Cigar Box guitars

Hi Y’all !
Congratulations Wayne and Chris on the excellent distribution of the hardcopy book. It came out really nice - a quality piece of teamwork and it was nice to watch it all come together.

I have been off topic for a while. Got really busy in 4Q 2012 and 1Q 2013 with the day job. Planning to relocate down south some time this year, and there’s lots to do around the house to get it on the market and start thinning out “the stuff” for a 1,200 mile move.

Anyways, over the past month or so, I got interested in home made cigar box guitars and was really surprised to be able to make one using some basic woodworking tools that I have from my “wood shop” days from a couple of decades ago. The one on the left is my first and it is for my son. It has a shortened scale, and I still need to add a fret board. I was surprised you could hear it pretty good as an acoustic before adding the pickup.

The one on the right is mine and is set up as a lefty. It is a standard 25" scale with about a half pound of pickup coils in it. Still working on getting the neck and the action set properly, but it is coming along. These take just a few days worth of spare time to build and once I am done, I will have another hobby to pursue… learning to play some twangy music and slide blues.

Great little instruments! One of my favorite duet groups has a cigar box guitar, Hymn for Her: (not a gospel group). Check out their stuff, it’s pretty good.