Featured Project of the Month for October 2015 is Gary Gilmore’s Ford Ranger. From the charcoal evangelist himself, we have the first OBD2 vehicle running with a charcoal Simple-Fire gasifier.
"My work in charcoal gasification has mostly focused on small engines. I ran a VW beetle for about 20 miles but rust issues forced it off the road…In November I aquired a 2004 Ford Ranger with the thought of trying to get it running on charcoal.
“Well, with 200 miles of commute time on the unit, I am pleased so far…I am suprised how easy it is to run on gasoline and then switch to charcoal, Need more power on a hill? Turn on the gasoline, open the air valve and away you go. So far I’m getting about 2 miles per pound of hardwood charcoal. My hopper gets me 25 miles to work without refilling, and I’ll guess it will get me another 10 before needing a refill.”
[See more about his project here: 04 Ford Ranger on charcoal - #19 by glgilmore]
@glgilmore Gary if you could send us some more photos and maybe a status update, we’d love to hear more about the Ranger! Congratulations.