Life Goes on - Summer 2024

that is neat…:slight_smile:

Speaking of engines, I just read this article. basically one of the worlds foremost experts on electrostatics created an electrostatic propellantless rocket engine. They can’t think of physics explanation for why it actually works. “It’s going to take a physicist much smarter than me to come up with all of that,” Dr. Buhler quipped. “But the QED is there.”


I have been wery sceptical about chemtrails till today… official reasoning being that the plane is set to enhance some signal from a raly race or something… ok. Lets say l buy that. But man these look weird! If you look closely you can see the trail flows downwards, forming a strip or a curtain. Like its falling down. Man thats weird


Not really anything to be skeptical about K. They freely admit that they are using them supposedly for weather modification related to climate change.

They are not so open about why they are laced with Lithium, boron and a cocktail of other substances. Being a citizen of Woo land I am schooled but have no interest in debating with anyone.

I can’t wrap my head around that engine yet Don. All four strokes in one motion makes my pea brain boggle.


It isn’t surprising they are looking at aluminum oxide because it is a refractory, but i thought they use a silver compound to help try to get it to rain.

One main thing I remember about 9/11 was after they shut down all air traffic, how hot and bright it was, and how clear the skies were.


“But the QED is there.”

I have no question about QED, it’s the thrust that’s hard to believe. The author is a science fiction and fantasy writer, but you never know for sure.

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I really posted it because it shows that even really smart folks don’t always know what is going on. :slight_smile:

It has a believeable chance at working. In fact I believe it probably does work. ust not to the extent claimed. The standard physics model breaks at subatomic levels. Saying we don’t know it all is an understatement.

If it isn’t true, it certainly could be inspiring for the new generation of physicists.


Just thought I would give you guys another engine to listen to, unfortunately not on woodgas but still, an engine nonetheless :smile:

This is where one of the lean to arches will be, little bit of clearing first.

Also have to put another half-ring on the water connection / draining well I put in a few years ago so it sticks up a little more since this will be in one of the lean to’s

Imagine the turning circle on this… hint: it is measured in miles :smile:

Just a little glimpse of what is going on in this corner of the world in the evening sun but just a few degrees above freezing :blush:


Hey Tone

It is true that Driving on Wood wears tires out :grinning:


I gotta get new tires for dakota and trailer before trip to Kentucky


Just so my previous June-like pictures in April will have balance:

On our third day of cold February-like rain in April today; with another 2-3 to go. Feet of new snow now up in the mountains.
Grid Power went out. My Heomaito 3500 generator running quietly on propane out front.
The two blue Bilt Hard 2500’s wheelbarrowed down to the two closest of our neighbors.

Ha! And I just ordered in a third Bilt Hard 2500 early this morning before the power unexpectedly went out ever in case the third neighbor would need too.

“Am I, my Brothers keeper?” Only the good ones.
Steve unruh


You are a good neighbour Steve. I don’t know of many people that would buy a genny just in case of a neighbour needing one.
Grey weather here too, wet snow/rain falling occasionally. Kind of depressing weather now when body and mind are aching to get some sunshine but it makes for a great excuse to not do any outside work :grinning:
Many years ago since we had this kind of long normal spring in the sense of long term viewing, the new norm since a few decades back is winter, then exploding spring for less than a week and then warm summer.


I loaned a friend a chainsaw years ago. Ran out the gas I gave him for it and he refilled it with straight gas. “i don’t know why” he sez. “It just seized up”. Never occurred to me that he wouldn’t know about mix oil. In 2012 we had an 6 day power outage due to a 32 inch drop of heavy wet snow. Power company couldn’t get in to repair down lines. I thought I was pretty much prepared before that. Ran out of gas on about day three with my 390cc Generac. After that I got my ass in gear. Order a propane carb for the generator and joined DriveonWood. No idea why anyone would go through one outage and then not get their own solutions.


We had an ice storm a couple decades back in Massachusetts. Power was out for a week, but we had a generator and gas. All was good till the generator ate a valve when the valve keeper failed, luckily on the last day of the outage. Back then I only had the one generator, now like Steve I have a backup to the backup. Wife wants to get another. :slightly_smiling_face:


Providing little fuel sipping generators to the three adjacent neighbors is actually a practical thing.
Grid power out and I am for sure going to be visibly and still bit sound powering back up our place.
So . . . just jumping ahead of being asked.
As I said to me a practical consideration.

Feedback so far.
The one neighbor pair are older. Him now sorta’ house bound with COPD/emphasema. A big guy once bull-of-the-woods type. Said he used to maintain a diesel electric generator. So noise. A gallon of fuel an hour. $$$'s stink-smell. They now no longer have any owned diesel equipment.
He likes sports and auto shows on his satellite T.V.
So an 400-1800 watts from a 12-6 hours a gallon system is a new exprence for him.

The other neighbor pair are new-new here from just two months ago. A forties y.o. couple. She at home working remote by Internet/computer.
Him an independent plumbing contractor.
Same-same. Only familiar with noisy neighbors annoying gasoline fuel hog open frame 3600RPM scream-a-matics generators.
Not one that will just purr-along on their covered deck-porch.
Ha! They like us/me still had no Internet as we both use the telephone copper wire service. Also down.
Him and I talked about convincing out other-haves to set up for satellite internet instead now.
And he’s going to be now buying his own inverter-generator.

