if you tell me - then yes, there is
Like seeing your videos, thank you for making them
I had to tighten up. YouTube destroyed my old channel about wood gas gasifiers that I ran for 10 years and made 500 videos. Part of the video was restored on a new one. Meet: the history of Soviet wood gas cars. Part 1.
The oil lords do not want all the people to know about woodgasification and how it is carbon neutral and how good it is for the earth vs. Using oil and being not carbon neutral.
Sorry this happen to your wonderful site but at least you know you are speaking the truth and they do not like it. They have been doing everything in their powers to suppress this knowlege by getting the auto industries to make vehicles that will not run on woodgases. 1991 to 1995 OBD1 engines no problem running on wood gases but the OBD2 1996 to 2001 some work okay, but the later OBD2 models do not work well.
Thank you for your new site.