Tractor with gas?

I scanned all the way back to the start of this thread to try and see how the new configuration is different from the old. This really should be condensed down to just the build itself With just comments directly related to the build and operation. It would be a valuable resource but I suppose a time consuming task. Still running a diesel on pure wood gas is a major accomplishment and should be documented.


I agree with Tom on this. Tone’s grate nozzle design is a radical departure from what we were doing before, and I think it needs it’s own category.


Yes I agree, this is a total new type of gasifier and approach with the vertical grate preheating the incoming air for the upper nozzles.
A two stage operation raw wood pyrolysis to charcoal making good wood gases in the upper stage, and then in the lower part in the vertical grate area it becomes a charcoal gasifier making more char gases with the lower nozzle and then mix the two gases together and burning it in a diesel engine.


An easy way to sort these become long, long thread topics.

On the R.H. vertical scroll bar click open the Dec 2021.
Takes you the opening topic post by JanA.
At it’s bottom edge will be a left-right avatars listing of all who have commented and contributed.

Since your interest is Tone’s now evolved in-use system click on his avatar there and narrow down only then read his posts in this topic thread. 330 so far with lots and lots of pictures.


A brief report on the operation of the system:

  • startup is slightly faster, but not significantly
  • during operation, you can feel much less resistance, the gas is constantly strong, it drops a little only after really long idling
  • something really “strange” is happening upstairs in the gasifier, apparently large quantities of pyrolysis gases are produced, which are converted into very strong gas below, after stopping the flame is very large and burns for a long time, this happens without blowing air into the gasifier, with the previous unit this phenomenon was not so pronounced. Obviously, the upper nozzles, which are buried in the ash, cool the pyrolysis process much less and the heat is preserved more
    I am attaching a video that shows this situation…

Hmm, welding a thin sheet, let’s try this, aluminum sheet is light and conducts heat well,…


It isn’t a bad idea. I think it looks kind of cool too. You would probably get better conduction if you brazed those on.

And to go a bit over the top, a neopixel light inside each heat sink, and program them so it appears as though the top is spinning would look awesome especially at night. :slight_smile: Kind of like this:


Oh, so next step is “styling” /“customizing” our woodgas vehicles/equipment? :grin:
Well, who is going to be the first with some “bling”?
Hmmm, maybe i should put some blue led’s, to illuminate my shiny stainless? :thinking:

Sorry, joking, but i sort of like the idea, if anything it would certainly “sting in the eyes” on them low car/light/turbo/shiny rims-kids


Goran, this is the “guilt” of JO, who mentioned the problem when welding thin metal in his Volvo, but I thought that the cooling of the condensation surface could be improved in this way. At first I thought of welding fins on an aluminum strip and attaching it to the surface, but I couldn’t find a sheet long enough, so this is what happened. The design is not the best, there is room for imagination, you Goran have an artistic soul. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:


Ha! Ha!
I prefer to think of it as a functional add-on.

Two old, old apt sayings here:
“If It don’t go fast, just chrome it instead.”
" Pretty is; as pretty does."

Fancies just for fancy is the sign a fellow/gal has too much time, resources, or itches that can’t be scratched.


Well, i don’t meant to make fun of anything in your build, just a little fun of Sean’s joke about putting led’s in it :smiley:
By the way i think those added fins would work, good idea to put them vertical, should give a slightly “chimney effect”?
Maybe some heat transition paste would benefit, are available for heat sinks for electronics, maybe if the edge are sealed with some silicone, so the paste don’t run down because of rain?


The possibilities are endless!!
The Neopixel lights are red green blue (RGB) leds with an integrated driver. You control each one individually so pretty much any color or pattern you want and if you want to change it, you can. Like you could be have the world’s first UFO Gasifier mood ring. Which although out of the scope of the tutorials is pretty handy, you have your wife wear the ring and it communicates to the gasifier what mood she is in so you know whether it is safe to come in, or whether you should fidget with the gasifier longer. :slight_smile:

they come in all sorts of configurations.

They aren’t super hard to program, and there are libraries that will do some animations for you.

So while I am joking, it would be kind of cool.

For those folks, you need this

And an animation of your middle finger going up. :slight_smile:


Goran, I know you’re an honest man and you don’t make fun of work, but you respect it, well, it’s good to occasionally interrupt the strict technical work with some “manly” joke, the atmosphere becomes more pleasant. :grinning:


Bah. If you want to draw attention to your vehicle just put a sign on it. Steal Me and you won’t have to buy gasoline. Youall remember that movie, The Road Warrior?


Thanks Tone, great idea. With conducting paste between the fins and hopper it will give the same effect as welding. Gonna try this.

Btw, i like sleeper cars more then the spoilered versions that stay far behind at when the traffic light turns green. Remember that old Volvo playing with a motorbike :grinning:


Yesterday I quickly adapted the circular for the tractor, an electric motor is also installed, which, with the addition of capacitors, would enable the production of electricity somewhere in the field.
I’m probably a little vain with these contributions, aren’t I , JO?


Not vain Tone. Interesting and sometimes fascinating. The more functions you can get a machine to perform the better. Your tractor is not a Unimog yet but getting there a little at a time. I guess you can tell what I have always lusted after. If we were anywhere near each other I have a 3500 watt Gen head I would give you to mount on that tractor.


It reminds me of a swiss army knife, very good, I wish I had half your skills.


I agree with TomH.
Not vain at all. Capable.
The tractor machine power-source system. Only ever needing an Independent fueling source.

The man working his system. At 5:00 showing even with power multiplication the man will still be work sweating out for his results. Ha! 5:17 the woodgas system final use drying the work-sweat soaked clothing.

Not vain at all to show/say: Here, I show you that I can. That, You can too.
Best Regards
Steve Unruh


What others said - not vain at all. I love vidoes like that. Keep them coming.
Funny, your last scene drying clothes - I just recieved this pic from a friend. The roof rack cooler becomes a bicycle holder and the hopper a shoe drier :smile: