This keeps coming up on individuals topic lines.
Seems to be a lot of social pressure steam here.
Maybe best to have a pressure release, safety valve dedicated safety release topic on this.
AdminChris can kill this from the get-go, or later if it goes off the tracks.
I’ll start.
For those of you in other contries wondering about the “US Problem” it is easy. Most everything really needful is priced at most cheapest suppler value here. Gasoline. Vegetables. Meats. Clothing. Electronics. Home use appliances. Tools. Most, but not all “toys & pleasures” at cheapest cost too…
Beer, wines, liquires, mj have very high “sin”, “social responsibility taxes” added.
Automobiles, firearms, and many others do have escalating “VAT” taxes.
To you not knowing VAT is a Value Added Tax. A social responsibility tax supposedly to help finance a better society.
Now follwing the comment been made on other topic do realize in the more social progressive states and areas there are multi-layered subscription service taxes and fees. Phone. Power. Water. Sanitary sewer. Storm water.
There are progressive increasing personal property taxes.
Mine and the wife’s layered up now to 11% annually.
Health care we CHOSE to join and be members of a not-for-profit Group Managed Healthcare Network. Not inexpensive.
So USofA healthcare is done on the Robin Hood redistribution principal. Those who have and can; must pay for those who cannot and won’t.
Robin Hood/communism works until you run out of those with the “wealth” to pay.
In the US we are running out of the broad, deep middle class able to pay in much more than they take out. A few such as the Gate’s, Balmers, Waltons, Sucherber’s and others as trend-setters/addict-makers climbing up out of middle class into being truly rich.
The vast majority of the built America workingman/woman middle class slipping down into the working poor. Or given up working - now just getting by on progressive-social hand-me-downs programs. Every Program needing of couse a professional highly degree’d Administrator, with a staff, offices, vehicles, travel-healthcare-retirement allowances.
I do not see health care in the US as settling out to be a fair-for-all.
Many here will fight social progressive as the last assault on their personal liberties. Fight their last loss of personal choice. Why we and our folks left old-countries to go to America - for the choice to live or die free.
FreeChoice is American, above all. Forced-choice is repugnant to a true blue American.
I dropped home internet service to drop out of taxes/fees. Use library/public as a taxed social service I think is important to maintain. I never buy lottery tickets. I do not cater to Indian or other gambling. I do not attend concerts/sports events. MY choices!
Drive much less to free up money to pay unavoidable or deemed needful social taxes.
To be able to pay the social-tax costs now for others unwilling to work and pay into the system I no longer have my teeth fixed. -anymore. Clean daily of course. Erosion, lost crown anymore having mine pulled for $132. one tooth at a time. Cut up my foods finer, and finer. My choice.
My four year younger wife, still working, contributing, with-a-decades yet usable brain I invest into the implants and bridges.
This is real.
This will time in history will become the third American Civil War.