Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, I’ve been having too much fun!! lol!
I’ve got over 200 WG miles on her now and she’s my transportation to work.
There are still some bugs to work out, but not bad enough to stop the tires rolling!
HI Terry ; that is good news!! What is your top speed with the little 4 cyl so far??
Great! Post a video!
Ron, the other day I decided to go for a speed run. As I was approaching 65 I passed a gumball tucked behind some brush. Yikes! Better do this another day! Short answer is I don’t know. I can do 65 consistently. I haven’t messed with the timing. Also a 4.10 rear might help my 5speed.(3.70 now).
Chris, People have mentioned I should start videos. Do you have a camera recommendation?
The Flip MinoHD is a good choice. They are discontinued so you will have to get a refurbished one. Wayne got his for $40, don’t see them quite that cheap now but look around on Ebay.
Hey Terry ,
Sounds like you are making progress!!!
I hope you will soon forget which side your gasoline tank is on.
Terry Grzyb, I love that cooler … Doesn’t get any better than that … Mike LaRosa
Thanks Chris, I’ll look into that. It seems that a lot of the videos out there are just re-do’s of what other people have done. I wouldn’t want to contribute to “more of the same”.
Funny you should mention it Wayne. I think about the gas tank quite a bit, seeing that there is a gasifier mounted above it!!
I do have shielding for the heat, but you never know…
Thanks Mike, I wanted to get away from so many welded seams. This does the trick, plus it saves space!
More of the same, you mean “here’s my first run / testing out the new gasifier” sort of stuff? I agree, there’s enough of that around.
There is a noticeable lack of “day in the life” type videos from successful woodgassers, i.e. how do you normally use the vehicle, and what’s your procedures for doing it. Chopping wood, startup, shutdown, cleanout, etc. Videos of you driving or your gasifier strutting it’s stuff are great too. I have a feeling there’s folks out there who still doubt this technology because very few are showing how it can be used to replace gasoline in your day-to-day usage. Most of the folks making videos are still tinkering, which is understandable.
Chris, speaking of videos…Wait…
Speaking of web sites, this one is BEAUTIFUL! Everybody’s projects seem to come alive. It’s almost as much fun as wood gassing.
Now, speaking of videos, I have posted one that’s not too normal, Maybe a little fun to watch. It’s even got some wood chopping in it. Its supposed to be about “wood gas philosophy” whatever that is…lol
Check it out
Nice video John! Exactly what I mean.
I saw your older video a while back when I was scouring Youtube, and wondered if you were still at it. And now you have a van! Good work. Start a thread or something where we can get a better look at your projects!
Hey John,
Thanks for the video, keep them coming.
It is a grin when the rubber hits the road.
I’m still trying to work out a good idle. Works wonderfully one day, crappy the next(stalling, or over reving). This is even with gasoline. Sean from Florida mentioned to me to use a separate choke cable for the idle but since I have great days sometimes I would like to work this out without another control in the cab.
OK, I threw a timing light on her to see what I was working with.
Warmed up on idle with petrol I had 8 deg advanced.
Switched over to WG and it popped up to 26!
Here is the funny thing. switched back to petrol and it stayed at 26.
Restarted the motor and it’s now back to 8.
It is strange that it can idle fine on petrol at 26 deg advanced but it won’t get there unless WG coaxes it.
Hi TerryG
A late model Ford system like yours controls Idle speed through a combination of ignition timing, allowed injector pulse width turned ON time, and variable idle air bypassed around the closed throttle plate by the IAC (idle air control valve) - silver can shape held on by two bolt screws on the fire wall side of the throttle body. Computer has a target engine idle speed it wants to see and will change any one, or all of these as needed to reach to reach this target RPM. Also does this to compensates for lighting and AC kick in and out loads.
Woodgas soot very likely building up holding the throttle plate partially open admitting unwanted air and/or the IAC valve tip getting carboned sooted up or the idle air bypass passageways in the throttle body caked shut. Drives the computer to jack around with the ignition timing trying to reach it’s target RPM. It is a common normal 30-60K service item to have to remove and clean these with a tooth brush and throttle body/carb cleaner spray.
Or sooted up on one run of raw uncooled, unfiltered woodgas as I have done!!
You must keep the cleaner spray out of the electrical portions of the IAC and the throttle position sensor or it will kill them. So best to remove and manually clean with these held up.
Push come to shove you can with a risk pinhole the air boot to allow can wand spraying directly into the throttle body accross the throttle plate and into the idle air inlet passage. Plug the hole with a sheet metal screw or dab of engine grade black silicon. Done it. Works. But too much spraying and you will wash years of accumulated intake crank case gook from the PCV system into the combustion chambers and foul out your 8 spark plugs.
Ha! Ha! Only the 8 spark plugs a unique Ford/Nissan issue. As a total air flow sensed system wondering how /if your gas valve is able to complety shut off flow all flow in? I am concerned about engine shut off woodgases backing up and fouling your air flow sensor on top of the air cleaner.
All other SEFI vehicles will have this same throttle plate/idle air coking problem. Very bad some times 2-3 times a year cleaning issue on worn out oil burning vehicles.
Steve Unruh
Steve Unruh
Amen Steve Unruh…the computer gets very confused with wood gas and the aromatics left behind by wood gas. OBD2 may not be able to be modified to run on both. I have my Ranger running good on wood gas and I have tried all sorts of different things and still trying.
Thanks for responding Steve,
I am aware of the IAC problems. I cleaned it out just before putting WG to it so I knew I was starting clean. My throttle plate moves effortlessly, not sure the condition of the IAC.
I’m pretty sure I’m not getting any backflow at shutdown. I always switch over to petrol at the end of a run.
What I have found out today is if I have a runaway idle, I’ll slow the motor down with the clutch and then it will stay slow untill I blip the throttle. It’s like I’m telling the brain “I want the idle here!”
Who knows how it will act tomarrow?
If the motor can run 26 deg advanced with gasoline, why doesn’t it? I would think any brain would first set for optimum timing, then adjust idle from there.
Took a peek into the throttle body today. Yup, there be some carbon down there.
I might try to close off the iac and run by butterfly only.
I know you can’t have too much filtration, might be expanding my filter drum.
Terry, The truck will be rotten before you even have to begin to worry about that soot … I had to junk out 3 woodgas vehicles this year … Ah, life in the salt belt … Mike
You are the front page featured project for April. So lets see a video!!