The cage/mesh holder is ready for mounting the ss mesh this weekend.
Just to fix some points where the mesh can rub against, to relieve it from wearing.
Now it looks like somekind 1950-ish sci-fi transmitting antenna…

The cage/mesh holder is ready for mounting the ss mesh this weekend.
Just to fix some points where the mesh can rub against, to relieve it from wearing.
I can hear it now: “Now hear this, now hear this, send more Surströmming”
Wow Goran. I’m thinking maybe you could knit me a sweater for Christmas.
Have you tried surströmming?
Tastes actually ok, but the smell is terrible…
I can’t eat it nowadays, since i dont drink alcohol anymore…speaks for itself?
I have not personally but I have a friend who enjoys buying different kinds of canned fish and always buys a can of two. I am very picky about seafood.
I’m the opposite, I seafood I eat food! Cant say I have ever had seafood I didn’t like except a strange flounder fish call a sole, it just tasted like mud. Lobster, crab, osyster, clam, octopus, squid, salmon, steelhead, rock fish, halibut, ling cod, Atlantic cod, put it ion the plate ill eat!
Octopus? No. I think it’s wrong to eat anything smarter than me.
Come now Tom i don’t think you would rip off your junk and throw it at a female when you want kids then bleed out and die besides i don’t know any octopus that can burn up 50lb boxes of welding rod and build gasifiers and sawmills!
Nope. All junk stays intact. I’m not a brainwashed 15 yr old. Oops. Don’t want to get started down that slippery slope.
Today my brother-in-law helped me with some cleaning in my basement-workshop, throwing out an old wood-stove, and finally, lift back the gasifier
I picker truck is about the handiest thing to have around, so damn usefull! I dont think I asked before, is that a short bed on the long bed frame, or did you snub nose the front off to make room for the gasifier?
It’s a long bed, i shortened it in the front end by cutting a slice between two crossmembers, a 27inch slice if i remember correctly.
Wow it is way above the cab. Who cares you say, I want more hopper storage , Right! I think I am going to have to rethink all this american keep it at the cab roof heigth for the hopper. I want more wood in my hopper too.
Hi Bob, Actually, when i built this, i wasn’t aware of any drawbacks with hopper sticking up, my believes was just that the round shape will “cleave” through the wind good enough.
Only thing i let determine the height was the convenience when filling chunks, standing on the bed.
We must also have in mind, this hopper is’nt as enormous as it looks, it’s double walled, and have a cone/funnel in the bottom, over the gutter, probably 1/4 of the volume is"dead space" for condensing effect.
Something that also affected was the no-need-for stealth appearance, my head-goal with this build was to get it legally inspected as a woodgas vehicle, just that opportunity is something we swedes are spoiled with, i believe?
I haven’t noticed any wind-drag or reduced performance by the way, but i haven’t much to compare with.
Dutch John has his Volvo made road legal. I dont know what he did with the Beast, he still owns it but I dont know if he registered it on wood.
Hi Joep, i should probably have said “european’s”, it’s easier here, i believe, to register and inspect woodgas vehicles, due to the old-times use of it, it’s a known fuel for cars and trucks.
Harder in the states, i believe?
I have talked to maybe 30 people in person total about my toyota wheb they noticed something was uo with it, only 2 of then had ever heard of woodgas. I woukd say it is not common knowledge around here that wood can power a car/truck. The inevitable johnny law meetup with cherries and berries will happen and im sure they will have never heard of it before and find it to be a road hazard and want to red tag it a lot of people think in the US they know everything, and if they dont know it it aint real
To paraphrase Jordan Peterson
You dont know what you dont know, and if presented with something you dont know and you are in a place of power over others, you will try to shut down what you dont know. Why? Because what you dont know is more important than what you do know, and thats more powerful then you.
In this way I think it is why so many people call “bs” on wood gas, they simply dont know its possible, so it scares them
To surmise that thought, I wont be willfully divuldging to anyone in a place of power what im doing, or they will fear it and want to be rid of it.
Goran, you are right, it might be easier in Sweden or maybe Finland. A lot of woodgas history over there. We had ours during the ww2 of course, but not an industry like yours. Dutch John put some effort in it to got it in his papers. I doubt he did that for the other car.
We have an european thing, EU Test-driving-cycle, if one is willing to pay those 5000€ and test a woodgas car that way, if passed, that car, and all of same model, with exactly the same woodgas setup should be road-legal in all of Eu, i don’t think anyone is willing to go through all that, and invest that money though.
Correct. And if I may speak about John’s Volvo. Things are never black and white, officers didnt know what to do with it and gave him the permit. He got excellent work, super documentated and a good talk. If you go in that way, people take you serious and try to help you.
My experience with that office is quite the same. I had an old G klasse and wanted to change some registration, no problem. Another issue with a moped to get some plates. I didnt understand it right and thought this way is to stupid simple, but it really was and ended without papers. Point in this story, if you talk normal and show what and how you did it, then you wont find to many obstacles on your way. And even woodgas is possible then.