Tractor with gas?

Mr. Steve noticed last time I didn’t take a picture of my chimney when I was blowing the fire in the gasifier, well here are some shots from this afternoon.

Heating the gasifier, moist smoke comes out through the chimney

invisible fire before the start

winch work

warming up after a long break


Tone, does the chimney valve open automatically as soon as the steam pressure increases in the gasifier? :thinking:


I open the hatch on the chimney by hand, because it is relatively heavy, I do this immediately after stopping, so that moist gases do not eat the coal in the lower part. I burn the pyrolysis gases that rise through the chimney and usually burn for approx. 15 to 30 minutes. During this time, a very humid atmosphere is created in the gasifier and a lot of water is separated in the condensation zone.


do you use the fan to extract all this gas/steam? Or are these gases expelled by overpressure?


Thierry, when the gasifier is hot, the gases come out with a large flow without a fan, Goran promised me that when the opportunity arises, he will make a video of what it looks like to stop his gasifier…
When I started to deal with the use of wood gas, this characteristic of slow cooling and the release of many gases at the same time bothered me quite a bit, but when Mr. Wayne wrote that he dries wood in his gasifier for the next drive, I also accepted this phenomenon as good and it is also good, because the “waste” energy from the hot gasifier is usefully used for drying wood.


Tone, apart from hopper venting I don’t recall you ever mentioned how you dry your fuel. We’ve all seen your “stone wall - car port - fuel storage”. Is that all, or do you spread your fuel out to dry before you store it there?
Even my sturdier chunks in the south wall drying cribs will get moldy and punky if don’t pre-dry them spread out on the trailer.


J.O. as not a daily on-roads driver I expect Tones on-property tractor gassier working, he used much less woods-fuels.
So does not so much have to stock up ahead.


I am conducting a experiment with my chunked up cherry wood and the poplar wood. In my storage wire silos I have built. I now have some wood that is 3 years old. Stored it with a heavy duty tarp on top with metal roofing on top of that. The out sides are open to the air but the silos are side by have a little space for air for circulate. I have them line up in two rows of wire silos and keep replenishing the two front ones closest to the chunker. Also feed bagging chunks up and storing them. Lol. The wood still looks good to me. I might try to use some of the older poplar wood in the back silos for my retort heat. And see how the older cherry wood burns in the gasifier. I have pulled some of the really old wood out of the 20 plus year old wood pile and chunked it up and used it. It makes my gasifier truck go down the road good. That wood is great for making Charcoal too.
I want to try this method of what Tone is doing at shut down of his gasifier and release some of the moisture out of my hopper, and not just relying on my hopper condensation cooling tubes to collect water.


Hello JO, whether it’s Slovenia, America or Sweden, the situation is similar when it comes to drying wood, moist fresh wood needs to be dried before it goes into storage, everyone knows the process here… I was somewhat prepared for such a question, that’s why I recently took this photo. :smiley:

Mr. Steve, my Fergie has done a lot of work hours, it is now approaching 300 hours spent on wood, well, I currently have about 500-1000 hours worth of dry fuel in storage.:grin:


Hi Tone, i haven’t forgot about the video, or have i? :thinking:
Well, the truth is to get the chevy going in April, (if my planning works out) stuff to do: invest in 2 new front tires, and lift out the hearth, as i know i skipped some improvements when i welded it up, im pretty sure there is a crack in the bottom again, but should be much easier to disassemble after i improved the flange-mount.
Should be fixed in a day, when weather is nicer.
So: if i post here about the chevy is up and running, please remind me of the video :smiley:

Until then, the volvo comes along…


Goran, forgive me for “taking you at your word” like this, I know you have a lot of work and many “open” projects, it’s the same with me,… time goes on, but I feel like I’m stuck in place and I’m going round and round… somewhere it will be necessary to set a limit to all these wishes, ideas and projects…


No worries Tone, i apreciate when people reminds me about stuff i promise, much better than them get mad at me in the silent, for not keep my promises.
I have a pretty “over-active brains” (not always a good thing) which makes me forgot and mess up a lot of stuff… :smiley: :crazy_face:


I know very little about wood gasifiers. But expelling gas, 15 to 20 minutes, after stopping the gasifier, surprises me a lot. This large quantity of gas which is released continuously in the gasifier, once hot, replaces the primary air. It is not surprising that wood gas generators heat less than coal gas generators


I still can’t believe that with so little wood (approx. 10 kg) start the tractor, drive uphill with trailer and chopper, grind 2 m3 of branches and bring it home, wood is an amazing fuel.

yesterday two shipments of cut wood

today 2 m3 of wood chips


I agree with you, Tone. Wood is the best battery/energy storage there is. My daily avarage is something like 10 kg for transportation, 50 kg for heat and it usually involves about 10 min of work a day. If I were to buy that same amount of energy I would have to spend several hours at work.


Hi Tone, as we talked about shut-down gases, this came to mind, i really can’t remember if i posted this already, then forgive me :thinking:

This is from an old investigation of gasifiers, and shows clearly how they produce gas after shut-down, due to overpressure. The gas was also analyzed, and only about last 3-5 minutes it was not able to burn due to high co2 level.

The investigation also states that gasifiers was loaded “full power” before shut-down, if only idling the time was shortened.
It also says the wood and charcoal was dry, around 15% moisture, more moisture shortened the “after-gassing” due to quenching of the fire faster, also steam will replace oxygen to suffocate, and cool down the fire.


It took me a few minutes to install the camera, while the tractor was running at low load, well, on the first drive uphill, you can see the power drop, but it can still pull the plow.

The draining of the condensate that accumulated during the work is also shown, and I also recorded the engine stopping…


thanks, tone for this nice video…last year you have plowed the earth to the right side, this year to the left side…this is exact the right plowing to keep the earth on the place…
here farmers with the mostly irregular shaped fields are plowing always to the right side, in the midddle the ground becomes always deeper and with a while bad ground comes to the surface…
i love the smell of fresh plowed earth…and the shining plow…
when i was in the hospital ten years ago a old farmer, a poet told me a nice story…
two plows in a barn , one rusty, one shining, have had a conversation …
the rusty one says to the shining on : we have the same age, we are made from the same metal, and i am old and rusty, and you are shining, like new…and young?
the shining one says: this comes from working, this keeps me young…


Giorgio, you have an exelent atention to detail. Almost like Don :smile:

I agree on the moral of the story. But l wuld also add that there will come a day when the shiny plow will wear out to a point where it will crumble and break beond repair… probably faster thain the rust will eat the rusty one out.
Still, knowing this, l preffer to be the shiny one.


Don’t you think that condensate might be of useful value?