Life goes on - Summer 2023

OMG, I just realized that your one thing looks like a frisbee golf basket.


That thing should work great as a cooler for stationary engines, just to put it in a big bucket :joy:


I hope we are getting some video and some will be getting one of those big old saw fired up.


Now thats a fair I’d want to visit :grinning:

I sure hope so too, if Göran has the time for it :blush:


I had little time filming, but theres some i had the time for, just going to check it so i don’t make a total fool of myself :rofl:
No chainsaw videos though, extremely hard to film with a phone and run a heavy chainsaw the same time. :thinking:


Ok, here you go, some spontaneous filming, and some pic’s.
Rain most of the day, and cold, but still a lot of visitors at the country fair.

There are 2 shorts also at my youtube.

Pre-heating a kerosene blow-torch, first step, next is pre-heating the hot-bulb.

My “Waterloo Boy” ran nice all the day, i didn’t get the magneto done in time, so i ran the low tension ignition from a car battery, to get a nice spark a coil needs to be wired in series with the igniter. An ordinary ignition coil works, but because it’s “on” longer periods, and nothing wired on the high tension side, it gets extremely hot.

So i came up with this


Thanks for the video Goran :blush:


Donated a unit of blood today, saw a donation drive on the way home from work and decided to drop in.

Red Cross is always wanting me to donate blood since I’m an O Negative.


I’ve never seen a bar with big holes in it like the one on the ground. Really enjoyed the video. Still like to see that two man saw run.


You’re a good man Cody. Just curious, did they request your vaccination status when you donated?


They did in a questionnaire, I’m not vaccinated and they didn’t ask me in person. My mother caught COVID confirmed with a test, and I never caught it. Every time I thought I had it I tested negative.

I’m only vaccinated for the regular stuff a kid gets in the US, up to Swine Flu in high school.

You should make sure you have tetnus and rabies up to date.

Wasn’t aware there was a human rabies vaccination.

I’m up to date on tetanus. My last hospital visit I was given a booster.

There is a rabies vaccine but it looks like it is commonly only given after possible exposure or traveling to a foreign country.

Thank you Goran.
What a sound, and what a job you guys do to keep things going :+1: :+1:


cody, i was near to die as baby, caused by vaccines, my body was just blue

it was to early for me, so god saved me

in all the vaccines now they give the genetic mrna stuff inside
(depopulation reasons?)
be careful what you take
trust god, not the vax!
ciao giorgio


Thank you Göran, for the fair report. If not occupied over the weekend providing the city with wood heat I would have been there.


Hi Tom, theres going to be a video of that two-man saw in the future, i didn’t run it on the show, that beast is a hard starter if weather is’nt correct (Very dry) probably due to a bad paper condenser (capacitor) in the magneto.

The bar with holes in was a good idea to make it lighter, didn’t work in practice, imagine sticks and twigs stuck in thoose holes


Giorgio, I agree. I asked Cody about whether or not they asked about his vaccination status because I hear a lot of places don’t want vaccinated blood - it’s too contaminated with the mRNA crap. I hear that some awful stuff is happening to people who took the vax (not all, but a large percentage). It’s generally unknown to the public at large because main stream sources don’t report it. Just look at all the programs that have a “Sponsored by Pfizer” tag on them. However, the truth is leaking out and soon there will be a dam release of evidence that the mRNA jabs were a huge mistake.


A friend dropped this gift today, a whole bottle of vacine. It will be well used :smile: