Free Rides Again All Years Here

Did you go back to lighting the hopper? :joy:


A while back I made some charcoal with a tilted 55gal/200l barrel. Sometimes when I tossed in a handful of sticks, they would fizzle, and the air they took with them would cause a whoosh of flame. I wondered what kind of wood it was, since it smelled a little different. I did have a ball cap, and a beard, which was shorter and uneven when I finished :slightly_smiling_face:. The good news is, beards shrivel, but don’t burn. At least in my case.


If your a diesel mechanic like me, there is a good chance there is enough grease and oil in your beard it becomes flammable :rofl: and the wife does NOT like the smell of singed or burned beard when you lean in for a kiss


Yeah, I try to store only emergency food in my beard, and nothing flammable. I did have the sense to scrub thoroughly on entering the house.


No…i did go back to: not look down the barrel :laughing:


After burning my beard sometimes, and that “burned hair” smell!!..i’ve become more careful with welding, lighting barbeque, oxy/acetylene torches, black powder… i guess it’s a good thing :roll_eyes: :grinning:


Bumb to the top so the new folks can take a ride with us .


Here is a new ride I have not seen before, he has been driving for a while.


I miss hearing from the old DOW Argos wood meet up gang. The class of 2014. Just a few still active on the site now. I hope they are all still DOW now and then in there busy lives they are living.


Must have gone through a few chords of chunks that year!


A lot of build effort there Bob. I enjoy those videos. It’s kind of surprising to me that so many have come on in the last few years all gung ho and then just vanish.


I just just say this “life goes on” for everyone. This site has more then just building gasifiers and DOW on it. Everyone has there main instrest in life and they will stick with them. I can see it here with the active members. The other members built some amazing gasifiers they have them to drive now or not. Some are saving them for that day when all the gasoline runs out or they can no longer afford the drive because of the price of fuel. I am glad that there was and is a site like this for learning and support for building. There are some that have the ability now to DOW but just want to blend in now and not be noticed. Shhhhh, is the word for them with their gasifier builds. Life goes on for them. Also RIP to our honored members that have been a vital part of this DOW site with their contributions. I say thank you to you all.


Here is one more that made the news.



Great segment you dug out here BobMac.
DaveN. did supposedly try to set up a company to convert vehicles. Named 21st Century Motors.
He was in Connecticut. One of the mid-Atlantic U.S. states that has recently adopted California stricter vehicle emission regulations.
So . . . I expect he nose-bumped ran afoul . . .
Or Investors, legal problems . . .

His system was pretty much completely his own creation.
Along with Mike LaRosa he was one of the first to woodgas an EFI vehicle.

Two details things in this news segment video I’d never seen before on his system:
On the handle of his hopper is shown a hopper steam moisture venting off.
In the video it also shows his besides the gasifer enclosed wrapped produced gases heated wood conditioning bin. He says and point out that he was routing the moisture from that back into his gasifiers’ hearth air intake.
Smart. Smart ambitious guy. I’d forums comments told him he needed to switch over to stationary woodgas electrical systems developing as much less scrutinized and regulated for compliances.
Steve unruh


Hi All,
The youtube presenter of BobMacs video find is named Avry Alexander.
He has three other videos on this TV interview of Dave Nicols woodgassed pickup truck.
This next one with very important info in it. Enable CC to “hear” against the severe traffic noise.

Then another shorter one.

Watch, listen; carefully
Steve Unruh