I’ll share out the generators as a practical neighborly courtesy with one tank-fill of gasoline. From there they are on their own for fuel. Lawn mower can of fuel. Suck syphon out one of their vehicles.
These little four-stroke unit will fuel on any decent gasoline. 87, 89, 91-3 octane. E-0 up through E-15. Will work just fine on 40/1; 50/1 mixed too if the was all that is on-hand.


I know you will cringe, but both GM and Ford electric trucks have options to directly power a home now from their battery packs. Most multi-day power outages, there is power available nearby by day 3 which should be driveable to.

It doesn’t mean you don’t want a woodgas generator. Just that a battery on wheels is pretty handy. :slight_smile:


Cringe would be about the right word Sean. Bad enough to have WiFi internet and a smart meter tacked to the house. I can pretty much shield those and my testicles have retired but I still don’t want them sitting on top of a giant battery. I have a EMF/RF meter that I check everything with and I wear a shungite necklace 24/7. Also I believe that DEW’s were used to wipe out Lahaina and the fire storms in CA. If I wasn’t too old to give a crap, I’d probably paint the roof of my house blue as well. :crazy_face:


It ia all really a matter of Expectations versus just What you can afford by your own efforts to do for yourself.

Grid Power is nice. Grid Power is expectations-exceeding. Just buy-in; sign-in; follow all of the rules and regulations and be cocooned rewarded.

My older sister Barbra gave way her deceased husband’s bought Yamaha 2000 1st generation inverter-generator. I had maintained this for her for the last three years. one-three pulls and away you go. 10-20 hours of reduced expectations power on a tank full. One five gallon can of gasoline would provide for 5X that. 100 hours. split-up accross as long as say 7-12 days.

She replaced it with an Amazon found: 100 watt PV solar battery “generator-station”. With a Grid-Power charging plug-in backup.
So at best maybe 16 hours of reduced expectation power initially. Then IF HAVING ACTUAL SOLAR days it will devolve down to 6 hour self-charging to have 2-4 hours of minimal lights and electronics and refrigerator cycling in the evenings.

SeanO’ no matter how big capacity your battery storage . . . it is just still storage.
Those woo-woo trucks will Grid-suck, to deep cycle recharge as much as what? 2-3 normal households use daily.
Those batterys-on-wheels could not independently do the long road trips guys have done with woodgased vehicles.

Scale is always cheaper as an average for delivery to tethered dependent usages.
Individual freedom is the abilty to slip off tethered; please-please delivered to me expectations.
Reducing down your expectations to what you, yourself can deliver.

So yeah. Here is me blowing big wet raspberries on “They-must”, “you-must” pull-backs from independent freedoms building and developing. Head-gamers; gaming. Brainiacs, yakking.

Not a word one in the news about our ~150 square miles of Grid-out event yesterday. Not on any of the public accessible outage tracking sites. Not on any of the news broadcasts.
So to the rest od the world - it just did not happen. This is happening now more and more in the past 18 months-2 years. Washington State. Rural areas back far east U.S.
Someone . . . someones; decided to take down another regional Grid power transfer-distribution station.
The officials keeping mum to fool the rest of the matrix-herd that there is nothing of concern to worry about. You herd buffalo just keep grazing along. Keeping dumb and fat. Be happy.

Yeah. Don’t worry. Do be aware. Do be uncomfortable now practicing for providing for yourself. Prepare.
It will be a long cold time from Nov 8th 2024; until the true Spring warming, light and growing in 2025.
Prepare for 3-6 months of Grid taken down. Three months gasoline for my reduced needs expressions power now at any given time shown in this picture

30+20+10+10+15= 85 gallons of gasoline at any given time. These all do run too. Three 3IP batteries to be banked in this picture too.
With the new dual fuel inverter generator with 20 and 30 pound LPG bottles I can get the other following up three months handily to get out of the cloudy overcast winter-wet time into wood drying time; fresh greens growing time.
Steve unruh


I can’t afford to buy a big tank so I pay a little extra for them to bring me propane and fill up their owned tank. I had two five hundred gallon tanks when I first built this house but after about about 10 years of increasingly diminished need they pulled those tanks and let me have a 250 gallon tank, so maybe 200 or so gallons when filled. If I could get bigger tanks I have them filled to the brim as well. I meant to mention that the other day I took out my 2000 watt Wen inverter and my 4500 watt Duromax just to make sure they were in running condition and to run some gas through the carbs. I had them sitting behind the house and both running at the same time and my wife came home from shopping, parking maybe 40 feet from where they were shielded by the back of the house and a six foot high solid metal fence and didn’t notice them running. We are about a quarter mile as the crow flies from the nearest dwelling and in the woods so I was feeling pretty good about our stealth capabilities.


I can’t remember the last time I saw a mosquito around the house .

I think I owe the little birds for that :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe. bats and dragonflies also eat a lot of those little buggers.