Gasifier Engine Driven Charcoal Production

Matt as you’ve experienced wood bits lose weight as dried down.
Use this as your triggering parameter. This is the decision point in manual baskets shifting.
Ha! Ha! I think we can assume a gravity constant. (joke) EMP and CME and Polar Shift event proof.


I could try to make this work . I have so much concrete panels from taking down silos I can build anything . I had a dozen 55 gallon drums and lost all but one . bought one 35 gallon drum for cost of 3 , 55 gallon drums . making baskets sure just need to weave 5/8 steel rod have plenty


As fuel sounds good. However, here is not widely available. We have instead a variety of tropical wood.

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Your trees have more of a right to live then you do . Do you have any hydroelectric power . Maybe you can use that with out complaints .

Category IV protected areas usually help to protect, or restore: 1) flora species of international, national or local importance; 2) fauna species of international, national or local importance including resident or migratory fauna; and/or 3) habitats. The size of the area varies but can often be relatively small; this is however not a distinguishing feature. Management will differ depending on need. Protection may be sufficient to maintain particular habitats and/or species. However, as category IV protected areas often include fragments of an ecosystem, these areas may not be self-sustaining and will require regular and active management interventions to ensure the survival of specific habitats and/or to meet the requirements of particular species. A number of approaches are suitable:

  • Protection of particular species : to protect particular target species, which will usually be under threat (e.g., one of the last remaining populations);
  • Protection of habitats : to maintain or restore habitats, which will often be fragments of ecosystems;
  • Active management to maintain target species : to maintain viable populations of particular species, which might include for example artificial habitat creation or maintenance (such as artificial reef creation), supplementary feeding or other active management systems;
  • Active management of natural or semi-natural ecosystems : to maintain natural or semi-natural habitats that are either too small or too profoundly altered to be self-sustaining, e.g., if natural herbivores are absent they may need to be replaced by livestock or manual cutting; or if hydrology has been altered this may necessitate artificial drainage or irrigation;
  • Active management of culturally-defined ecosystems: to maintain cultural management systems where these have a unique associated biodiversity. Continual intervention is needed because the ecosystem has been created or at least substantially modified by management. The primary aim of management is maintenance of associated biodiversity.

Active management means that the overall functioning of the ecosystem is being modified by e.g., halting natural succession, providing supplementary food or artificially creating habitats: i.e., management will often include much more than just addressing threats, such as poaching or invasive species, as these activities take place in virtually all protected areas in any category and are therefore not diagnostic. Category IV protected areas will generally be publicly accessible.

If only one account exist it is only account I can give . I can not say I know more or saw more then he did .

A very interesting and important discussion, imho. Perhaps some of you that really know about this could put something about this in the thread Wood Drying Methods?

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I never sayd I was going to cut a single leave… Fallen trees and other valid sources if wood should be used as well win, water or whatever could be used

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the 10-year period, 1146–1155, was selected as a scenario of worst-case warm drought from the paleoclimate data for the past 12 centuries . Civilizations fell , Populations never recovered . What can I say " When you get rain try to slow down the loss of water , you will need it later ’ .
I stayed in a community that was not allowed to pick up fire wood but was provided with propane .
9 out of ten people were then forced out . There was protest in China over extreme water pollution from solar panel production . All these places ’ Nature Conservatory " A people used to live there . They collected firewood , now that is prohibited . We need to adapt to living out of Eden .

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Not if it is gasifiers exhaust
This is what I had seen on his you tube channel. Genset powered with wood, exhaust from genset motor into a can holding a basket of wood for the next load


I am going to try a method to steam dry wood chips but I am not going to use the engine exhaust .
The exhaust does heat gasifier . I mistakenly connected blowers to reverse polarity 12 volt and they burned out . I have been thinking of starting system with shop vac and trying to start engine when shop vac gives out .

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Coir Wattle Check Dams
100% biodegradable coir wattles are excellent check dams. A very successful sediment control device.


I think Venezuela can offer much more then Costa Rica in way of ecotourism .

Costa Rica is a lush country where nature is on display in all its splendor thanks to extraordinary biodiversity. This product is based on studying and observing salient features of nature, and ecological, geological and other processes, such as bird watching, observation of flora and fauna, volcanoes, hiking, trails and national parks.

The territory is divided into 29 national parks, 19 wildlife refuges, 8 biological reserves, and a series of protected areas that captivate lovers of ecotourism activities. Excursion offerings and tours are varied, including: horseback riding, hiking mountain trails, guided tours for bird watching, forests, landscapes and natural heritage sites, as well as aerial trams, lakes and rivers full of flora and fauna.

