DOW Driving Habits

Yall hop in and we will go for a ride around the pasture :grinning:


My v10 dont even idle that smooth on gasoline :joy: thanks for the ride Wayne!


Thatā€™s because it wants wood gas not gasoline.


Saturday fun.


Thank you very much for letting me ride along with you and your wife Jan.

I was about to be out the door to get my daily fix of DOW and now after riding with you I donā€™t need to be in a hurry . Also much easier to drink coffee while riding with you .


Thanks Jan. A woodgas ride in the woods is nice Saturday night amusement. Better than night clubs. And cheaper :smile:


There are lots of places in the US like this, your videos is much like Washington Oregon Idaho Montana mountains, but less lakes. Those are few, but full of wild cutthroat trout and crawfish. Iā€™ll have to do some mountain videos to share


The small lakes here in the forest have only a few salmon trout, mostly perch and pike, most of the crayfish are gone due to plague from signal crayfish. Iā€™d like more movies, when I watch Wayne driving on his fields, I get a little jealous, thereā€™s nothing that big here.


I havenā€™t made a driving video for a while. Woted for the Mazda today and turned the camera on for a while. Also, added some water-drip on this trip :cloud_with_rain:


Thanks for the ride JO

I was out DOW this morning and also turned the camera on .


Putting the miles down :grinning:


Thanks for the rides guys! Wayne last year they changed laws in Washington, without a state certification you canā€™t buy refrigerant anymore, I have about 3lbs left enough to charge my v10 one more time before Iā€™ll have to go out of state to buy more. Pretty useless to have all the ac repair tools if you canā€™t buy r134 to charge up with and keep the kids and wife happy

Jo itā€™s 91Ā°f right now and going to top out at 96Ā° today, was out early today swapping out a conveyor on a truck trying to beat the heat, your rainstorm was pleasant for me!


What do you have in the trunk of the volvo that you don not want to get wet, vs. the back bed of the truck? Thanks for the ride with you on the surprise rainly day.


Hi Wayne and Lisa thanks for the ride with you both. Yup doing out for some shopping and running around these days most people would take the smaller car to save on gas. Lol not you two lets take the big truck. Heck itā€™s just wood and costs the same every day. $00.00 to Drive On Wood. Bless you both on this day.


Thanks Wayne! The reason I havenā€™t put a video up in a while is just that - canā€™t think of much to say. Been DOWing almost daily, but not in the Mazda for about a week.
I regret I didnā€™t film when we visited an old running waterpowered frame saw the other week. Went there in convoy with another woodgas vehicle - the owner of the BMW stationwaggon. A fun day.

Marcus, we had our share of 90-95F. It lasted only for a couple days, but Iā€™m still glad itā€™s over with :smile:

Bob, nothing special in the trunk. The only thing I wouldnā€™t want to get wet is if I store bags of wood there. The lids seals 95% and any squirt will drain. Since it was aready raining and a short trip, I happened to vote for the Mazda though.


Last 30lbs tank i picked up was about 3-4 years ago. I believe it was runninge $129.00 a tank then. Just priced it out about a month ago and they had it listed for $400 plus, if i remember correctly and with discount came to 350. Thats before tax. :exploding_head:
You need a MAC certification to buy in bulk here too.


Hi marcux with all your knowlege of vehicle repairs, and building, i dought you would have any trouble passing freon recovery class or the ac test , with very little reading, they probbley have a study booklet at SOS too take home. They made us up here in michigan years ago pass there auto repair sectional test, not too hard of test, mostly basics.

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Iā€™m poking at my boss to let me get certified, but have no idea how much the class will cost yet. For now it gives me a reason to cross into Idaho and see my brother and get some r134 while Iā€™m there


Up here in central michigan area , its been a few years ago , though at SOS office test were around 25.00$ a section test, maybe 20 years ago i took about 5 different sections, refrigerant recovery was one of the test , they were all easy basic questains, basic , If you fail first time for some reason, you could retake the test a few days or so later.I never failed a test and that means, it was not too hard questains.You might have too study up a little on refrigerant recovery rules or basic procedures at the most.


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