Hello MrT
I do not normally respond in a charcoal fuel topic.
However for an automotive engine the fuelgas needs of the engine charcoal versus woodgas are similar.
Easy. GO with fuel injection.
These fellows HAVE successfully gasified fuel injection auto systems in addition to the Dodge Dakota fellows:
Dutch John - Volvo “brick”.
Chris Seymour - Ford full sized van.
Frncois Pal - Audi? Puegoet? Ha! No. A European GM.
Don Maines - Suzuki Tracker.
The trick of it is to learn the different fuel injection systems. Especially your own!. The needs and requirements of your specific system.
Those with fuel injection computer problems were because of the Gov’mints Eco-Greens Social Progressive Dictated Nanny features mandated in 1996 and later systems controllers. Computor Nanny-Over-riding gets real bad on 2003 and later era systems US/Canada/EU…
The best EFI years for DIY repairs and modifying were the later OBD I’s systems in ~1990-1995.
Yeah. Still a rust out age. You’d think “they” are intentionally forcing obsolescence, eh?
Big $$$$$'s forced churning.
s10’s were TBI Throttle body injection up to 94/95 I believe. They had a trasition stage where they switched to CPI Central port injection (spider injection) and then to Multi-point fuel injection.
See this thread for more info on chey/GMC fuel delivery systems
there are people on the forum that are running or have run all these fuel delivery types on woodgas. definite advantages to running MPFI over the other two but also may or may not have to mess with computer. Never ran a chey/GMC CPI or MPFI but have run a TBI (both 4.3 +5.7L) and worked well enough.