An item that came up on Facebook

For some reason I was sent this link on Facebook. There are a lot of comments and I see at least one photo in response to discussion of a motorcycle on wooodgas/charcoal. I have not heard or read of Gnowangerup before.

I thought I would quickly share it before it is lost in the complexities of Facebook.

In 1939 N.W Griffiths, son of John Griffiths of ‘Virginia’ Gnowangerup, invented a device that cleaned producer gas more efficiently than previous systems .

I’ve attempted to capture the discussion to paste to my post but it became a lot of gibberish.

Merilyn Stewart


Group expert

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In 1939 N.W Griffiths, son of John Griffiths of ‘Virginia’ Gnowangerup, invented a device that cleaned producer gas more efficiently than previous systems .

The Speedy Tractor Service Co of Perth made him a business offer and they took up manufacturing the unit. Beam Transport demonstrated the device on one of their passenger coaches.

Ruth Griffiths: John said he was quite a genius, an untrained engineer who had a workshop in Tambellup and was very clever at making attachments for farm machinery, also made a gas attachment to use down rabbit holes.

Callan Rankin: My grandfather Harold rice used one on his vehicle around cookernup on his farms in the area during the war also

Peter Vaughan: Dad built his own gas producers in Buntine W.A.

Glenys Nottle: ……my father converted his truck to charcoal power and was also used to cook the evening meal on when they went to dances in the area.

Peter Batt: Dad talks of using charcoal producers to run their farm vehicles during WWII.
I still don’t understand how they produced enough power from burning charcoal to run vehicles but needs must.

Image from the Pickering Brook Site. Not directly related to the above story.