Wood supply

By the time you trim off the excess fat from a coon is there anything left to eat? It has been many years since the deer population was strong enough to support the raising of a generation in my area.

Some black folks here make bbq out of it. I don’t know how they do it. It is really good. I think they mix it with some pork.

Best coon I ever had was cooked in an electric rotisserrie machine where the grease could run off. It is a wild flavored meat. Reminds me of bear meat kinda. Or maybe a little like lizard or monkey. I think it also depends on how it’s killed. When I was young we would eat them out of a snare. After I got older and realized the Bible says not to eat blood we stopped doing that. They taste a lot different when bled out.

I don’t know anything about cooking and spices and all that…so, no, I don’t have a recipe. My grandma just always cooks whatever folks bring her. My dad used to cook coon/beaver/groundhog like a beef roast with potatoes and onions and carrots etc. in an oven.

Possum is just a nasty gray color meat. People here used to eat them a lot during the depression era, but not because they liked it. Look up “Jerry Clower possum hunting story” on Youtube and laugh your head off. He was from the next state over…same folks as from around here I guess…


I like beaver. The stringy texture of a beef roast with the flaor of a frog or a turtle.


Where’s that. ?

Our deer population has diminished some too. Something called “Epizootic hemorrhagic disease” I think. Also, the mountain lions have returned to our area. Probably drifted up from Florida. They hit the deer pretty hard when they got here.


Central Ontario Canada, we are a large province and used to have a lot of deer. Not so much anymore.

I have 5+ deer hanging around licking their chops while waiting for me to plant my garden.


Up here it is the DNR and there dam wolfs. I seen a documentary the other day about an island the moose are making a comeback. They want to move wolfs to the island.
It is all part of the plan to keep people dependent for our food supply.

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I guess the rut has starter here in full swing. I just came home from town and saw more deer in one short drive than I have seen in six months.

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Maybe all our deer moved down there to get out if the snow. Lol
They are still hiding in the woods here. I have no idea how they find enough feed to get by the winter.

My wife saw a few deer on the snowy south side of a hill basking in the sun this morning. Deer in our area "yard up ", meaning hanging out in larger groups in areas with food and shelter. Gives them access to trails through deeper snow but also allows the more savvy locals to slowdown when driving through a yard area dropping the number of deer car collisions.

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Playing With Fire

all wood is not created equal

Running this torch pine 100% in my deep fire tube V-10 Ram will cause constipation after about 20-30 miles. After a grate shake it is good for about that many more miles.

Mixing in some big blocks or other types of wood seem to help.


Wayne your seeing the different desity of the wood the oak is about the best wood you can burn rock maple up here is a little better. But the higher the density the slower and more stable heat wood will make. This chart might help.
I was wondering if you let the pine soak in some used motor oil if It would wick out the oil and burn better in the gasifier. Of course if it works you better find a shop with waste oil because you will need alot of it…

Thanks Wayne, very interesting the torch pine defiantly has more pitch in it to burn like that. Hard oakwood seems to burn like the cherry wood I use in my gasifier, and with out getting constipated. But I still mix my cherry wood with poplar, Siberian elem, and lumber that I find hemlock, pine, Douglas fir. Softer woods just seem to constipate more with more ashes. But if it is 20% moisture content it makes good wood gas though. Thanks for the videos.

Hello Dan and Bob.

Thanks for the comments

I save my oak and other hard woods for long trips or if I want to streach out a fueling stop. Otherwise I use just regular pine and works very well.

This torch pine really makes my dakota go down the road . Also works very well with my big truck but burns to fast for the deep fire tube using the oxygen quickly causing dead char near the grate which intern will effect the ash and char purgeing


Wayne, how many inches from the nozzles to the grate in your V-10 work truck? Just thinking you do a lot of slow idle driving around on your property so that would contribute to ash build up and lower temps in the fire tube.


From nozzles to grate will be about 18-20 inches .

Yes idling around is a good time to us some of the bigger and slower burning fuel.


Hey Mr Wayne, you are one of the best jack-legged field engineers/operators it has been my pleasure to have come to know.

That pitch-wood stuff I am slowly using up bit by bit is evil stuff. Hard to control the energy release and sooty as hell.

Remember in face off between the northern high-tech Monitor and the make-do southern Merrimac. Neither could sink the other with solid multiple hits. Men died within each from concussions and rivet head sears.
The not-a-submarine, too edge pushing techie Monitor could not take normal to be expected weather and submerged and sank to the bottom.
History teaches. History reveals. Ignore histories at your peril.

tree-farmer Steve unruh


Chunking hickory this morning . It is tough and dense motor fuel and harder to handle than pine but will take me a long way down the road :grinning:


Ha, it seems your cattle are quite sociable and have a real interest in the chunking. I wish I was there to lay down beside them and watch your progress :smile:


That is funny. I have to keep my cows away from the tractor they will lick the paint right off looking for the grease and oil leaks… My late uncle always joked if you wanted to clean up something to work on it just park it in the barn in no time the cows will wash it right off. besides if they where loose like that here I am sure my neighbors would have a thing or 2 to say. Besides the fact that my road has alot of traffic.

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