Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Here its a proverb that whereever there are swalows, good people live. Mr Wayne has a lot of swalows, l can confirm.

I just saw the first pair on Fryday. They leave each fall and return each spring. Do they also do that there Wayne?


Yes Kristijan the same here .

Any bug in the air belongs to the little birds . Any bug on the ground belongs to the chickens :slightly_smiling_face:


Not very much time for woodgas work around here, first of May it’s time for a traditional country fair where i live.
I contribute to the old engine show, this year we going to show my old wood chunker, talk about having fun and make fuel at the same time :smiley:

Doing some maintenance on my hot-bulb engine, it’s going to power the chunker for the first time.

Moving some stuff to the “vintage engine space”

A pity i haven’t get the fergie ready for wood yet

I also got some time to repair my “old-time fencing” around my garden, some pieces was rotten, and some looked like some idiot had run them over with a small, tracked vehicle


I think you are having too much fun Goran. I’m pretty sure there’s a law against that.


Som law’s are meant to break Tom :smiley:
Im pretty sure politicians just waits for a good reason to make a law against people having fun


Finally spring is here, almost summer, everything gets green as fast you can almost hear it.

Coffee in the sun, dog playing and duck is angry.


Your climate seems pretty similar to ours Goran. Rain the last few days and suddenly green and a few types of trees getting leaves. And we are moderated by the lakes. Inland 50 miles is colder. I am at the 45th degree of latitude and you are at least 15 degrees farther north. I went to estimate a job once and the guy wasn’t home but he had a big goose in his fenced yard. Would not let me anywhere near the place. I think I’d rather deal with a mad german shepard.


The eldest son made himself a bicycle with a 4-stroke gasoline engine. Today he drove it to work for the first time and successfully returned home on it. 25 km of the way.

The youngest son completed the construction of a smokehouse last year. We recently dismantled a goat. Now he has his own small smoked sausage production.


Last of April again and traditionally we celebrate the coming of spring this evening every year with bonfires made of unchopped gasifier fuel and fireworks, meeting lots of people and enjoying ourselves.
We went to a local spot by the river and I made some pics for you guys.
I did not see any gasified vehicles there.

EDIT: Apparantly it is called Walpurgis night in english


Getting stuff ready for tomorrows show, hope the belts stays on the pulleys :smiley:

Gasifier fuel factory, powered by Bolinders 10hp

Krimo hot-bulb engine. Im envious :star_struck:


Wood-fueled vehicles to show what the small wood-chunk’s are made for.

This evening relaxing, visiting a Mayfire.

Happy Valborgsmass everyone! :smiley:


I would love to visit the show but I unfortunately live a bit too far away to just pop by.


This year wife is holding the camera, so there will atleast be something on youtube.
Otherwise it’s mostly a regular country fair, where people buy roasted almonds, socks of inferior quality, and overprized dishcloths.


I feel like I’m unsynchronized with everyone else on this forum. :wink: I am glad to see the celebrations of spring, but down here we just got the first snow of the year. Usually we only get two snowstorms of any consequence each winter. This one doesn’t count, it was just a dusting, but it portends of what is to come. Of course our winters are nothing compared to those in northern Europe and the States so I can’t feel too bad. Mostly, I just miss the sun.


Your son is a craftsman already Marat. That is a very nice build and I have never seen a bike powered like that on the front wheel. Tell him some American says excellent job. I laughed about disassembling a goat. Sounds so much better than butchering one.


Goran, I have always thought that the Hit and Miss engine community would be good to convert to woodgassers. A lot of them live in rural settings which have plenty of fuel. Here in the States, they are fairly big spenders. They travel a long way to shows with their engines and are not afraid to plunk down some serious money for a new engine to add to their collection. Most of them are pretty mechanical also which would help the transition to woodgas. Hope that you enjoy your show.


Every time a goat loses its life after my knife, I feel like I can’t fix it again and bring this life back. But I try to treat the sadness of loss with the joy of memories when I met this animal as a newborn. The balance of the Energy of Destruction and the Energy of Creation, I think, should be kept inside each person (аlthough this is very difficult to do!). It’s like having to take steps with your right foot, so don’t forget to take them with your left foot. In order to be able to go straight to the goal, and not spin around in place, relying only on the Right leg, believing that only it creates movement and gives life.

Without this philosophy, I would not have been able to become a goat breeder. They breed very quickly, and neither I nor anyone else would have the strength and resources to keep an endless number of goats.


Well said your Life balance philosophy Marat.

Even if a person avoids the meat-eaters dilemma.
There is always loved raised pet companions:

Last week our 11 year old beautiful Red Doberman dog Emma-Lou lost her one year battle with cancers.
She stopped eating for 36 hours so no more oral antibiotics. No more oral pain pills. No more oral anti-fear pills than possible.
Our first here at this new place. Soft ground in sight of the house. There will be more final rested here.
2023 was a much more difficult year for me helping out my Sister with first one by one her two old, old cats. And later then an extremely in-pain, worn-out, orthopedic old red Labrador dog.
I held his head in the vet’s office and talked soothing to him deep voice as my B-I-L would have as the three infusions were administered.
And for me that’s even harder still - I did not have his puppy memories to balance. And no final resting place to dig, reverently place, fill and tamp down to work off my angst. Damn hard on me. I love my Sister. What I could do for her.

Best regards
Steve Unruh


St Walpurga lived in the 8th century while originally from the UK, moved to Germany at a young age. She spread christianity as she helped people with whooping cough and a few other diseases. In the Germanic countries, the day of her canonization became Walpurgis Night. It is also the day they moved her remains to Bavaria.
The older scandanavian tradition, as it was also celebrated as Majblot, in celebration of like Freyr.

Also the older tradition of Beltane, which is a major Celtic holiday is celebrated on the same day. The God Belenus, (fire, bright, shiny one), was a major deity.

The romans also had a may 1st festival as their god Apollo was similar to Belenus, but I think they stole Apollo from the Greeks (who most likely stole the concept from somewhere else since that was very typical of the Greeks, and in fact most civilizations. For whatever reason I find the ‘whitewashing’ of history fascinating).


Very sorry to hear that Steve. Seems to be a season of 4 legged family passing lately, iv heard of about 6 now, lot of friends mourning the losses right now


Thank you Paul.
I think you’re right about the hit n miss comunity, but the problem i see is woodgas is’nt enough “vintage” on your side of the pond, as there was no woodgas era, long time ago, but for the technically interested there should be a nice project to build a “old-looking” gasifier, powering a “real” gas-engine (city-gas)?
Around here many people have heard their older relatives talking about woodgas, and somewhat understand it.
(It’s just a problem to explain It’s nothing like a steam engine, and that It’s a technology that still works :smiley:)