Life goes on - Summer 2023

I put the air conditioner in 4 days ago, then last night it was chilly. My timing sucks haha but I’m so damn ready for some rain and clouds! I do miss the long sunlight hours for getting things done, but I can work in the dark all the same


Listen to the first part of this link Kevin. Some good information on colonoscopy. At least have some extra information. Most of my family has died from Cancer and in most cases the medical industry expedited the process. It is a Dis-ease resulting from an imbalance or imbalances in other body systems. Almost always starting in the Gut. Balanced nutrition free from intentionally or otherwise added contaminations and a balanced PH are just two things necessary for a Dis-ease free body.


When I was a kid, in my 5 mile walk to school and back, in 2ft deep snow, uphill both ways, the hills were much steeper. I had to carry climbing gear.


Today’s language class, Tom.
Ved = wood
Magasin = storage (also warehouse)


So vedmagasin “wood warehouse” is what sits on the back of the Volvo, nice.


Yeah, sort of :smile:
Speaking of languages I’ve noticed in Youtube videos that Slavic languages use the word Magasin even for ordinary grossery stores.
…which leads my brain to the next thing that’s been on my mind a few times…
A store - it stores things for us - that’s what we pay them extra for. The English language focuses on the storing.
The Swedish word for store is affär (an affair is somthing else in English). Affär translates to business, which leads me to believe that’s what Swedish stores focus on.
Btw, affär can also mean what affair means in English.
I find it interesting how many words are the same, but developed a slightly different meaning in different languages over time.
I’d better stop here, before things get outof hand :smile:


Magasin could also transliterate to Magazine, which is the older English term for storage. Still in use with weapons, an ammunition box magazine for example as opposed to a Clip which is meant to load an internal magazine in a rapid fashion.


Oh, I wasnt aware. I always thought Magazine in English was all about reading. You never stop learning. Well, at some point - but I hope I’m not there yet in a while :smile:


Goes back further then that, it was the powder magazine. This was the room on a ship used for storing the cannon goods. This version is still used today if you have a federal firearms license 3 SOT and ordinance license your magazine is where all powder and assembled ordinance minus detonator must be kept with a active inventory of what is present. Much the same as a store today would have a inventory of what is on hand


Today, I broke the harvest record.

Together with harvest from our own backyard, I picked up today 50 kg of tomatoes. Alltogether this season, it makes very nice quarter of tone, 250 kg. And there is still hanging a lot of fruits on green stalks which may ripen to the good quality.


Wow, signs already in mid August !?! Down here in the southern hemisphere, I have some bulb flowers poking up sprouts. Not much of a temperature change, but the days are longer and the sun higher in the sky. That is when I get to see it. Most days are still rainy.


OK. Just because I’m geeky like this.

Even though it has been warm and humid still, I think I smelled a trace of fall in the air this morning. I hear a chainsaw calling my name.


Lots of nice looking tomatos you have there Kamil- they are darn near a buck a peice around here. I planted late this year-and to top that off i planted cherry tomato’s by mistake from green house lableing.


I love this site. I use it often to elevate spirits at this time of year.

It tells me I have an hour and a quarter more daylight than at the solstice and increasing at 2 1/4 minutes per day currently. Also the sun is about 10 degrees higher in the sky (that is about 20 sun diameters). Sorry that the inverse is happening to you folks north of the equator. :slightly_frowning_face:


This is perfect time of year here in central,michigan-USA-The bog heat waves are just about history for this year- after next week we will be under 80 F most days for about a month any way- then it usually dont get that cold till december.- though it might cool off early this year according to the weather predictors.


Hey guys, Wow, it’s been a wh\ile since I caught up on posts. Super busy here. Been finishing up the new classroom since we sold the ice business.
It’s also been perfectly hot around here. a little over 130 f on the heat index scale. Just about warm enough I’d say. The most wonderful time of the year.

But I have a question. I know I’m going to hear a bunch of screaming “NO”!!!.

I installed a new mini split ac unit in the classroom. they come pre-charged. it ran all night just perfectly. had a solder joint fail this mornign. Lost all my R410A.

Can anyone think of any reason I can’t evacuate and recharge with r404a. I have some left over from the ice business. It operates at lower temps, would be slightly less efficient I think , and uses the same kind of oil…anyone have something to add? Please?

Also, anyone have an idea on how to measure mass (or volume etc.) of refrigerant from a 30lb jug.? I don’t have a high side port to hook a gauge to. …Actually, I just thought of a dumb answer…maybe a simple scale (duh…)

it’s also fig season…yum


R 410a and R404a are very different gases, the essential difference is in the operating pressures, namely R410a has a much higher pressure and the compressor and expansion valve are adapted to this. If this system were to be filled with R404a, the cooling power would be significantly lower, and probably the indoor unit would also freeze in one part. I recommend that you fill the system with R410a, usually the amount - weight is indicated on the label on the outdoor unit, otherwise fill by measuring the evaporation pressure (+ 2°C) and the temperature at the outlet of the evaporator - suction pipe from the indoor unit, which should will be 5 °K warmer, i.e. +7 °C, this is called superheat.


It sounds like their soldering came apart, get them to do the warranty repair. Their tech will come out, resolder it and refill it, and you are done.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


7 watts to bring sleep-time safety and security to the foster girls’s bedroom:

An LED cards hanging tree in this former home-office FAX machine corner.

25 watts to give the living room NW corner of the house an inwards and outwards night-time all-is-well&safe, warm glow:

Takes the majority of that 25 watts as incandesent heat to make the wax globules come motion alive. I’ve used 7 watt LED and 15 watt incandesents in gifted to us Himalayan salt lights for a similar effect. Pay more for the flutter/flickering ones.
Life is too important to settle for less, with wattage “efficient” fluorescents.

Our words, posts, and pictures to each other, can encourage and support each other here on the DOW the same.
Steve Unruh