Wood supply

I am not sure what these forks were made for but I believe moving corn .


my neyber has 4-- 20’ by 60’ green houses that been up over 20 years year round up here in saginaw,michigan, and he has a runner pipe the length of the greenhouse,down the center of roof, and poles too the ground about avery 10 feet. never had roof cave in , acouple times of deep snow, he heated the inside to get the roof sweep off, ice and snow year or two in 20 plus years.He has the standard roof pitch,or the lowest standard roof pitch, not much pitch.


menards has a 10 tine pitch fork 11 inch wide, i think would work as well, probley not as wide as the one Wayne K has ,though it 16 bucks up hear in michigan.This one is for mulch bedding.I will have too give the one at menards a try when funds available. Not sure how wide waynes pitch fork is yet though.??THANKS that looks too be a good tool for the job.


I plan on storing round bales in mine and wanted to get 5 bales per row. 3 on the bottom and 2 on top. So a center pole is out for me. Thats why i need more stucual hoops. 20x30x12@the peak.


My grandfather called those dung forks said they where for cleaning up the horse dung in the old stable stalls. The manure would stick together and the bedding would fall through and be left behind. I can tell you in matted hay manure mix you need to be a bigger man than me to pickup what they will bite into…


Yes Tom It is, but looking at those forks that wayne has and compare it to the new cheap crap for $60.00 and up from china that they try to force us to buy? I just say NO I will not buy it. they make poor quality and it will break at the welds or fall apart, it is just not worth the monies. I look to see where it is made from. If it is U.S.A. made no problem paying out the monies. China forget it, we Americans sold our selfs down the tube by buying cheap stuff. It is time to change this around and only buy good quality made things again. When I was a kid everything had U.S.A. on it. And you had to make sure it was not (USA Japan)
We the comsumers have all the power if we will start using it again in this country. The older I get the pickier I get.


Here they use these in horse stables, to only remove the crap and leave the sawdust behind, maybe you can search for horse things.


Like Wayne said. Probably best place to.pick one up is at some random farm or estate auction where they give you the option of choice for $3.00-5.00 each from a big pile of pitch forks, silage forks, shovels, rakes, etc…


Hey kevin .

My chunk forks are 17 inches wide


Around my part of the country we call them cob forks. Don’t know if they were used for the cobs before or after going through the sheller. Father in law is 92 I need to ask him while I still can.


On the dairy farm where I worked we used them for moving corn silage. And yup the search term silage fork works. Too darn expensive though.


Found some pipe to make new hoops for my hoop building. Selling it for $0.25 a pound. Figuring it shoud be under $19 for a 20ft stick. Best price i have found so far. Going to see if dad can take my truck amd trailer and make a run. It is a little over an hour a way. But :man_shrugging:.

Going to use the 2 3/8 OD stuff.


Had to make some time for wood. It takes all my free time, and more :grin:. And you guys seem to be able to do the same and to build the most beautiful systems.

Pallets are a pain.
This is fun

9 feet 4,5 m. It hurts to cut it

And this is ready for the little Atmos


Joep, the red and white checkerboard on the engine hood,… you can see that it’s the World Cup in football :grinning::soccer:


Haha, that is the one sport I am not really interested :grinning:. No noise, nothing mechanical and if you point your finger at a player they start crying. Bether follow Max Verstappen, he is really really fast.

The motor hood is our Brabant flag-province. Just a joke. Too bad I didnt do that before we went to Croatia :grinning:


What caught my eye was more the Volvo embleme on the pallet. I hate football too :smile:


:grinning::grinning: i was thinking the same when I bought it. Well, football is ok, only the players are spoiled and hooligans should be thrown in the Nordsee. We should have won in Brasil, after we lost in South Africa. I still see Arjan Robben out running every other player. They really deserved it that year.


I understand if balls are interesting to children and dogs — but grownups???


JO, strangely, even Mr. Wayne plays with a tennis ball …:grinning::grinning:


Oh I didn’t know you’re from Brabant. I have a friend from Noord Brabant.