Woodrunner Volvo's

I didn’t realize you lived so far south from me that your flowers were already in full bloom :smile:


That was my first impression, too, before I realized what I was looking at.


Johan beet ne to it :smile: great job.


To determine your filter area needed did you follow Dutch John’s recommendation or was it Vesa M’s? It seems like Vesa uses a lot less surface area that DJ required for his Volvo.
DJ’s rule of thumb is: 1.5x(Engine Displacement)=Xm²

Though with his Volvo’s Displacement his ideal size would have been 3.5m² but he ended up using 2.8m² of fiberglass cloth.


Hi Cody, on this build i just tried to stuff all the fine mesh i had available, in the filter.
I ended up with around 4 m2, which should very good for the volvos 2,3liter engine.
The formula i’ve used before was the work of Maxgasman, i’ve searched but can’t find it, i have it written down somewhere.
I believe Dutch John used Max calculations too? They are based on “load” per square of the fabric/mesh, if a factor in calculation is “so and so”, the filter becomes self-cleaning, it drops soot easier.
Vesa uses smaller surface filters, and they need to be cleaned from time to time.


Here are some easy formulas by Max, filter area amongst others Toyota Corolla Charcoal Vehicle Gasifier Project - #50 by gasman


Thank you Johan, the formula doesn’t look the same, but i’ve tried it some now, and would say it gives the about same results, but much easier :smiley:


Did you buy the book of Niklas, Göran?
Wondering if their version of the filter cleans easier than the filters we made?


Yes, i bought the book, much interesting stuff, but i think their filters are on the smaller side, but thats just me, i prefer big area filters, that runs very hot, has worked surprisingly well for me.
Im really curious about how my new volvo filter is going to work, i believe no trouble when im driving to work (gravel road) but maybe gets clogged on longer trips on smooth road?
About the SMP’s filters i want to find more information about them, i believe they was made by Industrifilter ab?
Needed to lift the filter cassette to brush clean.


Yes, what I’m surprised about is that they were able to drive over 2500km all the way up to 4500km before cleaning.
I think they had 4.6m to 6 liter engines.
I’m testing mine now, have driven about 1000km, and it’s around 65mbar at 2000rpm, so no problems driving so far, and clear water in the condensate tank, I like that.


That sounds promising Jan, i hope that filter serves you well :smiley:


Getting closer…

Need to route the gas down into engine compartment.

As Kristijan said: no turning back when performing major surgery…
Cut out a piece of left fender.

Cut a hole in inner fender, only the power steering container is in the way.

I had this nice hose in my spare parts. Secured with cable ties.

Where the hose ends, a condensate collector is going to be mounted. The power steering container sits nicely on the hose, just going to secure it with some cable ties.

Gas line from filter to cooler, going to mount it with a piece of heat-resistant silicone hose.

Built the hopper juice collector from some scrap stainless.
It got Wayne’s patented tar-settling feature.

I think i deserves some rest now, it’s like summer here :smiley:

Well, not much rest, i got company, walking around upon me…


Sooo close :+1:
Wonderful youtube today, Göran. Your pics are great, but the video even better.


Thanks JO, i haven’t posted them here because they’re only in Swedish (im a little lazy) going to make some international Youtubes when it’s up and running :smiley:


Got some occasional spare-time after work.

Gas outlet after filter, there is a risk of condensate running back from the cooler, and i don’t want it in my hot/dry filter, so i make this water-catcher. From the thin pipe im going to connect a hose down to a bottle in the trunk.

The pipe from filter is going to enter about an inch from the bottom of the water-catcher.

Top plate welded.

Filter lid got a cast-in-place gasket the other day.

Today lid got some paint.

Flanges, one for water-catcher, one for filter “cartridge”

Filter cartridge almost done, glued.

Filter flange got welded-in studs, when filter cartridge is ready, this flange is going to be welded to the filter pipe.


Ok, sorry for all the pic’s i dump on you :smiling_face:
Here’s how it comes together:

Filter is sealed up. The small dots of rtv is to avoid the mesh chafing against the filter container wall.

Flange welded on filter pipe, filter lid in place, gas outlet bolted on.

Filter cartridge.

This shocked me, when lifted in place the pipes lined perfectly, and i had built them separately :smiley:

Silicone hose to avoid “stress” on the piping, and act as a joint.

Next step: up front, this stainless pipe fits perfect as a water-catcher.

Making a lid, gas intake pipe, when gas changes direction, and goes upwards and out, it should throw of it’s water, maybe? :slightly_smiling_face:

Gas outlet with shut-off valve, i turned down the end of the valve in the lathe to make a hose fitting.


My net went down, so, it continues here.

Building the condensate collector/water-catcher. I forgot about the beam holding the radiator, so, had to cut out a piece :roll_eyes:
The small pipe is the drain.

Well, i made it fit :smiley: (with correct amount of force)

Water drain under front bumper.

Some tinkering to make the valve controlled from drivers place. I had to sacrifice some “universal joints” for sockets, now i can turn the valve with the rod.

The rod goes through the firewall, little tricky to get all lined straight (and not drill through any wiring under the dash :zap:)

Handle to the right of steering column.

Thermocouple for gas after gasifier.

Hopper temp thermocouple.

Gas temp after filter thermocouple.
Here the black hose going to a red plastic can is visible, this is for catching any water running backwards from the cooler.

So… now it’s “only” the gas/air mixer left to build. Wo-hoooo!
I have absolutely no idea how im going to build it yet… well, if i sleep on it…


I think that would be very uncomfortable Goran and I think your wife would miss you in your bed. Maybe you should just mull it over or chew on it awhile perhaps with a little hot sauce.

I’m sorry. I put in a hard day in the garden and now I’m tired and talking foolishly. :crazy_face:


really nice work göran !!!


I don’t know how you find time to sleep! :slightly_smiling_face: