Ok, so i wanted a woodgas tractor a long time now, so i start this thread about my little side-project, if you are bored about my old crap and ideas please tell me
Anyway: starting with some pic’s,
So, here’s the soon to be victim of woodgasifying-converting, my 1951 Ferguson, unfortunately a kerosene engine with very low cr, this has had me doubtful about converting it, but i finally decided to pull the head and mill it down a good bit.
Im going to use this 1942 Ford-Bolinders gasifier, Imbert type, some maybe consider this as cheating? But i think it’s a shame to not use this nice and well preserved gasifier?
Also, it makes the tractor look some “vintage” with this old, slender gasifier.
Im going to modify the the gasifier “gently”, making the upper part a condensing hopper, and lower the gas outlet, also separate the gas outtake in 2, 180° apart, this is beneficial for the hearth, more even heat distribution, the one-side gas stream used to bend these cone-shaped hearth’s.
Bottom cone, text Bolinder’s casted in, odd place to advertise?

Wood chunks left from 1945, these goes into the Chevy

Imbert style hearth from above, five nozzles.
Finally got it in the shop, now to clear a spot to work on it.