Life goes on - Summer 2023

Biden sold down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to keep prices low last year. But now it is at half its historic level and prices are going up. Not a great long term strategy I would say.


Politics is not a good long term strategy. I got no faith in anyone “coming to the rescue” for the storm we are in.

Self reliance, family, tribe, and Jesus.

Them things will get you through a storm


Do you have this plant in your place? Its root tincture is supposely great for joints, used topicaly. But l must check if its realy this one, lm 90% sure it is
 will ask a neighbour that uses it a lot for his cronic back pain.


It gets harder, she doesn’t like fish that much, but if it helps with the pain, it’s worth a try.


I’ll ask her, she’s good with plants, do you boil the roots or grind them?


No, a tincture in alcohol. For external use only.


Being paranoid from the age of 15 due to the Cuban Missle Crisis and being a card carrying conspiracy theorist, I’m always anxious to think the worst about anything the government is up to. The interweb has all kinds of theories and I have no clue if any of them are valid. I’m going to shut down my electronics anyway. One thing is for certain. It’s not a two hour test of the EBS. That would make no sense at all


If she don’t like fish, the “fish-liver-oil” capsules works great, hard to swallow, never try without a glass of water (i tried, and it dissolved in my mouth, releasing that Omega3 fish liver oil, it tastes horrible :face_vomiting:)
I’ve eaten them some, and (nyponpulver) for my knee’s, that (nyponpulver) tastes like sawdust, but i really feel difference.


Yes, exactly like sawdust. But it works in cereal/mĂŒsli with milk or fil or on a sandwich with some extra butter. Haven’t tried mixed with water as a tea but perhaps it doesn’t dissolve


Hi, Bob! (and to who it may concern)

We have had this annual National EAS test for a few years now. (Way before the C word) There are three originators for these tests. First, our station (weekly EAS test). Second, local “primary”, Radio station. (monthly EAS test). Third, a national originator (FEMA). Ours is scheduled October 4th. (tomorrow) at about 2:20pm, Eastern time. We just pass it along the daisy chain. The equipment pretty much does it automagically for this complete system test. This partially replaces the old Civil Defense program. I don’t know what the 2 hours is for, might be for reporting success / fail. :cowboy_hat_face:
Edit: EAS stands for “Emergency Alert System” formerly EBS “Emergency Broadcast System”. This is one of the few things the USA FCC really cares about, and every radio or TV station commercial licensee pays attention to! :innocent: :cold_sweat:
Edit again:
Here is a link to the the press release.


Nyponpulver with water, both hot or cold are no success, really just tastes as a drink with sawdust and sand.
Only my experiences ofcourse. :slightly_smiling_face:


A little up date on fuel prices here in central Washington State. The gas fuel prices went down, but only $00.10 on a gallon of gas fuel. But diesel fuel went up $00.10 more. This means more higher prices on everything we buy in stores.


GAS here in michigan i think $3.68c gallon diesel was about 4.68 gallon. Since all the wars pending,its doutfull price will drop much without peice making not war making.


Finally got something kinda going. A little auto feed on the Atmos woodgasser. Chips are from that scary one. It eats all, no problem with nails or other steel parts.
This is the wood to be crunched.

Old pallets. Instead of paying to get rid of it is shreddered and burned.

Sensor is still giving some trouble but I think the basics are ok.

And the internals. All not to complicated.

Adapting plans every minute :grinning:. Finally got somewhere.


It probably won’t dip that much. The embargo of russian oil by Europe, who imports 90% of their energy, is grabbing any extra production off the market. The best hope we have is automakers start kicking out EVs, but apparently there is a union issue with that.

The last time this started happening was around 2006, and we did end up in a recession. There is a ‘glitch’ in the oil market about every 15 years and it has contributed to all recessions going back to the 50s. Obama used ‘bail out’ money to attack the problem. because we literally had no technology that was cost effective to address it. The policy was only hoping we could relieve some of the pressure from this ‘glitch’, ie 4 dollars instead of 5-6 for gas because essentially we were starting from scratch. But even with the little bit we have done, the negotiating position has changed drastically.

Well new drainfield is in! Just need to level off the dirt
 ill let it setting for a week or two
 before frost stsrts to stick anyway.


Had to build a 40" bucket for the job. But dad said he has been wanting a bigger bucket.


Wow, you got to do that by yourselves? Awesome. Back when I was in Massachusetts you needed permission to wipe your ass and someone to supervise to make sure you did it correctly.


Yeah, our state requires soil samples, permits, licenses designs and inspections as well.


We went on a camping trip not too far from home :smile:

I showed this youngon how I could wrap my leg around my neck and stand on one leg . As you can see he picked it up real quick :smiley: