Wood supply

Finished the last trimmings on the woodshed extension today, raingutter and pipes will be next year, as well as a couple of lamps in there too.
Took a few pics during the build

Used metal roofing my dad salvaged from his uncles blown off barn roof in the end of the seventies, time to put it to use :smile:
Had to straighten a lot and put in pop rivets in the old nailholes, it is after all a woodshed :smiley:

I will put supports under three of the beams during this coming winter since it is built from green wood, I’d hate for it to get bent and stay that way, it is a shallow enough angle as it is. No need for testing the pop riveting by having a pool over them :joy:


What kind of weight do you get from snow loads Johan. Building codes in this area require a 60 pound per square foot rating. We haven’t been getting those kind of snows the last couple of years. I’m really hoping this winter is the same. I think propping up those beams is a very good plan. When I was a builder we used to cover old metal barn roofs with this stuff.

We used this brand because it was at Home Depot here. Five gallons will cover about 250 sq foot two coats thick.


We have the same snowload code where I live, 60#/sqft or 300kg/m2. The outer beams and the middle one is 8 by 11” and the other two are 6 by 8” spanning 20’. I am not that worried about it breaking now or in the future, but as it was still growing as a tree about a month ago I am a little concerned that it will be a permanent bow in it after the winter as it dries.


Looking very good, Johan. I’m a bit envious. “Code” here says I can’t add a another birdhouse. When I added my 20×6.5m (220×72’) garage I was told I’m full.

Haha, 8"11 is plenty sturdy :muscle: Like you said - it’s a wood shed. You could always add “shims” if things decide to bend, twist and turn when drying.

Btw, the weather was so nice I couldn’t resist go get number 9, even though my cold and slight fewer isn’t over with. I got rid of so much sweat and snot the tractor almost lost traction :smile:


Tell y’all what, I think I’m set for the next couple years on good oak wood. If anyone stops by in the area I’ll have gobs to fill up their bags. I still haven’t started cutting at this log we made clearing the driveway but I’m going to start cutting cookies out of it.

Kevin said in another post something about trampoline frames and it reminded me I actually have a bit of that laying around, I could get some heavy duty plastic and make some greenhouses for chunk drying. A coworker also gave me a bunch of messed up party tent/gazebo frames so I could maybe do something with those too.


Got into a fight with a tree today. I had it down and working over the limbs when one swung the wrong way and knocked me sideways. Trying to throw the saw away my arms were up and i came down on the log ribs first. I finished hacking the sucker up but no speed was involved. I hope the ribs are not bruised. Been there, done that and that time the recovery was two weeks. Anyway, in the end I won. I’m still in one piece and it, not so much. :face_with_head_bandage: :smiling_face:


I am just glad you are okay. :slight_smile:


I agree with Sean, happy you could throw the chainsaw away.
This reminds me of a nice old coworker I had, it also had a pretty good outcome given the circumstances but he somehow managed to cut his own ass :smile:


That would be “cross-cutting”, right? :smile:


That’s no1 on safety. Never be in a hurry. That’s when things go wrong.


Thanks for the well wishes. Feeling way better this morning thankfully because being laid up this time of year is not good. I probably have enough wood to get through the winter already if it’s not real bad but probably enough is not good enough. I try to get close to a face cord a day while the weather allows. Still decent here. Actually perfect weather for such chores. I was dragging my log splitter through the woods the other day and the suction hose to the pump hit something and broke. I have another coming from Amazon but it won’t be here until monday. I called around this area to try and find a replacement with no luck. I hate to say it but a lot of times I’d be screwed if I couldn’t order on-line.


I got the feeling for making a “international understandable” video again.

Pretty boring, but contains WOOD.


At least Miss Cindy was there to break the monotony


Tom, Göran beat me to it and showed how to replace the splitter. If you want to speed up the process you could weld up something like this :smile:

I took a rest from ordinary firewood today. Cleaned up a small creek at our daughters place instead. Ended up with some gasifier fuel.


Funny, to drive like that. You went into town? Clean pavement?

Goran, you just want to play with wood, outside, just like Marcus.

Be carefull Tom, we need some laughs. Lucky you were.


It’s a 15 km drive through town - yes. But you can see in the pic, that to make it street legal I tied red underwear to one of the longest poles.


That is what you call drag’n ass.


Another creek clearing day at our daughter’s - but this was the last one - or I’ll be overwelmed with chunks. This stack will be chunked as soon as I manage to free up some trailer space.
If only I had an unlimited supply of tires…:grin:


Nice wood supply JO :+1:, too bad we live as far apart… i would happily help you burn some of it.
(my fuel wood supply will only last this coming week, then it’s back to dino until drying season is here again) :thinking:


Thank you, Göran.
Yes, not much drying is going to happen this time of year. What’s chunked now will stay put in the outdoor cribs until spring/early summer and will have some mold on it by then. But that’s the best I can do. I will have to rely on fuel already stored indoors during winter.