Life goes on - Summer 2020

Bill, Is this post from one of your neighbors?



hitting the like button twice wasn’t an option, thanks for sharing


I went for a drive/walk on Sunday Had a relaxing afternoon.:grinning::grinning::grinning:
The 3rd and 4th pictures are some of domestic cacti the has spread.
KIMG1052 KIMG1060 KIMG1059 KIMG1061 KIMG1063


Grandson Walter visiting. Judging from his haircut he will probably be running for president shortly :smile:


Gotta love those blondes!


I used to be a blonde till it started falling out around 40 years ago.:dizzy_face:


This is for everyone who enjoys looking at random bits from around the world. OK, Who ordered this white stuff?? Must have been someone stuck inside needed a different view.

I am still working a slightly modified schedule, and my wife, Joy, is still delivering mail as I write this! :grinning: I just fixed the de-icer circuit on the big ABC network dish in the second picture. I didn’t think it would get tested properly until next winter. Thankfully, It’s working! Sorry about the sideways photos. :upside_down_face:


Hey MikeR.
Here we are having too many “teasedays - foolya’days” Clear blue sky daytimes reaching up into the 60’s F with clear sky nights still hard frosting. The gardens all dried out, tilled up ready and waiting 30 days earlier than typical. Can’t safely plant for anther couple of weeks.
We should still be having April raining.

My home visiting nurse wife is still out there doing half of her in-home visits. An essential service. We immune systems home boost here. Good sleeping, good foods, lots of hydration.
Convinced Covid-19 has already marched trough our household due to our go to Seattle in February aquarium and zoo visits.
Untill one billion tests are made availabe on our own demand decisions for us in the USofA we will never get a handle on this.
MY November voting will be now about individuals who have proven; damn-the-data-geeks, to push ahead for the availibilty for us to be tested and retested.
No more of this maybe uncertainties: but General George C. Marshalls commanded, “Action this day.”


Been at home lost track of days got up this morning looked out and thought " crap it’s winter again where did summer go" :mask:


24 hours plus twenty four characters

Now the mud. Just never satisfied:grinning:


What a difference a day makes!


We had a late frost Thursday morning. Planted out all the garden today and yesterday.


Yesterday we were at plus 13C, today sleet and plus 2, tomorrow is supposed to be much like yesterday. Funny how melting the arctic ocean has such consequences… :smiley:

Spring is just truly starting now, late. Supposed to hit 19 on Tuesday. This is our new normal, accelerated spring, accompanied by severe drought, hopefully broken by late May, early June. Great for doing field work and harrowing twitch grass, and planting. As long as the rain comes.


Hi, We have cacti here in Michigan also. Something about finding cacti growing wild where is snows for months just seems wrong to me. I first found some when at summer camp when I was 9 years old. That was a large plant. I could find it again if it is still there. This is what I found at my shop last week, I worry about my dog stepping on them. I have a larger one I moved a couple years ago.


That looks like prickly pear Ron. We get a lot of good fruit from those down here every year.

Pretty much finished planting this round yesterday before the storms came today. Another Sunday storm. Expecting tornadoes again this evening and hail. Plagues, hail, earth quakes all over, toilet paper shortages. Maybe something to think about.

Also, I am pretty impressed with the new system for sorted-out hardware. Here is a picture of some of it. I love these new shelves. Been trying to do this for about 25 years. Finally got there.



Finishing planting leaves more time for this.

But not too much. Mechanic business is unbelievably busy. Every day, more jobs coming in, people calling. I’m going to have to start sending them away if it doesn’t slow down. We are still hoping to do some gasification projects if things will slow down some.


A couple random pics:

No1: Temps in the high 60s forcasted for this upcoming week. Yesterday’s fire in the boiler could be the last one until fall, depending on wether the solarpanels get sunshine enough.

No 2&3: Sunday afternoon spent at work. While loading a couple containers of junkmail paper for the US market I decided to take a look in the back yard.
One of the paper machines was shut down 2 years ago. This year is when things get torn down. I strolled around the junk piles for a while and dreamed of - you guess what :smile:


Wow a very big post hole digger. :smile:


Hi Jo
I built a gasification boiler last year (downdraft) and I can’t get a total combustion (there is still smoke present). the chimney draft seems low and the gas combustion chamber may be too large and too cold? what do you think

Hi Thierry,
A downdraft boiler is a little picky on draft. They say you need a minimum of 180 mm dia, 8m tall chimney (or thereabout) for most avarage size boilers if you’re running natural draft. I have a brick chimney, 160×160 mm ID and 7 m tall. Works ok on natural draft only a little tricky lighting up cold.
This combustion chamber is about 150 mm dia in firebrick material. Secondary air added in the restriction. A bit of turbulence and a hot enviroment for the flame is of course needed for a clean burn. Oh, and dry wood of course. If the pile of wood is moist when it starts to warm up, the steam can kill the fire.


Ha! Ha! My weeks long “lucky streek” on being just ahead of sold-out, or commaned shut-out has broken.
Thought it would be easy to get a new cheap road/commutor bicycle for the foster girls bike-sized small Mother. (Her federal stimulus check arrived)
Nope. Walmart, Target, Dick’s all stripped racks cleaned out. Even the only two remaining open bicycle shops cleaned out in this sizing.
I had to unlease my Amazon Prime wife shopper to find one in the right specs.
Took her hours to find one still in stock at a 2X price.
Hope it actually does eventually arrive.

Just another Covid-19 shutdown created shortage.
Best you double lock up your bicycles fellows.
Supply-side chokes; with rising Demands will bring out the thieves.