Hydrolysis/water cleavage and/or high temperatures break the urea formaldehyde bond. Once that bond is cleaved then nature can take over as both mononers, urea and formaldehyde, are found in nature and there are bacteria that treat it…
Formaldehyde itself burns primarily to CO, CO2, water.
The article in post 22, actually goes through a number of ways people have tried, including pyrolysis and includes the references to studies. One issue is either the writer of the overview or the study itself, was focusing on the reuse of the wood fiber.
We are looking at a broader scope of how to get some value out of otherwise trash that we would have to pay for.
So as long the gases are burned off with say a secondary burner, you wouldn’t have much if any formaldehyde left.
However, again that isn’t the only resin used…
Here is google AI contradicting itself slightly.
Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin, while not easily biodegradable, can be broken down by microorganisms under certain conditions. The decomposition process involves the hydrolysis of the resin into its constituent monomers, urea and formaldehyde, followed by further breakdown of these monomers by various microorganisms.
Here’s a breakdown of the biological decomposition of urea-formaldehyde:
- Hydrolysis:
The initial step involves the hydrolysis of UF resin, breaking the bonds between the urea and formaldehyde molecules. This process can be accelerated by factors like moisture, temperature, and the presence of certain enzymes.
- Urea Degradation:
Urea, a nitrogen-rich compound, can be broken down by microorganisms through the enzyme urease. This enzyme hydrolyzes urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.
- Formaldehyde Degradation:
Formaldehyde, a toxic compound, can be degraded by various microorganisms through different metabolic pathways. Some bacteria can oxidize formaldehyde to formic acid, which can be further metabolized to carbon dioxide and water.
- Microbial Communities:
The decomposition of UF resin involves a complex interplay of various microbial communities. Aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, and fungi can all play a role in the breakdown process.
- Factors Affecting Decomposition:
The rate and extent of UF resin decomposition depend on various factors, including:
Moisture content: High moisture content is essential for microbial activity and hydrolysis of the resin.
Temperature: Optimal temperatures for microbial activity are generally within the mesophilic range (20-45°C).
pH: The pH of the environment can influence microbial activity and the effectiveness of the decomposition process.
Nutrient availability: The presence of other nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, can enhance microbial growth and decomposition.
Type of microorganisms: Different microorganisms exhibit varying abilities to degrade UF resin, with some species being more efficient than others.