Woodrunner Volvo's

Thanks for all the kind words :blush:
Some after-work-progress this week:

Replaced the ball joints i got a remark for.

Fitted a cheap o2-sensor, works fine but my cheap, china made gauge alredy driving me insane with all it’s flashing rainbow colors :woozy_face:
I installed a thermocouple in the exhaust to.

I welded in some reinforcement between trunk front and back wall, im going to bolt a piece of flat iron inbetween.

I made a more permanent mounting of the license plate, the short piece of angle-iron is for mounting the plate lighting.

Probably tomorrow i get my new rear springs, reinforced “trailer-pulling springs” and also they are for a station wagon, so probably i get the rear end up a little (it looks kinda saggy at the moment), i have no idea what the gasifier weighs, i was able to lift it, but i have no idea.


You were able to lift it, that means it is over 250 lbs. or more. Yup, you need to lift the volvo up some more.


250lbs? Around 113kg? I don’t think i can lift that heavy nowadays :smiley:
Edit: i got two stages of lifting heavy: stage one, it tastes blood in the back of the mouth.
Stage two, it tastes blood and sh*t in the back of the mouth, knees shaky.
Not up in any of these stages when lifting the gasifier, maybe 90kg? :rofl: :wink: :crazy_face:


You forgot stage three Goran. That’s when you get a hemorrhoid big enough to dam up your anus. Then you are certain you tried to lift to much.


Years ago I replaced a huge sliding door with an overhead door with electric lift at the local lumbet yard where train cars unloaded. An employee came up to me later and thanked me. He said it was his job to push that old door open each morning and it made his anus (he used a different word) stand out like a donut. I still laugh about that.


Haha, that’s funny Don. Donut was new to me. We usually refer to the chimpanzee in situations like that.



Before pic.

Swedish steel.

After pic.
Much better.

On my way home, couldn’t put this in the “Summer 2024” topic, because this is no summer… :unamused:
Observe the white-ish stuff… 4inches of it this morning, luckily most melted away, but it has snowed all day.


Just put on some swim trunks and start playing the Beach Boys. :slight_smile:

Also, you might be able to fashion part of the old spring into a new stylistic gas cap door cover. :slight_smile:


Sorry if i post to much boring pic’s, i just hope something could be of any use :slightly_smiling_face:

Controls for secondary air and idle speed, placed beside the parking brake.

I put in my “inverted” vacuum gauge, it looks horribly, but will do until i find some smaller gauges.

Test-fitting the gas pipes to the filter.

I had to cut deeper than my angle grinder was able to. Please don’t do this, it is stupid.
By the way: i wonder why the magical smoke use to leak out my angle grinders way before i used them a lot?

Some old start-up blowers, the one far left has been converted to a forge blower, with ball bearings and a pulley.

The pulley pulled off, and a hole drilled in the shaft, to fit the axle on a Citroën heater fan motor.

Impeller. The plastic motor mounted on some threaded rod.
It worked! :astonished: :smiley:
Edit: and No risk of woodgas entering the electric motor :rofl:


dr göran, i see a cussin on a foto…do you work also in your bedroom ???
is the angle grinder a makita? my makitas make easy a short circuit on the switch, caused by metal dust what sucks in the grinder by airflow…some glue on the contacts help to avoid this problem…i found the error after 2 makitas has had the same problem with burning switches .
nice work as always…


A treat for Swedes https://youtu.be/WZxWt7ZgXKc


Wow- just two minutes from light up to start up!


Hi giorgio, no, bedroom is only for thinking and reading :smiley:
I guess you mean my old bed-cover i use when i need to get under cars, if i lay down directly to the cold ground i have trouble getting up again :smiley:
The angle grinder is a Biltema, Swedish box-store brand, they has gone bad in quality, often the windings short :rage:


Hi Stuie, a little warning about the first video, the old guy (Lennart) did this mostly for show, running charcoal gasifiers on wood chips and pine cones is not a good idea, runs well, but filters clogged only in some kilometers.
Also a big risk of tar all the way in the engine. :smiley:


How dare he find fault with this gorgeous car! https://youtu.be/Mbv2UurtfrI


A little update.

I was able to hammer down this ball valve into this piece of pipe, some sealing compound, and drilled and tapped a hole for a bolt for safety.

Start up blower in the trunk.

I couldn’t withstand the temptation, i taped up gas outlet and condensate pipe, and put some charcoal, ash and wood in (it’s “vintage” chunks, i got them from an old gasifier, more than 70 years old :smiley:)
Fired up and got a flare after some 15 minutes :smiley:

Started to build the gas cooler, ofcourse i breaked my hole-saw in that dimension…

So… i made a sort of “guide” for the plasma torch, secured with a spring so i could move it along.

Well… the idea with the guide was maybe good, but the result was… sh*t… no tig-welding here, i just used the mig for the ease of filling those egg-shaped holes against the smaller pipes… :roll_eyes:


Where will the cooler be placed? On the roof, or did you find room I’m not aware of under the car?


It goes on the roof, sloping forwards some, and a water collector under the hood.


The good old days when they made a lot of space under the hood of the engine compartment so you could work on a engine or put a condensation tank also in there and still have room.


The cooling rails look good, are you going to make look like a cargo rack on top of the car for carrying extra wood?