This tourism product not only aims to provide beautiful natural experiences for tourists, but also to educate visitors about the importance of protecting natural resources.
Although Costa Rica is a small territory, it makes up about 5% of the earth’s biodiversity. Fortunately, this natural treasure is protected by the National System of Conservation Areas, preserving a total of 25% of the national territory.

Visitors can enjoy the country’s majestic volcanoes, Pacific and Caribbean beaches, tropical dry, wet, and rain forests, as well as exhilarating jungle landscapes, all without traveling long distances.

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to visit our natural wonders.

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Good Morning Mr Malanguito
Woodgasification is not totally unknown in Venezuela.
There has been a very active fellow woodgassed for engines using coffee plantation culled trees. DanieloM.
He posted up active on the Yahoo Woodgas group. Yahoo has stopped supporting their Groups system. Hopefully he will find his way here.

There has been one current fellow from Venezuela posting up here on the DOW.
I wait for him to speak up for himself. Hopefully not caught up in the violence’s in your country.

And back in the early 1960’s there was a wood products mill in Venezuela who commissioned bought a engine fueling gasifier system from IMBERT/Europe. It choked on your higher ash wood species. Imberts have weak barley active grates.
Imbert wanted to sent a technician to sort out the problems. No. The MIll’s people said. Our experienced Millwrights will do this. And they did.

So quite a bit of native talent you have there.
Seek in the Rural wood products areas. Not in the cities. They are petroleum addled there.

HenryB quit confusing this English as a second language person with your reference
I swear I will fire up a chainsaw and down a tree for every additional link you put up; confusing.
Your’re no angel. You posted up pictures of downing trees that were invading eating up your buildings.
Trees are an aggressive species. Only thing more aggressive here where I live are marching, demonstrating, rioting, Green-Spinners.
Steve Unruh


There is this one tree that is on infrastructure that is under power line to solar panels . I cut down one two feet away could not see my feet but did notice I was rocking back and forth on the concrete i was standing on , My favorite tree The Red Maple is split in half and right over my power line I need to take it down or it is on me . We home Schooled we were sales persons for Calvert school I wanted to sell you on Calvert School even if I paid for it .

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Calvert school system for our two foster girls?
Thank you for this offer Henry.
Unfortunately fostering registered in the State of Washington our options are only Public Schooling. This gives the independent daily seen-by-others. Others who are mandatory reporters.
Covid-19 this has meant virtually home-schooling Zoom classes thru the public school.
The great news is starting tomorrow the youngest kindergartener get to school bus to the school and in-room learn now starting tomorrow.
The older 1st grader hopefully get to bus back to in-class school next step. After the normal winter break time. Late December.
We home supplement daily. Did this all summer.
Both girls far ahead of expected curves.
Public schooling is for the p-social real world exposures. Good teacher and they will zoom-zoom. Bad teacher and we will show them to endure that one temporary slow-down, and expect to zoom-zoom come the next class.
Life teaches life.
Be no weak daisies here. Be no “identity” disabled here.
But. Tough. Practical. And pretty.
Steve Unruh

If we had our own natural born from my wife’s womb children we would have options then.


School was 4 blocks away and people on other side of street would shoot at you for being on other side of street . I am saying it was like that . It was or it was not like that . It was not like that every second of the day . It was like that enough of the time for me to say it was like that . We had the right to home school and we did that .
I remember my wife sent in some form to the school board like 50 times before the school board acknowledged receipt of the form


Hello!. Igor is my name.
1960 is very prior to the Saudi Venezuela age, very long ago.
I can say that I live in a rural area near Mérida city y that I have visited lots of very rural areas in Merida state and found nothing about wood gas. Some of this all towns are 5 hrs away with some off road.
Unfortunately I don’t know about that Venezuelans that already used wood gas.
I am here to learn


“We”, you Venezuela oil producing and exporting since the 1930’s; and USofA oil producing and exporting since the 1880’s suffer never having to must-do woodgas.

I was wrong. Danielo Moreira is in Brazil. Ha! They DID have to woodgas in the WWII embargo sink all ships era. And Portuguese language is not Spanish.

DOW member Abner Valbuena introduces himself here:

You can click open his avatar picture to see all of his information posts here on the DOW.
Even try to contact him with a DOW sponsored Personal Message.

Steve unruh



Thank you! I just read all about my neighbor from la azulita…POLITICS!
Looks like more than a year and did nothing on Gasifing
I hope to learn from you and i am also reading papers from universities located all over the world.
My goal is to make people that live in rural areas to start using this technology.
There is no reason for people with full access to wood would only depend on the gas from our very


Deforestation has immediate consequences for the local population in terms . The unpredicted erosion, landslide, due to deforestation, are also major concerns
The Curupao Power Plant, which was inaugurated in 1933, still provides electricity to Guarenas and Guatire.

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