A guide for driving a vehicle on chargas

Thanks to Bruce Southerland I could finish this booklet.


Thank you very much for all that information and time to write it down! I need some time to read everything.
How is your system working for you? Do you have a video?
Thanks again!


Hi Tilman:
Thank’s for this post.
I have a video driving at 72 miles/hour. But it is in Spanish.
I have driving my Ford Falcon Ranchero on chargas for more than one year.
Eddy Ramos (From Argentina)


Valuable post Eddy. I got a little distracted when I saw you were from Cordoba and I pictured you whole town upholstered in Rich Corinthian Leather. Pay no attention to me. I probably enjoyed drugs too much when I was young.


Hi Tom:
What funny coincidence, I live in CĂłrdoba, Argentina.
Eddy Ramos


Eddy; First I would like to thank you for the drawings that you have done of our members builds. I like pictures.
Second, can I buy your Rancharo? I had a '57. Great compromise vehicle.
Third; What a fantastic presentation this is. Makes me want to go right out and get some materials and build a copy. Great job. ( all this time I did not know you were a gasifier “builder”) TomC


Any chance of getting sharper images or higher resolution images of the pages in your book? The images I have downloaded and printed are not very clear. I don’t think pdf files can be uploaded to DOW. I have uploaded some to another website and posted a link on DOW. The book sure looks interesting. It is good to see some results of your work. I know it has been a long time in coming, but looks like a great build.


Hello Eddy and thanks for posting.

I like videos even if I can’t understand the language :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi TomC:
Thanks you for this post regarding my booklet, Bruce Southerland has a lot to do with this.
I am glad to know you like my work.
My deepest desire is to serve you guys and finaly human community.
I have being in the charcoal gasing for a while, LEARNING A LOT FROM THIS FORUM.
I am not up to sell my Ranchero in the short term because I am planning de make a 3500 Miles trip only on chargas with my Ranchero. I just came back from similar trip (on a gasoline car) contacting people in the cities on my way, so in my only chargas future trip they may have some waste prepared for me on my trip with the Ranchero.
I have being a gasifier builder for some time, and I have post nothing on this site, because I don’t want you guys to loose time reading my work if it finaly fails. I like to give you a somehow tested and fairly working project.
Truly yours.
Eddy Ramos.


By the way, I have to agree with you that the Ford Falcon Ranchero is a great vehicle!!

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Hi Steve:
Nice to hear from you!
Thanks for your post regarding my booklet. Bruce Southerland has a lot to do translating to English this.
My first shot was to upload pdf files, but I could not. I agree that JPG files are not the best for good resolution. Please let me know what are the images you would like to have so I may post it here in a higher resolution.
Please help me with “I have uploaded some to another website and posted a link on DOW”, what other websites?.
Truly Yours.
Eddy Ramos. (Argentina).

Eddy , you must understand that its just as important to publish fails as well as lemon eating success stories , that’s how we all learn to swallow that bitter taste and makes us human , remember we learn by our mistakes and everyone else’s too :grin:


Hi Wayne:
I am greatly flattered in receiving a post form you!!
Receiving a post from you, to me, is almost like receiving a post from God…saving the differences.
I don’t know how to upload videos to this site, even do I tried.
But if you don’t mind the language, there are two videos in my page of Facebook: autoabasura autoabasura. (Car on waste in Spanish). It is open to public information, you don’t need to be a friend of mine to see all my info. There is a 2 min video where I demonstrate that I (started and) speed up to 72 miles/h ONLY ON CHARGAS (no LPG nor gasoline). And a second video gassing hard bread.
Yesterday I just got a Facebook page in English: DriveonWaste. I am planning to upload the Spanish videos in English. For this I need to get together with an old american friend of mine to put in English audio the Spanish videos, but he is so terrified about the Covid19, that he has “Jailed” him self at his home, seeing nobody. I will see how to get around it.
I wasn’t planing to be so long, sorry.
Truly Yours.
Eddy Ramos (Argentina).

Hi Dave:
Nice to hear from you. Thank for your kind post.
I agree 200% with you. Thank your for reminding me that. I think Alva Edison said something like: “Each failure is a step forward to success”.
But I can’t helped, I am too shy to have other people loosing time with projects of mine that may go no where.
Now that I now it works, I have the peace of mine to post it, and I am more than welcome to receive suggestion, questions, critics, concerns, etc.
Thanks again.
Eddy Ramos. (Argentina).

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Hello Eddy, I found your videos on Facebook. They are great. Thank you.

For those who don’t use Facebook to be able to watch them you can upload to Youtube and just post the link here.

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Hi Jan:
Thanks for your suggestion.
I have just upload a video of my first gasifier, set’19 with English audio, at my new English Facebook page: Driveonwaste.
Slowly I am learning.
Thank’s again.
Eddy Ramos.

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I also found your face book posting and screenshot this drawing.

It appears that the gas always goes through the blower fan even when the truck is running. You could move the fan over to the flare stack to eliminate this if you wanted to.


Just want you to know Eddy that you have certainly served me. Diagram s of all the various builds here answered a lot of questions for me. Pretty invaluable I think. I want to thank you for all your good work. Also if we didn’t talk about our failures I wouldn’t have much to post about. You describe something that went wrong and five people are going to help you figure out how to make it work right. The brain trust.

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Ha, I see you also fixed a mirror to see the nozzle inferno!


Hi Don:
Nice to hear from you. Thank you very much for your suggestion.
The reason why I got the blower fan there is because after flaring I need the blower fan to push the chargas, this means that I need to flush/purge the loong hose that goes from the flare to the engine. After the engine is ruining on chargas, then I stop the engine, and connect the hose that gets out from de bucket filter directly to the hose that goes to the engine. For that I use quick connection hose fittings.
You can find this same drawing in English in the above “Guide for driving a vehicle on chargas”, Chapter 2, page 11.
Eddy Ramos.