Working toward food self sufficiency

Talk about this a little Tone. You are sanding Corn? What is the stuff exhausting. I have been going to build a chopper along these same lines to grind up egg shells and leaf mold to feed my composting worms. A lidded pot like that with an angle grinder mounted underneath. I hope it will come out looking as good as yours.


Excelent Tone! Same principle a potato pealer tham my father has at work.

Tom, its a grain polisher. Sands off the husk.

You will now make homemade Ričet :wink:

But the corn, is it just for a test or do you intend to use it?


Today I tried cleaning wheat and barley, well I cooked a pot of wheat to try, interestingly, it could be a very good substitute for rice.

cleaned wheat


Tone, how long does the sandpaper last?

Looks excelent!

I too pealed some corn yesterday, but in a more chemical way. Nixtamalised my first batch, to see how this corn voriety behaves in the process. My Mexican soon to be neighbour alredy wants to open a Mexican restaurant :smile:


Hmm, I tried fishing for whitefish, and got a whitefish and a lot of perch and roach, I don’t get fat on whitefish.


Jan, what is a whitefish?



Sauerkraut, beans, potatoes seasoned with crackers, boiled corn, … food for a full stomach and strength.

although we are not used to eating boiled corn as a side dish, there was only a little left from the almost full bowl.


Boiled loose corn is pretty common in the US. Typically from a can.

I think nixtamalizing would make it more nutritious though. That’s called Hominy over here.


What Cody sayd. More tasty too. If it were nixtamalizez that bowl wuld be empty for sure :wink:

Made this years first nixtamal tortilas today. Run out of meat and l didnt feel like slaughtering today so l just made a vegeterean sauce, onions, tomatoes, zuchinis, beans and lentils… Even thugh my son is at the stage where he became picky, he hadnt had the time to pick out what he doesent like. He rather just ignored it and devoured them tasty treats :smile:


Those fish look a lot like what we call smelt Jan. Here Whitefish are much larger.


Yes, I think you’re right, we have a kind that gets bigger too, but is unusual here in the lake.
This is mostly fished for its rum (roe?), costs from about 300 dollars and up for 1 kg. (2.2 pounds).


Same thing here for the Smelt.

They run up the streams in the spring and it’s easy to net thousands of them if you were so inclined. I have cleaned wash tubs full of them an my youth. Knee deep in roe. They are very good eating and for many people the preferred food fish around here. As stated in the article, the size of the runs are nothing like they used to be, at least in this area.


George Orwell > Quotes > Quotable Quote


George Orwell

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever."

[ The Telegraph Newspaper had this headline:
“Carbon Footprint of Homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally”

Apparently, a new study from the University of Michigan has found that “urban gardening” is 5 (or maybe 6, they’re not sure) times worse for the environment than “conventional crops”.

I don’t know how they calculated it, and it doesn’t really matter. If you read the bodies of the articles they even say it only applies to some vegetables in some places and it all depends on how the “infrastructure” is put together.

The details aren’t the point. The point is yet another weapon in the war on food. More regulation, more commercialization, less freedom, all in the name of “fighting climate change”.

And if you’re doubting that’s the agenda here, check out the sheer number of government research agencies which the “supported” the research project:

Support for the project was provided by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, French National Research Agency, U.S. National Science Foundation, Poland’s National Science Centre, and the European Union’s Horizon 202 research and innovation program ]

This is the plan but I don’t worry about it. Imagine the amount of money it would take to police the activities of home growers. Also to alter a quote about guns,
“You will have to drag the seeds and trowel out of my cold dead hands” However you must be aware of why being self reliant is your “enjoyment of the processes of life”


My goodness, how on earth did they come to that conclusion and expect people to believe it. Perhaps their tatget is the city folks that never saw anything green than the city park.


Easy. “Birds of a feather flock together.”

Honestly guys I do not hate and distrust ALL collage and university educated people. Just those who have allowed themselves to become so culturally-class bought in.
Think about it. Who manages these sponsoring/supporting agencies. You must be a Masters or Doctoral level to even apply. Be published; to be heard. Then your voice and “researched” opinions carry big-money decision-levels weight.
Not a 3-4th generation dirt farmer. Or a young-ish maybe other specialties degreed type enthused they can grow their own.

Screw any number evaluations system that do not factor-in the F&I’s values.
Personal Freedom and Independence.
Exactly what G.Orwell cautioned they view as their real enemy. Eroding corroding their Know-Better for Everyone (else).

Grumpy, grumpy Steve unruh


As proven by the farmers revolt in Germany, people are not quite as dumb as they used to be or that the powers that be, still think they are. Not long ago I would guess that 80 per cent of the populous was willing to swallow any of the propaganda the media and those in charge of the media were feeding them. The other 20 per cent were just malcontents and trouble makers daring to question the narrative and spouting those damned conspiracy theories. Well I hope the normies enjoy their bug dinners and their lab grown Smeat and meat glue products. Too angry? Can’t help it, having been born a malcontent.


Hi guys, wanted to share my experiment. Its called forced radichio, roots are dug out the feald and packed in buckets top size up, then stored in a cool place. Each bucket can then be watered and placed inside and it will sprout those nice tender leaves. If left in the dark they get even more delicate, l did not. Its nice to have a supply of fresh salad on demand in winter

Radichio was sewn in summer, but l definitly advise doing it earlyer. The thicker the root, more it will later produce… also, mowing it a couple of tines thugh summer is supposed to promote root growth.


Just got done sifting out my latest batch of worm castings and thought I’d talk about my little garbage eating pooping buddies. Red Wigglers. I don’t know if anyone else here does vermiculture but if not, and you plant or grow food then you are missing the boat. Of course you can buy castings in the store, for a goodly price but you could go broke purchasing enough to do a lot of good.

Very little effort involved. Once you get a set up established they just go to work and you only have to drop in every now and then to add a little food and check their bedding for moisture content. Worms are a little pricey to first purchase but infrastructure can be very low cost or free depending on how far you want to take it. If you want to cut back on labor even more then there are bins designed to do nearly all the work for you. There are hundreds of hours of youtube on the subject. All saying pretty much the same thing endlessly. If anyone is interested in the subject I know a little about it. If you want to get indoctrinated then I’d recommend this guys video’s. More concise information than most others.


Are you keeping the fruit flies out? which is basically in all store bought fruits especially bananas.