Wayne , Lisa sure is. Did you refill your hopper there at the house. Or did you have enough to make all the way back home on your driving and visit today?
Nice wood gas driveing vidio, THANKS, You think maybe if your wood is a little bit not Quite dry as it should be, that might slow down the warm up time CONCIDER EMOUNT. Or you think that wood was plenty well dryed. SWEM.
Hello Bob .
Lisa says give her a tent and a 100 acres she would enjoy more . OK to visit but couldn’t live there .
No need to refuel , plenty of wood for a round trip . If I filled the hopper full I would expect about 80 miles or more .
Hello Kevin .
The wood is plenty dry . This truck is set up to go down the road at pretty good speed . On the big roads I can stay with the flow of traffic without over heating the gasifier .
I just Love that video, you go Lisa, DOW at it’s finest.
Ok Thanks Wayne K, Thats one brillient burn tube cooling array ideas too allow those burn tubes too take all that centrail concentrate heat, and still last 20.000 miles at freeway speeds.
I’m loving all these videos Wayne! Thanks for sharing the ride with us
It was a nice road to go on, no traffic and the forest was like a tunnel.
Wonderful surroundings, Wayne.
First hackberry buds are about to burst here.
@Jan, it won’t be long now until we’ll be cruizing in green tunnels too
Amen to that! plus 20
Hey Marcus
Thanks for letting us ride to work with you .
Also the wife had me running here and there for her . We was going to sawmill this morning but a rain shut us down for a while .
We have had torrential down pours here today as well Wayne, gasoline here is hovering 4.50-4.60/gallon for regular. Cant wait to be driving my v10 past the gas stations like you are!, thanks for the ride its keeping me motivated!
Thanks JO .
You and Walter put a smile on my face
Later on Walter had a question for me:
-Why are there fences alongside bridges?
-For cars not to hit the water, I answered.
After thinking for a few seconds he replied:
-Have you ever seen a car hit a fence?
I answered: -No!
-So, why are there fences alongside bridges? he repeted.
??? What to say ???
For the people who are bad at driving!
Cody, I’ll tell Walter tomorrow