Air Carbon Fuel Cell

The best solar/battery tecnology there is. Fully automated.
We have a saying that comes to my mind: “crossing the river to collect water”

On a related note. A neighbour of mine watched me dump my cyclone content in the yard a while back. He mentioned my truck being a CSV (carbon sequestering vehicle) :smile:


Being blessed with plenty of wood is like having sunshine on a rainy day :grinning:


Jeff, I hope you woke up feeling refreshed! :blush:
I like your “Beaded Sheet Metal Panel Cooler” idea. I was looking at Eastwood’s catalog, and they make a 3/8" bead die set. That would be easy to make / buy a bottle-brush type cleaning rod. Or use muzzle-loader cleaning tools. Yes, you could make the cooler plates half-round, or whatever. The top and bottom “manifold” might be a bit tricky, but worthwhile to save space.


Hi Mike,

I fell good today. A nice winter walk did the trick! Fresh cold air and snow, better than snake oil ! ! !

I agree that the top and bottom manifold will be the trick. The cold end could be plastic pipe, slit and drill holes. More thinking is needed.

Thanks to all for the replies. Made some progress on the ACFC today.

Solar Fuel, onward !


tell him you are actual running on airpolution (factual true ) since your fuel is been extracting carbon from the air to become substance in the wood you use…


This is another snip from an old book “The Gas Engine, how to make and use it” (1897) by Warwick, that I never had the time to post. Amazing what little information that a DIYer needed back in 1897. Now a days the DIYer needs step by step hand hold instructions, maybe no real DIYers left???







More to come.

Solar-Fuel, onward !


I was at a tractor show in Portland, Indiana a few years back, and a fellow had made a running model of this engine. I think it must have been about 1/2 size. I think he started with purchased, un-machined castings. It ran very well!


Hi Mike,

Did you scope out the valving? I’m a bit confused one that aspect. Intake might be vacuum activated.

I think I have the pages a bit out of order. After they are posted I will go back and number them. This is not the whole book.




More to come.

Solar-Fuel, onward !



Solar-Fuel, onward !


I don’t know if I ever figured out the valves, it was not readily apparent, I remember being perplexed on how it worked. :roll_eyes:


Actually, the engine I am thinking of is probably this one.

It looks like the one I remember.

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The end. I’ll check the order of the pages later.

Solar-Fuel, onward !


Mike, that is a nice engine. However, way over my head to build. :grinning:

Solar-Fuel, onward !


That really bugs me when somebody glues together a kit and says they made it.


Below is the gas manifold that will help to preheat the charcoal and cool the gas. The bottom style flange is easy to make but not so easy to do the top shrink tuck style flange. Need practice for that or next time make a top ring cap.

Next video will be with my smartphone. I think the microphone is more sensitive also I have an external microphone on order for later videos. I just do not have the voice projection that I had in the past. Plus I have always been on the quiet side.

Solar-Fuel, onward !


Watching this video I see the light fluffy snow.
My gut feeling is this is a warm day, by my winter standards.
COLD days are dry sunny and the snow makes a sound as you walk on it.
This is mild weather maybe -5…

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Here is update #4. The mic showed up today.

Solar-Fuel, onward !


Thank you Jeff for the video. It looks like this new design of your Air Carbon Solar-Fuel Cell (ACSFC) Gasifier is going to be finished before long. Looking forward to seeing it producing some gas to flair or run a IC Engine.
I am still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers with the other Brothers here on DOW. Also your name will be held up in prayer at our weekly mens prayer meeting tonight for healing in your body.
A lot of people would just give up if put in a position like you are in right now. But you are not one to just give up. You are going to keep building. I believe if the world was coming to a end next week for everyone, You would go out and plant some trees. God needs and can use a man like you.
Lord Willing I will be at Argos 2019 and Lord Willing I will see You there also.



First, thank you for the weekly prayer’s meeting !

Secondly, a few days ago I was spreading black locus seeds on a field. These were the seeds I collected this fall.

Solar-Fuel, onward !


I’m thinking lids:

Solar-Fuel, onward !