Woodrunner chevy

I think it would be better with a thicker layer applied. :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::rofl: … still chuckeling…


And? How about the fun run? We didnt see any pictures. Did it hold or do you need more kit?


Well, lot’s of stuff happen, i’ve been down with a flu, and no work with the moped, but, good thing i mixed up the days, the “fun-run” is this coming saturday, still possible to get the moped running, will post eventual progress :smiley:


Flu? August? You guys must have some bad weather overthere. No R in the month, no flu!


I wish this was so.
Early August. First the older foster girl. Than the other. Overlapping. Then the Wife overlapped. Finally me, solo.
I’m only at best 1/4 speed of what I was in my 20’s-50’s.
Then sore throat unable to swallow. Alternating hot teas and ice water just to be able to eat. Coughing, coughing. Having to keep strong stinky methylated cough drops held in the back of my mouth, inhaling the vapors to keep out of can’t breath coughing.
Alternating fever/sweats and chills. Cut back to 1/4 speed of my now normal at best only 4-6 hours a day.
Sets a fellow back on goals alright.
Goren you have my sympathy.
Only been the last week I am finally better.

And it has been very sunny and nice. Lots of UV rays to kill aerosol and surface contact microbes.
This the weather that used to spawn the Polio outbreaks into the 1950’s before the vaccines.


Weather has been bad, rain almost everyday last four weeks, cloudy and murky.
No good im like a magnet for all kinds of flu and colds, this was typical, after summer vacation-back to work- meet a lot of people/get-a-flu.
Exactly like SteveU describes it: sore throat, hard to breath (i have “light” asthma), fever, grumpy, headache. I suspected i got covid again, (coffee didn’t taste much) but forgot to take the test.
Well, better for now, but now all friends and relatives kids go back to school, share and spread flu’s and stuff again… :smiley:


The truck has run satisfying mostly, i believe the bad wood has been the culprit.
Today i even run it on VWW-fuel (Very Wet Wood) and it ran ok, this was a bag of chunks that has been on the truck bed some weeks in the rain, so soaking wet i believe the chunks would sink if i dropped them in water :roll_eyes:
Ok, it had been better to use dry wood, but i forget to load fuel this morning.

Yesterday the sun showed up, nice weather, i got some “feeling”, i shot a video on my way to work.


Thank you for the ride in your wood gasifier truck, beautiful country you live in.


Do you have the opportunity to measure the vacuum before and after your filter?
I’m curious how big the resistance will be in the filter.


Thanks for the ride, Göran. I watched it twice.
I agree with Johan’s earlier statement about the never ending satisfying feeling of riding along.
I guess that’s not your daily route to work. Maybe a short cut or even a detour. Imagine 80 years ago - this was the norm. Woodgas as fuel and narrow gravel main roads passing through villages - traffic squeezing between houses and barns on what used to be critter trails. A perfect enviroment for woodgas at the time.


like your charcoal bike so much. Excellent job


Thank you mr Bob, yes those backroads have a certain beauty.


Hi Jan, sorry to say, i belive you saw those vacuum gauges in the video, the one working is total pressure drop, tapped close to gas mixer, use to show 100-200 millibar, the other gauge should read the pressure drop, just over gasifier itself, but i haven’t connected it yet… :roll_eyes:
But by “feeling” i belive the pressure drop over gasifier is low, as i know it burns out the charbead easy.


Thanks JO, this is actually my daily route to work, 15 mins faster than the big road, no other traffic, (well, some mushroom and lingonberry pickers this time a year) this is what i prefer, drive this road 90%, take the big road when this is to slippery, bumpy or icy. This is 30km one direction, where of 15km is gravel road. :smiley:


Thank you Lars, it’s going to be more of the moped soon (i hope)


How did you pass your safety inspection with that crack in your windshield? Also if you soak your beans in a little baking soda before you cook them you won’t need so many air fresheners. Thanks for the ride. :innocent:


Actually, mr Tom, is was that nervous i almost sh*t peach-stones before inspection, that crack in the windshield probably would earned a remark :flushed:
No fun getting a new windshield for the truck in Sweden, would be very expensive, IF any car glass company ever would be interested in helping me…, imagine the shipping fee, big, heavy, bulky, and break-able, if it arrived un-broken i would be surprised.
Other alternative would be getting a “used” , no fun remove it in one piece.

And yeah, some air-fresheners, for the “looks”, they all smell smoke and tar nowadays :smiley:


As long as it is not in your direct view or totally distroyed all layers, no problem.

No Amercan specialized workshops? And you have so many bright and shine on your road!


A typical way to estimate if a windshield pass Swedish car inspection is to sit “normal” in your car, look straight forward, where your sight “centers” place a standard sheet copy paper (a4 in Europe) long side horizontal, centered where your sight hit, the area the paper covers should be free from cracks or even “stars”.
This depends some if you get a tall or short inspector (true), so i feel lucky as long i dont get a remark for that crack, ofcourse it gets longer with time.
Specialized shops for American cars or trucks?
Well, i work in one :wink:
I snapped some pic’s during the last weeks, unusually much American iron.

Cadillac Eldorado. Ignition service.

Corvette -68, cooling fan, headlights, service.
Week before: Chevrolet Bel Air, wheel alignment.
Dodge Challenger Hellcat, wheel alignment.
But windshields, no, over my/ours competence/ equipment, also needs a good, trusty supplier.

Normal is that people with, old/classical cars do everything self, but it moves in the direction to leave it to shops more and more. People have to much money i believe?