Maybe Chris can answer this: There are usually four of the most recent posts on the left side of the page here but if I happen to miss some time on this site, they drop off somewhere, especially when the site is extra active, I believe I would have to surf every category to keep up to date, is that correct? Is there a timeline list of posts somewhere sort of like the Yahoo site where we could look at all the posts in the timeline order of posting? I hate to miss anything!
Don M
Hello Mr. Don,
Click on " WHATS NEW " at the top of the page and it will show in order ever post since day one
Thanks Wayne. Never thought of it!
Who need Chris when when we have brains like Wayne?
Chris had to show it to me !!!
Take a look at the Replies column in the “whats new” view. If you do your reading from that page, you can click on the blue text indicating new posts for a particular topic, and it will “fast forward” you to the new posts !
The page seems to know when you are logged in and that helps keep track of what your have read and what is new since you were there last. It is a real time saver.
I notice if I do my reading from the forum tab or from the list of recent posts on the left of the main page, it does not track what I am reading, so I that is why I prefer using the “Whats New” page - I even bookmarked it in my browser.
Once you log in and click on the new posts, just go back to the top of the page and click on the “Whats New” tab to select another set of new posts. The count for new posts is automatically re-calculated for you to see.
Hey Chris how about a temp conversion chart somewhere, maybe on the left of the page by new members for us old guys? I think it would be very handy. just a thought