Wow, 20" is wide! I know the “hate ripping” feeling.
My mill does only 12" widest - double cutting.
Made a few 12" boards a couple of years back, only because I could. Never used them though. But they’ve been moved around a lot - from one pile to another. The ones I need are always in the bottom. Board pile logistics is a pita.
Now days I never go wider than 8 or 9" and most get 4 or 6". I’ll do the wide ones when I need them. Only problem is I have to come to think of it almost a year ahead.
I hope you get use for yours before you end up chunking them
I had a couple of oak logs I had to cull because they were too big to saw in my little sawmill. I have plenty of motor fuel and plenty of wood for home heating but I decided to bust the logs anyway.
I have to quarter the log before I can handle it. ( I know I am getting old and weak ) . The straight grain wood splits OK but any knotty pieces will really test a wood spliter .
It’s been in the 80s here in L.A. I have a friend with a backhoe. He made a wedge for the outriggers. He just drives up to the big logs and sets the outrigger down on top.
They make a big screw-type splitter that you bolt to your axle that screws it’s way into the log and splits it. I have a posthole digger for the Farmall. I’m wondering if I can put the big screw on the posthole digger.
For my 8th birthday, my parents gave me a pair of wedges and a 8 lb. sledgehammer. I split a lot of eucalyptus with them. I’m always looking for an easier way. Somebody gave me a big trash compactor. It had a 1/2 hp motor and a long Hyd cyl. I reconfigured it into a log splitter. Most of what I get now is Lodgepole pine. It pops real easy. The ram doesn’t go to full travel, don’t need it. It has an 11 second cycle time.
Amazing for a 1/2 hp motor. The ram hits a couple of limit switches to return and stop. When a log pops, I just flick the return limit switch and the cycle time is even shorter. Obviously, it’s real quiet. You just push the button and it goes.
I’ll go out and just split one log in the morning if I’m short.
Brian bought one of those Aton splitters from the states and we use it to split our Large logs , largest we have split so far would be around 6 foot dia , and it will do that in minutes with no sweat , its also brilliant for doing long length’s of trunks , we split them into 4 and then lift it with the screw on the back hoe ,to the height that suits us for docking with the chain saw . The wood in the pictures is Mountain ash, Australian hardwood
Dave .
Am working my little kubota hard getting 16’ pine logs out of the swamp. It’s below zero now but 1 1/2" of rain is forecast tuesday. Will need to pull out my skidder bridge across the stream or it will be 1/2 mile downstream. In VT, more often than not, downstream means to the north.
Yes Dick now is the time to get any of that wood in wet areas harvested. Not only is the sap down but there is some places you just could never get if we didn’t have all of our wonderful seasons in the northland.
(Ray Menke (Lytton Springs, Texas))
Using Kubota to collect Mesquite pieces that a neighbor wanted hauled off. This was the third load.
She paid two guys to remove some trees, and they filled two light duty pick-up trucks with the little logs, and left these big pieces. Probably couldn’t lift them into the truck. I split them with a maul and put them into the front-end loader.
Looking good, looking good, you may have too turn on the ac before long,and watch your wood get nice and dry, it feels hot here today with wood burner heater running.Lord Bless lots of energy.
Good problems to have Wayne.
Sure wish I had that size wood available on my land right now. My trees are so close together I can’t even get my ATV through. Right now there is also 2’ of snow.