Argos 2020 Planning

June is still a long ways off. maybe we should just wait and see what happens before deciding anything for sure.


Hi all, Dana and I are not traveling anywhere until this virus problem is over. We are obeying the Washington State lock down. I have a family member in the military and they have locked down all unessary people and family members more than a week ago.
I think the live video gasifier meet up is a great idea.
Washington State is going to place restriction on major highway traveling in the state. We are taking every step stop this virus before it becomes a problem like in Italy. We were hit hard and first in the states. One person has died in Wenatchee. We have one other confirmed case. The Seattle area and Spokane has been hit hard.
Here are some bible verses to read. Psalm 91:7 , Psalm 121: 1 - 8 , Isaiah 54: 17
If we Call out, upon the Name of God the Father the Creator of heavens and the earth, YAHOVAH is His Name and in the name of Yeshua (Jesus) his Son’s name to help and save us from this virus that has been formed against us and deliver us from it; and bring healing to those who are sick. He will hear us if we all call out to Yehovah for help.
This is my prayer for all of you in this time of need.
Fasting and prayers are needed by all.


Amen Bob. I think we should do the virtual meet up idea. If everyone would take it seriously, there could be a lot of projects started, or completed. If folks would put the same effort into preoaring for the event as usual and the same commitment of time and attention to the doing of it as usually goes into the trip and weekend, lots of stuff could be accomplished. The situation offers a wonderful excuse to get building. Just don’t forget to film and photo and post.
We have started trying to whittle down the project list to identify realistic plans for the event. Jesse would like to finish his lawn mower. I would like to to get the walk behind tractor going. We would like to get the lbj gasifier hooked to an engine and get it going to put some hours on it. Maybe get an electric generator running. Lots of possibilities.


I am all in. I have a new kiln to make, gasify the Škoda and the sawmill… there is time difference but l will adjust. Chances are those projects will need to wait till then anyway, this virus thing changed our prioritys and plans on the new homestead and instead of focusing in house renovatin we are focusing on growing food. And that needs to be prepared in time.


I would be all in for a virtual Argos! I’d love to see everyone’s projects and would be happy to share more details on what I’ve got in the works.

So is the idea to do live streaming or just everybody work on stuff and post lots of pictures and videos?

I think we should plan for a “Virtual” woodgas meetup, if we have an actual physical get together in Argos , Indiana or not. I think we should work within a “window” of a week or so. I think those who have the ability and want to live stream should do that, with some kind of schedule. Call it a multi-media get-together. Post pictures, or just written descriptions of what you are doing. I think still photos are great! Videos are great! etc.!! I know YouTube live streams are available to watch anytime afterwords, which is nice. I am not an expert or even a novice with live streaming. I looked up some USB webcams, and many are sold out due to so many now working from home. There are still other solutions out there. I will probably just post videos on my YT channel, and post pics to the forum. We can start a special thread for links and schedules. Time frame near the planned date of physical Argos, before or after. :grinning:


We used to do the Friday night hangouts but that sort of went by the wayside.


Ive recently been introduced to the Zoom video conference app. Does anybody else use it? What other streaming. Apps do you all have and recomend for the virtual meeup?

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I’ve attended a few webinars with it lately and it works really nice for that. Seems like a decent option.

I was no longer able to find them when I’d actually remember - Oh - it’s Friday night!

Hey everyone, I had an idea for a project that might be fun and collaborative, and maybe would make for an interesting demonstration for a virtual Argos event…

My idea was that we could organize a group-build of a basic charcoal gasifier to run a small engine. Anyone who wanted to contribute could participate, and we would work off a set of predetermined plans. We would have to start by establishing a set of criteria, like what size of engine, how much the material budget could be, and what sort of fabrication skill level we would require. Then, we could look at what sort of parts could be sourced online, which would allow it to be built basically anywhere with similar results.

I am kind of thinking of it as a FEMA gasifier crossed with the Gilmore simple fire (only hopefully better than the FEMA, so “good enough for goverment work” wont cut it :grinning:).

It will probably need a cool name, I was sort of thinking “Project G” in honor of Mr. Gilmore. Once we work out some semblance of a set of blueprints, anyone who was interested could try building the damn thing, and see if it works. At the end, we would compile everything we learned and make up some guidelines that we could present at a digital meetup, and maybe work up a PDF with our plans.

If anyone else thinks this sounds fun, feel free to chime in and we can start another thread (also feel free to tell me I am crazy, I get that a lot :grinning:)


You’re crazy! Just like the rest of us :grinning:

I’m intrigued and would love to take part. I’m an old hat with Solidworks, and can create 3D models, drawings etc…


Talk about Argos, I got bored staying inside here so I dug out some old 2015 Argos videos I took.
Circle of trucks.

Sending smoke signals.

This brings back good memories.


Do you still have the Tracker, Don? Took me a while to realise they were sold here (still are) as Zuzuki Vitara.
Putting down any miles on the S10?

I still have the Tracker but it needs a clutch and I am getting too old to crawl under there and do that. I transferred license and insurance to the S10. Took it to my daughter’s house last week 11 miles one way for a little workout :smile:


Now I was curious, @don_mannes do you have gas on Suzukin ?.
I have one in the yard.


Yes Jan, it runs on charcoal gas now. Here is a walk around video of it.


Thanks, Don. I was thinking about the Vitaran before I bought the s10an, but must have place for dog in the car too, therefore it became a s10a …


Don - if you want to work on it above ground I can loan a forklift. I use them all the time for my work. I block the forks for safety so it can’t drop.

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