Life goes on - Winter 2020


Just wanted picture of flame from pipe . By time i got camera it was doing this .
There was smoke coming from pipe before I got fire started .


Here’s a winter pic, icefishing yesterday…


Hi All,
I am wood-lost crying today.
Across the county road on our former dairy fields land the newest young guy owner is pulling

down the trees limbs and burning them.
His trees now. His limbs. I think he is stuck at home in quarantine. Another couple the other side of us the same household quarantteen from her caught Covid being a dispensing Pharmacy Tech.
Limb’er guy and his new wife from last March are stuck on their house building. The dirt piles with eco barriers around the foundation excavation. She is pregnant expecting soon. And they are travel trailer camping out.

Bad picture off the computers camera so these trees do not look their true 150 feet tall. The limbs 4-6" (100-150mm) thick. The very best DF wood we have. Winter snows brought down it was always a family race to see who could harvest the excellent wind-falls.

Why not ask him to store for me for next years firewood? No. No. Against local ethic to ask.
Offer to pay maybe, and have him bring to my side of the road . . . m-a-y-b-e. Nope. A busy road now. And a metal tracked hoe machine he is using. Would mark up the asphalt.
So I loss cry. At least 1-2 cords of limb woods up in smoke.
With a bought registered burning permit he is legal now. in the rainy season. Not air inversion shut down.
Later after sitting drying, and much less smoke burning he would be illegal burning as too close to all-wood-fires shut down season.

Convincing others of the beauty of wood-for-power can be so disheartening in a time of still available affordable Dino.
A problem we all here fight.


flotsam, jetsam, lagan, and derelict

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Where is the unlike button that is alot of good heat going up in smoke. Sad.


I heard gm was going all electric in three years, though i dought it was heard properly.

Only cadillac will be all electric in 3 years. GM has offered a buyout for any dealership which doesn’t want to make the investment to switch over I think it is about 150 dealer who are taking the buyout.
I guess it makes since to start at the high end where the profit margin is best but EV doesn’t seem a good match for the target market of cadillac. They just don’t seem the crowd for high tech all electric cars. I say that knowing people who own cadillacs.
Anyway I hope it works out for them.


Garry that photo reminds me of the really old Russian cars that had a door in the floor so you could park on the lake and go ice fishing without ever leaving the car.


Ok thanks dan, All electric catilacs in three years, hope it pans out for gm too. My dad retired from pontiac motors.

By User:Staecker - Own work, Public Domain

My dead wood is not going to put itself into boiler . Seen a lot of trees just burnt in pile in field . The usual thing when windrow is removed . Have neighbor who has several years of firewood in his yard

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No door in the bottom, yet, but don’t go putting ideas in my head. Good old Japanese tech there, one of the very first SUVs. As my kids like to say, Super Useful Vehicle, as opposed to the current Super Useless Vehicles… :wink:

I should have taken a pic of the fellow right next who has a ~2000 Tracker with an extra idler axle on the back, with snowmobile tracks around the tires, and shortened tracks around the front tires. That definitely has the Russian get er done ethos…


I’m gonna have to go to the pharmacy and get some meds. The DOW has been so active with so much new information and idea sharing my head hurts. What a great problem to have. I think I need an Argos.


@Vitaliy I borrowed this pic from your Facebook. I hope that’s ok.

Americans, this is how we try to learn how to drive auto trans on this side of the pond :smile:!/photo.php?fbid=534741397325270&id=100023682429753&set=gm.2745201205513309&source=48&ft=mf_story_key.2429410530511195%3Atop_level_post_id.2429410530511195%3Atl_objid.2429410530511195%3Acontent_ow


Found this truck for sale . I was thinking I could build a drive on wood vehicle that can also fast charge an electric car and sell New York style hot dogs .


Haha l just got flashbacks from our US trip JO :smile: man that litle car was a peace of junk. What was it? Ford? Had a mind of its own when it came to shifting. I dont mind woodgasing anything but driveing that thing even on petrol was a challange.


Well the good news is with that long a truck you can bring enough wood chips with you to keep it fed. I think it will be a hungry machine given what I remember of trucks that size when we had a few of them on the farm.


That’s hilarious, I am constantly looking for the clutch pedal on my auto trans vehicles.


I don’t believe it was a Ford I think it was a Chevy. As I recall you cussed that thing every time we stopped on that trip. You were talking about gasifying it, and Jo corrected you saying that a car had to have an engine to run on woodgas. :joy::joy::joy:


Thank you for clarifying, If it was that bad it couldn’t be a Ford.:smiley:It had to be a chevy.:stuck_out_tongue:


I dont know sounds like he found an old pinto to me.