smile:

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Just posting if someone likes nostalgic, got this pin in the mail today.

H.O stands for Hans Osterman, Swedens probably biggest car dealer at that time, “Vedgas” is the direct translation of WOODgas,
“Håll hjulen igång” means keep the wheel’s spinning.
These was gifts at big demonstrations of HO’s license built gasifiers during war, probably also gifted when one buyed a new car, complete with gasifier.
Hans Osterman sold mainly GM products, Opel, Scania-Vabis, Svedlunds charcoal systems and Bolinder’s wood systems, i believe they even sold Janka, Czech made wood gasifier.


Spoken like a true chipmunk/chickadee/squirrel. When in times of plenty, it’s natural to store it away.
I am installing solar at a big home (with indoor greenhouse) and I have yet to figure out where these people live. Every room is filled with wire racking. Every rack is filled with new bulk supplies. Huge two car garage, filled with racking and supplies. The man needs his vehicle snow free for emergency calls so he had a giant insulated pole barn built which holds his vehicle, and the rest is full.
I thought I had a problem until I saw the scale of this hoard. Now I think I just don’t have enough wire racking. Racking envy. Hmmm, maybe there is a 12 step program.


I’m talking about scrap metal and junk Bruce. No one is coming to steal that. Probably required a lot of deliveries for your customer to stock pile all that stuff. That would make me real nervous. A whole lot of people know that his nest is full of nuts. Still, everyday his money is worth less and his stockpile is worth more. I guess the risk is worth it. May as well have J.P. Moron come and loot you rather than J.P. Morgan.


Last night someone has stolen scrap electric motors here in the village. Copper is the new gold. And not since the corona-inflation. A few years ago a client of mine got ripped of in his empty building he wants to re-use. In a weekend all the copper wires where taken away from a hight of six meters/ 18 feet. Long weekend but took a lot. :frowning_face:


Has been a problem here in Sweden too, they have no respect, stealing copper roofing from churches, copper wiring for the railroad (live :zap: :open_mouth:) not long way from where i live there are a big military training field, two times they have stolen all the copper piping in some outdoor-shower sheds, leaving the water flood everything, now they installed modern plastic plumbing, not so desirable. And this was on military area, where armed guards can show up!??


Inside job? If you go there from the outside you dont know or are really stupid/desperate

Anyways, someone dropped a silencer from a ship for my lister. It can go the other way too. Nice surprise it was. A little bit big. Is that a problem? The bigger the better?


No inside job, they are on security camera, rusty van, license plates visible, not registered in sweden, they “disapear” for a while, then appear somewhere else, stealing wire or catalytic converters.


I remember a Croatian friend of mine said that a family had come in for the summer and stripped an entire school facility with nobody noticing. This was a few years ago.


The greenies we’re complaining because the usps didn’t order ev delivery vehicles, and it took me a while but i think it was because they didn’t want the batteries stolen…


Fleet vehicles like that are always the most insecure.

Every week we have at least one box truck or 2500/3500 with a removed catalytic converter(s) loudly rolling into the shop.

One person actually stole from a new toolbox bed truck we had on the lot. They stole the rear end gears, and swapped it into their pickup. Even had time to wipe the oil off of their hands, nobody saw it.

Some customers cars have had their wheels stolen overnight, left on cinderblocks.

There’s some utterly shameless and desperate people out there, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to steal shiny new lithium packs from a mail truck.